Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive

Henry Kissinger calls it a civil war.

Its got all the elements of a civil war. The dictionary defintion fits. The level of violence fits. Just like Lebanon and Bosnia did.

I don't know why people are afraid to call a duck a duck. Most people in the world see it for what it is, and call it a civil war. I can see no reason to run away from calling it, what it is.

Bush fans have spent this whole war trying to redefine words. First, it wasn't an insurgency - it was just a few dead enders. Now, its not a civil war, its sectarian violence.
I think it is missing only that one element. I think the people fighting are fighting for vengeance, not for ruling power. At least most of them are...

It doesn't make it any less chaos, just harder to end if all they want to do is wreak vengeance.
There is a sectarian war going on in iraq, not a civil war. Now al sadr would like to turn it into a civil war, because he wants power. But he's just one element. There are the alqueda types that want to kill Americans and disrupt the democracy process. They attack both sunni and shea in order to create revenge attacks by the other. The sunni are attempting to get back some of their former standing. They hate Americans for taking down saddam and allowing a democracy that is predominately shea. Then you have the government trying to put a lid on all of it and not having much luck.

It doesn't become a civil war until one group decides to take on the iraqi government in order to take control. sadr is looking to eventually do that which is why he needs to be taken out as soon as posible. But right now the groups are fighting among themselves for revenge and not against the government. There are about five sides involved here maybe more.
Just a minor glitch. I am sure We burned many Iraqi alive in Falluja (sp?).
But I guess phosphorous bombs do not compare in barbarity to kerosene....
It doesn't become a civil war until one group decides to take on the iraqi government in order to take control.

Gaffer's definition of "civil war" doesn't match with the dictionary which simply says:

civil war

a war between political factions or regions within the same country.

I think most people who don't have their noses up Bush's ass would concede that the sunnis and shiites in Iraq are, indeed, engaged in a "civil war".
Oh good Lord...

Just a minor glitch. I am sure We burned many Iraqi alive in Falluja (sp?).
But I guess phosphorous bombs do not compare in barbarity to kerosene....

This is so old hat...the US military has not used Napalm or Phosphorous munitions since the Vietnam era was found to be inhumane per PC!

and for the Sunnis vs the Shiites this has been going on since day one...Sunnis are more secular in government and the Shiites are more of a Theocracy! While working Intelligence back in the eightees the Shiites were the most vile of Islam...most of the terrorist we see today ie:suicide bombers/Ransom kidnapping and beheadings come from the Shiite community...most of the warrior types such as Bin Laden come from the Sunnis!...Just the facts Jack!


We admitted to using WP in Fallughia!

dont you watch the news?

and what news would that be...CNN et al...?

WP is a old... very old hat munitions...CNN et al are still stuck in the Tie dyed T shirt Jane (Hanoi) Fonda':rolleyes:
Yeah fuck it who cares that they burned to death babies and admitted to it.

You really love your country huh?
Say what...?

Yeah fuck it who cares that they burned to death babies and admitted to it.

You really love your country huh?

Yes I love my country...and I did serve...VN era...never burned a baby...and you believe everything the MSN says...whoa unto you!
WASHINGTON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Wednesday acknowledged using incendiary white-phosphorus munitions in a 2004 counterinsurgency offensive in the Iraqi city of Falluja, but defended their use as legal.

Army Lt. Col. Barry Venable, a Pentagon spokesman, said the U.S. military had not used the highly flammable weapons against civilians, contrary to an Italian state television report this month which said the weapons were used against men, women and children in Falluja who were burned to the bone.

'We categorically deny that claim,' Venable said.

'It's part of our conventional-weapons inventory and we use it like we use any other conventional weapon,' added Bryan Whitman, another Pentagon spokesman.

Venable said white phosphorus is not outlawed or banned by any convention. However, a protocol to the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons forbids using incendiary weapons against civilians or against military targets amid concentrations of civilians.

The United States did not sign the protocol."
Source: Reuters AlertNet - US defends use of white phosphorus weapons in Iraq: "
Now this....

offends me being of Italian decent...and this sound bite was presented from the Italian media and all...give it a rest idiot of the media....did I ever do anything that sent my heart into sadness during the VN conflict...hell ya as do those who are serving now...sometimes during a conflict one must do what one must do to Nam the enemy sent women and children ahead... wired with explosives...did they have to be taken out...the answer is yes...I blame the idiots who sent them in to save there sorry asses...cowards in my book! Anymore comments from the peanut gallery?
Excuse me....

Your an Idiot!

thanks for your sevice thought

Don't thank me for my service...because I find you to be the enemy! So the Pentagon admitted to using out of date munitions?..or so says you and the MSN...good for put on the uniform and hit the hot LZ and tell me more!
Im a 49 year old housewife.

Why the fuck would I fight in a war which is distroying America?

Huh you concider your fellow American a enemy?


because I proved you wrong?

BTW the reason the pentagon had to admitt to it was because the bodies of burnt babies and the pictures of scored Iraqi wemon and children woulnt disappear.

I love my country too MUCH to allow lying ,cheating murdering assholes to keep running it.

Im a 49 year old housewife.

Why the fuck would I fight in a war which is distroying America?

Huh you concider your fellow American a enemy?


because I proved you wrong?

BTW the reason the pentagon had to admitt to it was because the bodies of burnt babies and the pictures of scored Iraqi wemon and children woulnt disappear.

I love my country too MUCH to allow lying ,cheating murdering assholes to keep running it.

The only thing you proved was that you are going through menopause...and have absolutely no idea how a veteran of a war are very good at google searches though... to make your uniformed and lack of experience point of view!