Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive

"Hezbollah began to take shape during the 1982 Lebanon War; on February 16, 1985 Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin publicly declared the group's manifesto, which included three goals: the eradication of Western imperialism in Lebanon, the transformation of Lebanon's multi-confessional state into an Islamic state, and the complete destruction of the state of Israel."

from the basic wikipedia article
now...rather than just post links to articles only to realize that they contain passages which refute what you are trying to say....why not find me some text, somewhere, from someone who knows their ass from a hole in the ground, that would show the birth of Hezbollah in Lebanon to have occured "in the 70's" as YOU suggest, and NOT in 1982 as I suggest. OK?

I'll wait.

"Hezbollah began to take shape during the 1982 Lebanon War; on February 16, 1985 Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin publicly declared the group's manifesto, which included three goals: the eradication of Western imperialism in Lebanon, the transformation of Lebanon's multi-confessional state into an Islamic state, and the complete destruction of the state of Israel."

from the basic wikipedia article

Struggling and grasping for straws is so Un-becomming a Officer...the articles were very clear on when Hezbollah and Hamas took roots...nice try go have a beer with cypress...and enjoy crying in your beer!;)

Main article: History of Hezbollah

[edit] Background
See also: Israel-Lebanon conflict
Israel had become militarily involved in Lebanon in combat with the Palestine Liberation Organization who moved into Southern Lebanon after being ousted from Jordan. The PLO was attacking Israel from Southern Lebanon in the lead up to the 1982 Lebanon War, and Israel had invaded and occupied Lebanon to protect its Northern border. Also, in 1982, "Iran sent Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to train Lebanese groups while Israel was invading and occuping southern part of Lebanon.[88]

During the years prior to its official founding, Hezbollah was responsible or partially responsible for several attacks on Western (mostly American) targets; the most notable of which were the April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing ("killing 63 people"[89]) and the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing ("killing 241 American military personnel stationed in Beirut as past of a peace-keeping force"[89]).

[edit] Foundation
Hezbollah was formed primarily to combat the Israeli occupation following the 1982 invasion of Lebanon.[10][90][11] It was officially founded on February 16, 1985 when Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin declared the group's manifesto. The publication of the manifesto was timed to coincide with the anniversary of Ragheb Harb's death.[91]

Scholars differ as to when Hezbollah came to be a distinct entity. Some organizations list the official formation of the group as early as 1982[92] whereas Diaz and Newman maintain that Hezbollah remained an amalgamation of various violent Shi’a extremists until as late as 1985.[93] Another version states that it was formed by supporters of Sheikh Ragheb Harb, a leader of the southern Shiite resistance killed by Israel in 1984.[94] Regardless of when the name came into official use, a number of Shi’a groups were slowly assimilated into Hezbollah, such as Islamic Jihad, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth and the Revolutionary Justice Organization.[citation needed] These designations are considered to be synonymous with Hezbollah by the US,[95] Israel[3] and Canada.[96]

They have fought with Israel for more than twenty years and as a result tens of Hizbullah leaders and officials including the former Secretary-General,Seyyed Abbas al-Musawi have been assassinated by Israel.[97][94]

more from wikipedia

are you ever gonna bring a quote from anyone other than a brokedick old Vietnam vet cop who doesn't know shit about the middle east that would show that Hezbollah as an organization was around prior to 1982?

I'll wait, but I sure as hell won't hold my breath
LOL@Ensign Pulver...

Main article: History of Hezbollah

[edit] Background
See also: Israel-Lebanon conflict
Israel had become militarily involved in Lebanon in combat with the Palestine Liberation Organization who moved into Southern Lebanon after being ousted from Jordan. The PLO was attacking Israel from Southern Lebanon in the lead up to the 1982 Lebanon War, and Israel had invaded and occupied Lebanon to protect its Northern border. Also, in 1982, "Iran sent Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to train Lebanese groups while Israel was invading and occuping southern part of Lebanon.[88]

During the years prior to its official founding, Hezbollah was responsible or partially responsible for several attacks on Western (mostly American) targets; the most notable of which were the April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing ("killing 63 people"[89]) and the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing ("killing 241 American military personnel stationed in Beirut as past of a peace-keeping force"[89]).

