Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive

If you go back and read my comments on many previous post about Hezbollah et al...I think this will clear your mind...and as for threats...I made no threat to you...just explained your arrogance was getting you in trouble and used another person as a example!

BB: so I will say this to you...another idiot on another board called me a phoney also...he is the Admin on this other board...well to make a long story short...this admin was fired from his DOD job after calling me out...ask damo...he knows all about careful of what you wish for ya just may get it!
in your dreams Commander....I cannot help but laugh at your arrogance...but keep on a keepn' on reading the book y'all gave the wife...alot of what you have said is found in this book...I would suggest a glass of wine and some cheese to shre with the wife while reading the text though...fiction is fun to read!

I have never even opened that book, by the way. YOu have been proven dead wrong about the militancy of sunnis, the presence of hamas in lebanon, the timing of hezbollah's arrival in Lebanon, the make up of the lebanese government.... actually, just about everything you have ever said about me or lebanon has been factually in error...and when confronted with it, you show the ethics of a swine and act as if you hadn't erred.... truly pathetic.
Yep which is why his wife will never get to read the truth about islam. I'm sure he controls everything she sees and hears.
I called my wife in from the other room to read that....she is stll laughing so hard tears are coming to her eyes!

I am sure that you really don't know much about me or Islam or the middle east..... except what you have read in a book or two.

Yo! BB, please, no threats. Rule 11 is pretty clear on that one. Flaming is fine, threats are not... Let's keep this one civil nobody has threatened your livelihood here...

c'mon damo...I did not make a threat...however the two bimbos did call me out and call me a "LIAR" I just answered them with a example...just doing my job is not a threat...I cannot post my ID Number nor would I want to to prove their lies about y'all be the judge as to what a threat really is!:tongout:
you did lie....

you claimed that I was in Lebanon when I wasn't...
you claimed that Hezbollah was in Lebanon when it wasn't
you claimed Hamas was in Lebanon and it never has been.
you claimed to understand the role of UN Military observers and you don't
you claimed that shiites made up the bulk of islamic extremists when the don't

Now.... if these are not lies, per se, they are statements made out of ignorance...which you vehemently deny.

I say: take your pick....moron or liar..... it's gotta be one or the other.
For your info, I would be perfectly happy to drop the liar moniker and go with moron.... it does seem to fit better.
Gaffer.... answer me a question or two:

have you ever lived in an islamic culture?

have you ever interacted with muslims where you were in the distinct minority and they were in the predominate majority?

have you ever witnessed muslims in their everyday lives in cultures where they are the residents and not the visitors?

still waiting
How is it possible for a "counter terrorism expert" with a long career in "intelligence", to NOT know that Hamas is NOT a Lebanese group, Hamas was NOT an Iranian proxy in the Lebanese civil war, and that SUNNI militants have been responsible for most of the brutal acts of terror in recent history: from Israel and the west bank, to 9/11, to Iraq, to europe.

What say you BB? I'm not buying the line that you put out all this false information to "see if we were awake".

Can you explain why, with your illustrious background in counter-terrorism, you simply didn't know many of the basic facts that a first year counter terrorism intelligence recruit is taught?

you did lie....

you claimed that I was in Lebanon when I wasn't...
you claimed that Hezbollah was in Lebanon when it wasn't
you claimed Hamas was in Lebanon and it never has been.
you claimed to understand the role of UN Military observers and you don't
you claimed that shiites made up the bulk of islamic extremists when the don't

Now.... if these are not lies, per se, they are statements made out of ignorance...which you vehemently deny.

I say: take your pick....moron or liar..... it's gotta be one or the other.

You are the one who said he was in Lebanon 81-82 and made reference to 82-84 in other for the rest of this diatribe you even admitted that Hamas and Hezbollah were in Lebanon...but said in your opinion not 'big players'...and sorry I am familiar with NATO as well as the UN as per their operations...neither is worth their salt in my for the Shiite comments...sorry but they always have been big players in terrorism...received DOD training 1981-82 as well as a CIA anti-terrorism seminar and they were the ones who trained me...not the UN or NATO..So if I am lieing blame them...;)

How is it possible for a "counter terrorism expert" with a long career in "intelligence", to NOT know that Hamas is NOT a Lebanese group, Hamas was NOT an Iranian proxy in the Lebanese civil war, and that SUNNI militants have been responsible for most of the brutal acts of terror in recent history: from Israel and the west bank, to 9/11, to Iraq, to europe.

What say you BB? I'm not buying the line that you put out all this false information to "see if we were awake".

Can you explain why, with your illustrious background in counter-terrorism, you simply didn't know many of the basic facts that a first year counter terrorism intelligence recruit is taught?

are you now saying you are a 'First Year' recruit?:rolleyes:
I said I was in Lebanon 81-82...NEVER said a word about 82-84.... that's a lie
I have never said Hamas was in Lebanon....because they are not... they are pretty much contained in the West Bank and moreso Gaza.... Hezbollah was not in Lebanon when I was there and you said they were.... another lie...

your comments about shiites and your dismissal of cypress's correct comments were in error...and you refuse to acknowledge that error.

