Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive

You sorry one worked in Lebabon 1982-1984 as a weak observer attached to the UN so called mission...this does not qualify as experience...a Pollywog out of water maybe...I would not in my dreams try to debate you on shipboard I was Army(Ground Pounder) up close and please don't try to snow the room about your so called two years attached to the UN as a observer...this was Lebanon...a Christian led government and dealing with the idiots of Hamas albeit they are supprted by Iran...which you run from on this angle...take a shower and two asprin and see the Doc in the in Morning Star"

YOu don't have a clue about my service and you don't really know what the fuck you are talking about regarding Lebanon or the middle east. I was assigned to observer group lebanon(OGL) as an observer from January-July 1981. I was assigned as a duty officer in the UN Liaison Office Beirut(ILMAC-ULLOB) from July-December 1981. I then returned to OGL as the chief crisis mediator stationed in Tyre from December '81 until my departure in late August 82.

Re: your flights of fantasy regarding Lebanon.... it was not led by Christians in 81-82. The "christian" government was not fighting Hamas at that time given the fact that Hamas didn't exist then..... and Hamas is a sunni arab palestinian organization with ZERO ties to Iran.

YOu really should slink away while you still have some semblance of dignity left....ooops...too late.
You sorry one worked in Lebabon 1982-1984 as a weak observer attached to the UN so called mission...this does not qualify as experience...a Pollywog out of water maybe...I would not in my dreams try to debate you on shipboard I was Army(Ground Pounder) up close and please don't try to snow the room about your so called two years attached to the UN as a observer...this was Lebanon...a Christian led government and dealing with the idiots of Hamas albeit they are supprted by Iran...which you run from on this angle...take a shower and two asprin and see the Doc in the in Morning Star"

with the idiots of Hamas albeit they are supprted by Iran..

Uhhh....Mr. Terrorism Expert? I would have thought in your illustrious ten year "career" in counter intelligence, you would have learned that HAMAS is a sunni palestinain organization, with no significant ties to shia iran. Hamas operates on the west bank and in Gaza primarily - not to any great extent in Lebanon.

You were probably thinking of the Lebanese Shia group - Hezbollah, fighting the Lebanese Christians. .

What on earth did they teach you, in your "career" in counter-intelligence? I appear to know more than you, and I've never been a professional intelligence officer!
Do I feel sorry for your wife....married to a closet Commander who belittles her at every turn...sorry idiot Commander...where did I say that the Taliban and Usama were not Sunnis as well as a matter of fact I said Usama scolded the Shiite as well as the mixed alQaeda (Sunni&Shiites) and Taliban for the beheadings and attacks on their own people...sorry but the fact still remains that IRAN and Sadr are a Theocracy in Iraq...

Originally Posted by Cypress
FACT: Anyone with ten years experience in "counter intelligence" knows that sunni extremists - Taliban, Al Qaeda, Wahhabists, Palestinian militants - have been responsible for most of the terrorisms, bombings, and car bombings for the last decade.

YOu don't know what the fuck your talking about BB. People may have bought your invented online persona on FreeRepublic, but not here.

"My personna on who I am...not attached to any other web site...gimmee a break Lt...wannabbe the Taliban thats rich...they were and still are a Theocracy form of is Iran...and for your info 'stupid cupid' even Bin Laden told em' to back off the beheadings and such...but I suppose this was missed by you and the Commander!"

you were the one who first claimed that it was the shiites who were the extremists..... cypress corrected you (above) and you belittled him here.

No one is doubting that Sadr is aligned with Iran.... no one is suggesting that Sadr would love to form a theocracy in Iraq that was modeled on Iran.... we were just pointing out that you are an idiot... who doesn't know the players or the game..... your experiences in the jungles of Vietnam are as relevant to this conflict as my father's at Normandy.
word-whipping this buffoon who calls himself battleweary is like shooting fish in a barrel.

It bores me.

My personna on who I am...not attached to any other web site...gimmee a break Lt...wannabbe the Taliban thats rich...they were and still are a Theocracy form of is Iran...and for your info 'stupid cupid' even Bin Laden told em' to back off the beheadings and such...but I suppose this was missed by you and the Commander!

Uhhh...again, Mr. Terrorism expert: anyone with allegedly "ten years experience in counter-intelligence" knows that the extremist sunnis (e.g., Taliban) and extremist shia (Iranian Mullahs) hate each other. Iran was extremely glad to see the taliban be defeated, and considered the Taliban a regional enemy to iran.