[edit] Foundation
Hezbollah was formed primarily to combat the Israeli occupation following the 1982 invasion of Lebanon.[10][90][11] It was officially founded on February 16, 1985 when Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin declared the group's manifesto. The publication of the manifesto was timed to coincide with the anniversary of Ragheb Harb's death.[91]

Scholars differ as to when Hezbollah came to be a distinct entity. Some organizations list the official formation of the group as early as 1982[92] whereas Diaz and Newman maintain that Hezbollah remained an amalgamation of various violent Shi’a extremists until as late as 1985.[93] Another version states that it was formed by supporters of Sheikh Ragheb Harb, a leader of the southern Shiite resistance killed by Israel in 1984.[94] Regardless of when the name came into official use, a number of Shi’a groups were slowly assimilated into Hezbollah, such as Islamic Jihad, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth and the Revolutionary Justice Organization.[citation needed] These designations are considered to be synonymous with Hezbollah by the US,[95] Israel[3] and Canada.[96]

They have fought with Israel for more than twenty years and as a result tens of Hizbullah leaders and officials including the former Secretary-General,Seyyed Abbas al-Musawi have been assassinated by Israel.[97][94]

more from wikipedia

are you ever gonna bring a quote from anyone other than a brokedick old Vietnam vet cop who doesn't know shit about the middle east that would show that Hezbollah as an organization was around prior to 1982?

I'll wait, but I sure as hell won't hold my breath

Oh goody quotes from self edit articles from Wikipoo...go have a beer with cypress are making a total ass out of yourself!

From the article on the Council on Foreign Relations site:

What is Hezbollah?
Hezbollah is a Lebanese umbrella organization of radical Islamic Shiite groups and organizations. It opposes the West, seeks to create a Muslim fundamentalist state modeled on Iran, and is a bitter foe of Israel. Hezbollah, whose name means “party of God,” is a terrorist group believed responsible for nearly 200 attacks since 1982 that have killed more than 800 people, according to the Terrorism Knowledge Base. Experts say Hezbollah is also a significant force in Lebanon’s politics and a major provider of social services, operating schools, hospitals, and agricultural services, for thousands of Lebanese Shiites. It also operates the al-Manar satellite television channel and broadcast station.

What are Hezbollah's origins?
Hezbollah was founded in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and subsumed members of the 1980s coalition of groups known as Islamic Jihad. It has close links to Iran and Syria.


Hizballah / Hizbollah / Hizbullah / Hezbollah
Party of God
Islamic Jihad
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
Revolutionary Justice Organization
Hizballah is an Islamic movement founded after the Israeli military seizure of Lebanon in 1982, which resulted in the formation of Islamic resistance units committed to the liberation of the occupied territories and the ejection of Israeli forces. Hizbollah was established in 1982 during the Lebanon War when a group of Lebanese Shi'ite Muslims declared themselves to be the "Party of God" (Hizb Allah, which is clear in Hizbollah but progressively less so in Hizbollah / Hizbullah / Hezbollah). Upon the realization that the IDF was entrenching itself in south Lebanon, and influenced and assisted by 1,500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon, Hizballah cells began developing with the immediate desire to resist the Israeli invasion. Hizbollah began establishing its base in Lebanon in 1982 and has expanded and strengthened ever since, primarily due to its wave of suicide bombings and foreign support by Iran and Syria.


Formed in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, this Lebanon-based radical Shia group takes its ideological inspiration from the Iranian revolution and the teachings of the late Ayatollah Khomeini. The Majlis al-Shura, or Consultative Council, is the group’s highest governing body and is led by Secretary General Hasan Nasrallah. Hizballah is dedicated to liberating Jerusalem and eliminating Israel, and has formally advocated ultimate establishment of Islamic rule in Lebanon. Nonetheless, Hizballah has actively participated in Lebanon’s political system since 1992. This radical Shia is dedicated to creation of Iranian-style Islamic republic in Lebanon and removal of all non-Islamic influences from area. It is strongly anti-Western and anti-Israeli.

from aljazeera

Hezbollah (meaning Party of God) is a political and military party in Lebanon founded in 1982 to fight the IsraelI occupation in southern Lebanon. It is regarded by many in the Arab and Muslim world as a legitimate militant Shia political party in Lebanon . In addition to its military wing, Hezbollah maintains a civilian arm, which runs hospitals, various news services, and eductional facilities.

Hezbollah has denounced some acts of terror, like the September 11 attacks and the murder of Nick Berg.


Hezbollah was formed from numerous other Lebanese Shia groups shortly after Israel's 1982 invasion, largely fought in mainly Shia southern Lebanon. The group was conceived by Iran, or at least was aided in its inception by the arrival in Lebanon of 1,500 Islamic revolutionary guards from Iran, three years after that country's own Islamic Revolution in 1979. Iran, as an Islamic republic remains a close ally, financial backer, arms supplier and model for Hezbollah. Syria backs Hezbollah morally and has also supplied it with money and arms, such as Katyusha rockets.