NATO has NEVER been involved in the middle east ..what the fuck do THEY have to do with ANYTHING under discussion here?

I know what the CIA was telling ME about terrorism in the middle east in '81 and they were definitely not suggesting in any way that it was confined to shiites..... in fact... the sunnis were much bigger players then AND now then shiites ever were. With the exception of Hezbollah... all the major terrorist paramilitary groups operating in more than one middle eastern country are sunnis. I don't blame the CIA...I blame you for thinking that the little you know about the subject is sufficient to hold your own against me in an argument about this subject.

If you wanna wax eloquent about squad tactics in the Mekong Delta....the floor is all yours...but when you try to tell me about the middle east - which was my area of study while in school, which I learned a great deal about first hand in two years in country and which I continue to read about and follow with intense interest to this day - when you do that, you step in over your head. That's a fact.
BB they love to nitpick the small unimportant shit while ignoring the real issues. That's why I ignore them. Only time I see what they have posted is when someone quotes them. And its always the irrelivent garbage. They are pathetic garbage trying to feed their limited egos.

BB they love to nitpick the small unimportant shit while ignoring the real issues. That's why I ignore them. Only time I see what they have posted is when someone quotes them. And its always the irrelivent garbage. They are pathetic garbage trying to feed their limited egos.

I know...they do get off if ya make a mistake on a date...even if it actually applies to the conversation...twist and shout is their motto...they spin everything one says...then call you a liar and moron and idiot...maineman claims he did not read the book he gave his wife...yet all his comments came directly from the Book...oh Mr.Warrior elite from the 1981-1982 UN campaign...he even had lunch dates with the terrorist leaders...what a guy!;)
All the comments I made came directly from a book? really? Can you back that up? I have not read that book. MY wife has. Have you? If you have, why are you so stupid about the differences between sunnis and shiites and the various groups that are made up of them? and if you have NOT, how can you even begin to suggest that you know the source of my comments on Islam?

Daoud Daoud was a very powerful man.... he was the leader of Amal in the south and really #2 overall behind Nabih Berri.... when I was in Tyre, I had lunch with him at least once a week...just like I did with the PLO Colonel assigned to patrol the refuge camps at Raschidiye... as well as the fat fijian colonel who had the UNIFIL battalion headquatered in Qana. It was part of my job.
and I certainly want to talk substance here.... at issue is the fact that Iraq is rapidly dissolving into an incredibly bloody civil war. The violence is escalating despite all our efforts to quell it. What should we do? What is our mission and what strategic, informed best interest of the United States does that mission further? Can our original mission perhaps been overtaken by events to the point where it is no longer valid or no longer continues to serve our informed best interests? These are legitimate questions that we ought to be debating here.... instead, we have folks who don't know very much about the subject acting as if they do and continuing to press the "stay the course" mantra and its corollaries that would have all those who disagree be castigated as cowards and traitors. That is not debating the issue... that is throwing up false bravado and attempting to smear your opponents as a ruse to avoid discussing the difficult issues that you either do not understand enough to discuss intelligently or are afraid to face for fear of losing face...or both.
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All the comments I made came directly from a book? really? Can you back that up? I have not read that book. MY wife has. Have you? If you have, why are you so stupid about the differences between sunnis and shiites and the various groups that are made up of them? and if you have NOT, how can you even begin to suggest that you know the source of my comments on Islam?

Daoud Daoud was a very powerful man.... he was the leader of Amal in the south and really #2 overall behind Nabih Berri.... when I was in Tyre, I had lunch with him at least once a week...just like I did with the PLO Colonel assigned to patrol the refuge camps at Raschidiye... as well as the fat fijian colonel who had the UNIFIL battalion headquatered in Qana. It was part of my job.
I read the Islam for Dummies. Also, the Looming Towers, The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Islam (and the Crusades), and America Alone.

While finding some crossover between what MM wrote, that would be true if one read the newspapers carefully too.

As for your comment on needing to rethink what is going on, I concur. For the most part, I think we cannot 'cut and run.' I doubt Iran and Syria are going to 'help' us either. At this juncture, seems we need to use our military for security-stop with the 'construction' projects, there are only being undone anyways.

If we need more troops, let's get them, while making very sure that the Iraqi government realizes we must take out Sadr and gain security for the people. We've proven to be the 'weak horse' once again and are going to have to stop sounding and acting so 'unsure.'
We need to level sadr city once and for all, then maybe the iraqi's can take full control. we also need to beef up along the borders with iran and syria and stop the flow of supplies. Without those supplies the fighting will come to an end because they don't have anything to fight with.

I don't care what my job is I would not have lunch with terrorists. But then unifil was just there to keep the Israelis bottled up while the islamist built up their forces and syria took control of lebanon.

unifil is back, and they will sit and observe as the islamists build up again and launch their next attack.
It just illustrates how bankrupt you and your kind are when it comes to absorbing facts.

I PROOVE you clueless to the facts and you ramble on for hours after Im gone still unable to overcome the reality that you have NO idea what is happening in Iraq and what the facts are.

Instead you act like 12 year olds calling people various names for homosexuals.

Jesus Rs are stupid.