What the fuck did they teach you in your long "career" in U.S. counter-terrorism intelligence????

word-whipping this buffoon who calls himself battleweary is like shooting fish in a barrel.

It bores me.


you and cypress are so full of yourselfs...I threw out 'Hamas' only to see if ya were was 'Hezbollah' who has links to Iran...and they have been in Lebanon even when the great warrior Commander was there...or so he says...also sorry about the 82-84 comment...just checking as you mentioned these dates during your Lebanon deployment!...ever hear of the term..."Eye of the Tiger" probably not as you were just a observer(In drag!)
you and cypress are so full of yourselfs...I threw out 'Hamas' only to see if ya were was 'Hezbollah' who has links to Iran...and they have been in Lebanon even when the great warrior Commander was there...or so he says...also sorry about the 82-84 comment...just checking as you mentioned these dates during your Lebanon deployment!...ever hear of the term..."Eye of the Tiger" probably not as you were just a observer(In drag!)

"I threw out 'Hamas' only to see if ya were awake."


What a liar you are. I now think you lied about nearly everything you claim you've done: from a ten year "career" in counter-intelligence, to all the other shit you claim.

You're a liar with an invented online persona. But, then lying comes naturally to Bush fans.

Honesty: try it, you'll like it.
minnieman needs to get his wife a book like "The Truth about Mohamud" by Robert Spencer, or some of the other books that tell the truth about islam. Islam for dummies is just a paint the islamist in a rosie color book. Or She can go to or to learn a lot more about islam and its real goals. Other sites like Anti-mullah and IntheBullpen/iranwatch are good too.

But I can't expect someone like minnieman to read stuff like that cause its all truth about islam and he has never been able to handle the truth.
Okay numbnuts...

"I threw out 'Hamas' only to see if ya were awake."


What a liar you are. I now think you lied about nearly everything you claim you've done: from a ten year "career" in counter-intelligence, to all the other shit you claim.

You're a liar with an invented online persona. But, then lying comes naturally to Bush fans.

Ya called me I will say this to you...another idiot on another board called me a phoney also...he is the Admin on this other board...well to make a long story short...this admin was fired from his DOD job after calling me out...ask damo...he knows all about careful of what you wish for ya just may get it!;)

Honesty: try it, you'll like it.

Being that all I have claimed is true...ya bet your boots honesty is the best policy!

minnieman needs to get his wife a book like "The Truth about Mohamud" by Robert Spencer, or some of the other books that tell the truth about islam. Islam for dummies is just a paint the islamist in a rosie color book. Or She can go to or to learn a lot more about islam and its real goals. Other sites like Anti-mullah and IntheBullpen/iranwatch are good too.

But I can't expect someone like minnieman to read stuff like that cause its all truth about islam and he has never been able to handle the truth.

Maineman is a wannabee peanut farmer...he loves Jimmy the Commie...and the "Village People"!
you and cypress are so full of yourselfs...I threw out 'Hamas' only to see if ya were was 'Hezbollah' who has links to Iran...and they have been in Lebanon even when the great warrior Commander was there...or so he says...also sorry about the 82-84 comment...just checking as you mentioned these dates during your Lebanon deployment!...ever hear of the term..."Eye of the Tiger" probably not as you were just a observer(In drag!)

I must admit that I am a bit disappointed by that display of the absence of your ethics. that tap dancing about Hamas is pretty pathetic.

Hezbollah did not even begin to come into being until after the 1982 war....and were not a force of any significance whatsoever during my stay there. While I was in Lebanon, the shiite group with all the clout was Amal and their leader in the south was a guy named Daoud Daoud who I had the pleasure of dining with on many occasions....he died in the aftermath of the Colonel Higgins did Amal, really.

Look really don't know a heck of a lot about this area of the world...and I do. You would do well to pick some other battle with me. I am kicking your ass pretty regularly on this middle eastern subject.
Being that all I have claimed is true...ya bet your boots honesty is the best policy!

you claimed that Hezbollah was in Lebanon when I was there and they were not.... you claimed that Hamas was in Lebanon when it was not and then attempted to slither away from that lie by claiming you were "testing us". HA.... everytime you get caught in a lie, you find some dishonorable unethical wiggling way to avoid taking responsibility for it..... you are a joke.
minnieman needs to get his wife a book like "The Truth about Mohamud" by Robert Spencer, or some of the other books that tell the truth about islam. Islam for dummies is just a paint the islamist in a rosie color book. Or She can go to or to learn a lot more about islam and its real goals. Other sites like Anti-mullah and IntheBullpen/iranwatch are good too.