One of the main objective of Hezbollah at the time was to spread the Iranian Revolution. Since then, the party has publicly declared that it will suspend its attempts to create an islamic state in Lebanon "because the conditions are not met". It remained underground for a number of years and did not make a public announcement of its existence till 1985, until which time its earliest members operated under the auspices of the "Lebanese National Resistance", an amalgam of forces united in their opposition to the Israeli invasion.
I could go on and on.....

will we be seeing those quotes from you anytime soon that would show the birth of Hezbollah occuring at some time earlier than 1982?

I could go on and on.....

will we be seeing those quotes from you anytime soon that would show the birth of Hezbollah occuring at some time earlier than 1982?

Everything I said can be found in the article links I posted...I am not going to selectively post for yourself...the info is in the links I posted...nice try again! If ya want you can quote the ones that support my assessment though...never mind then ya would have to go away on this lost!
Darn! I have learned a lot about Hezbolla on this thread.
Before reading this I thought hezbbolla was a bagel store chain in NYC.
Everything I said can be found in the article links I posted...I am not going to selectively post for yourself...the info is in the links I posted...nice try again! If ya want you can quote the ones that support my assessment though...never mind then ya would have to go away on this lost!

you are wrong. NOTHING you have said regarding Hezbollah being around in "the 70's" can be found in any of your links. I read them all. On the contrary, I have posted links and quotes from the Council on Foreign Relations, Global Security, and Aljazeera which ALL clearly and unambiguously state that Hezbollah came into being in 1982 at the very earliest. YOU lost.... you just do not have the grace to admit it. Grow a set. Be a man. Admit when you are wrong.
Never Pvt Gomer...

you are wrong. NOTHING you have said regarding Hezbollah being around in "the 70's" can be found in any of your links. I read them all. On the contrary, I have posted links and quotes from the Council on Foreign Relations, Global Security, and Aljazeera which ALL clearly and unambiguously state that Hezbollah came into being in 1982 at the very earliest. YOU lost.... you just do not have the grace to admit it. Grow a set. Be a man. Admit when you are wrong.

as for your earlier comment calling me 'Brokedick'...well this says it Ensign Pulver probably broke yours in the shower room on board ship...this was the only combat you saw while serving!Now go away...the info is in the just don't want to selectively post it...adios Pvt Gomer!
I just reread every single one of your links from start to finish..... not one of them even INFERS that Hezbollah was in existence prior to 1982. That's a fact.
I read every single word of your link.... and your obstinance is noteworthy even if not scholarly or accurate. You say "Hezbollah took its roots back about 1978 prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution".

"took its roots"???? what the FUCK does THAT mean????

America "took its roots" from ancient greek philosophy, but we were BORN in 1776 AD, not 500 BC.

In one sense, Hezbollah's roots are as old as shi'ism.... but Hezbollah as an organization was born no earlier than 1982, as I have demonstrated in scholarly link after scholarly link.

You can only offer the story of the radicalization of shi'ism in the 70's under Sadr and Khomeni and attempt to make that synonymous with the birth of a specific political organization. It is not synonymous with that at all....anymore than greek philosophy about democracy is synonymous with the United States of America.

I read every single word of your link.... and your obstinance is noteworthy even if not scholarly or accurate. You say "Hezbollah took its roots back about 1978 prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution".

"took its roots"???? what the FUCK does THAT mean????

America "took its roots" from ancient greek philosophy, but we were BORN in 1776 AD, not 500 BC.

In one sense, Hezbollah's roots are as old as shi'ism.... but Hezbollah as an organization was born no earlier than 1982, as I have demonstrated in scholarly link after scholarly link.

You can only offer the story of the radicalization of shi'ism in the 70's under Sadr and Khomeni and attempt to make that synonymous with the birth of a specific political organization. It is not synonymous with that at all....anymore than greek philosophy about democracy is synonymous with the United States of America.

some of the links I provided I actually contributed up yours demoted Commander to Pvt Gomer...what a joke you are...Mr.wannabee Rhodes scholar!
some of the links you actually contributed to? Wow..... I am fucking impressed.

and that is supposed to mean... what? Is that supposed to somehow make the heretofore invisible references to Hezbollah existing prior to 1982 magically materialize, because you CONTRIBUTED to those links? Is that supposed to turn your sow's ear of fiction into a silk purse of recognized reality? I'm sorry....the fact that you contributed to those links does not mean that something happened in the past at a date prior to when it actually happened.

You should concentrate on those parts of those links that you contributed to and stay away from those parts of those links that you know nothing about or that flat out don't the parts that talk about Hezbollah being around in "the 70's".