But I can't expect someone like minnieman to read stuff like that cause its all truth about islam and he has never been able to handle the truth.

Gaffer.... answer me a question or two:

have you ever lived in an islamic culture?

have you ever interacted with muslims where you were in the distinct minority and they were in the predominate majority?

have you ever witnessed muslims in their everyday lives in cultures where they are the residents and not the visitors?

I must admit that I am a bit disappointed by that display of the absence of your ethics. that tap dancing about Hamas is pretty pathetic.

Hezbollah did not even begin to come into being until after the 1982 war....and were not a force of any significance whatsoever during my stay there. While I was in Lebanon, the shiite group with all the clout was Amal and their leader in the south was a guy named Daoud Daoud who I had the pleasure of dining with on many occasions....he died in the aftermath of the Colonel Higgins did Amal, really.

Look really don't know a heck of a lot about this area of the world...and I do. You would do well to pick some other battle with me. I am kicking your ass pretty regularly on this middle eastern subject.

in your dreams Commander....I cannot help but laugh at your arrogance...but keep on a keepn' on reading the book y'all gave the wife...alot of what you have said is found in this book...I would suggest a glass of wine and some cheese to shre with the wife while reading the text though...fiction is fun to read!
Ya called me I will say this to you...another idiot on another board called me a phoney also...he is the Admin on this other board...well to make a long story short...this admin was fired from his DOD job after calling me out...ask damo...he knows all about careful of what you wish for ya just may get it!

Being that all I have claimed is true...ya bet your boots honesty is the best policy!

Yo! BB, please, no threats. Rule 11 is pretty clear on that one. Flaming is fine, threats are not... Let's keep this one civil nobody has threatened your livelihood here...
BB: "Ya called me I will say this to you...another idiot on another board called me a phoney also...he is the Admin on this other board...well to make a long story short...this admin was fired from his DOD job after calling me out...ask damo...he knows all about careful of what you wish for ya just may get it!

Being that all I have claimed is true...ya bet your boots honesty is the best policy!

Which is more believable:

1) That you were so misinformed, that you thougt Hamas was a lebanese proxy of Iran in the Lebanese civil war? (Which is quite literally impossible, since Hamas is a Palestinian group in the West bank, formed in the late 1980s....)


2) That you simple threw out the word "Hamas", in relation to the Lebanese civil war to "see if we were awake"?

We report, you decide whose being dishonest.

As for issuing threats, I suggest you review the board rules.
Shit howdy....

Yep which is why his wife will never get to read the truth about islam. I'm sure he controls everything she sees and hears.

He even controls everything he himself reads and hears...he is Genghas Ghan and Little Richard rolled into one personna!
you claimed that Hezbollah was in Lebanon when I was there and they were not.... you claimed that Hamas was in Lebanon when it was not and then attempted to slither away from that lie by claiming you were "testing us". HA.... everytime you get caught in a lie, you find some dishonorable unethical wiggling way to avoid taking responsibility for it..... you are a joke.

you claimed that Hamas was in Lebanon when it was not and then attempted to slither away from that lie by claiming you were "testing us". HA....

It reminds me of that time that Dixie showed that he didn't even know what the "Green Zone" in Iraq was, and when it was shown to him that it was merely a four-square mile section in downtown baghdad, Dixie claimed he was just trying to "test" us.
Excuse me....

BB: "Ya called me I will say this to you...another idiot on another board called me a phoney also...he is the Admin on this other board...well to make a long story short...this admin was fired from his DOD job after calling me out...ask damo...he knows all about careful of what you wish for ya just may get it!

Being that all I have claimed is true...ya bet your boots honesty is the best policy!

Which is more believable:

1) That you were so misinformed, that you thougt Hamas was a lebanese proxy of Iran in the Lebanese civil war? (Which is quite literally impossible, since Hamas is a Palestinian group in the West bank, formed in the late 1980s....)


2) That you simple threw out the word "Hamas", in relation to the Lebanese civil war to "see if we were awake"?

We report, you decide whose being dishonest.

As for issuing threats, I suggest you review the board rules.

If you go back and read my comments on many previous post about Hezbollah et al...I think this will clear your mind...and as for threats...I made no threat to you...just explained your arrogance was getting you in trouble and used another person as a example!