Should Americans have the right.

I agree. As it is now, its simply a ponzi program that I have no interest in funding further, but I could have property seized and be put in prison if I opt out.

Very unamerican.

I'm *shocked* over 50, so I assume I'm wedded to the system. But I care about those younger, including my 20 something kids. Get out, get out! I know SS is not as bad as medicare coverage regarding deficits, but the whole concept as now configured is a Ponzi scheme!
I'm *shocked* over 50, so I assume I'm wedded to the system. But I care about those younger, including my 20 something kids. Get out, get out! I know SS is not as bad as medicare coverage regarding deficits, but the whole concept as now configured is a Ponzi scheme!

It has been since day one. Its simply a way for the Government to collect more reenue, redistribute it back, and gain ownership over the populace.

I really think this country has seen its last great century.

Social Security is a misnomer anyhow. Its been raided by the government since its inception.
It has been since day one. Its simply a way for the Government to collect more reenue, redistribute it back, and gain ownership over the populace.

I really think this country has seen its last great century.

Social Security is a misnomer anyhow. Its been raided by the government since its inception.

I see nothing right now that would make me disagree with your gloomy assessment. I'm just hoping that like the past, someone or some event will assert itself to make us rise.
Why must you perpetuate myths and lies, Beefy?

SS is a failure? I can think of no government program that more squarely did what was asked of it than SS - get seniors out of poverty. And you spread filthy lies about it - you should be ashamed of yourself, for your IGNORANCE of what a Ponzi scheme even is.
Why must you perpetuate myths and lies, Beefy?

SS is a failure? I can think of no government program that more squarely did what was asked of it than SS - get seniors out of poverty. And you spread filthy lies about it - you should be ashamed of yourself, for your IGNORANCE of what a Ponzi scheme even is.

What was the purpose of SS when enacted?
Why must you perpetuate myths and lies, Beefy?

SS is a failure? I can think of no government program that more squarely did what was asked of it than SS - get seniors out of poverty. And you spread filthy lies about it - you should be ashamed of yourself, for your IGNORANCE of what a Ponzi scheme even is.

I suggest you do the same, become ashamed of yourself. The SS fund was hijaced the day it was incepted. Treasury bonds are IOUs, the only have value because the REPRESENT a debt. They are not money, they are IOUs, and SS is not sustainable. It will create a massive vacuum at some point in my lifetime due to its inability to sustain itself.

The government owes itself a lot of money, yeah, that makes me feel socailly secure.


You don't think you should have the right to opt out?
And it is a classic Ponzi scheme. The Treasury Bonds are merely straw supports to keep it floating for a little while longer. Do you know what a Ponzi Scheme is?
If social security is a "ponzi scheme", then all retirment and pensions are ponzi schemes also. Grandpa should work, ya here? Why does he get to laze all round?
If social security is a "ponzi scheme", then all retirment and pensions are ponzi schemes also. Grandpa should work, ya here? Why does he get to laze all round?

So that was the purpose of SS, so that grand pa could laze around?
If social security is a "ponzi scheme", then all retirment and pensions are ponzi schemes also. Grandpa should work, ya here? Why does he get to laze all round?

No, SSI is a bunch of IOUs, government "guarantees", representations of liquid, but little liquid, and stop with your lame "slippery slope" shit. Its tardy and you know it.
No, SSI is a bunch of IOUs, government "guarantees", representations of liquid, but little liquid, and stop with your lame "slippery slope" shit. Its tardy and you know it.

This coming from a libertarian, the queens of slippery slopes.

A pension itself is nothing but an "IOU". THis "IOU" is, in fact, guaranteed legally. If you think DEBT is nothing but an "IOU" legally, then, well, yes, SS would be nothing but an IOU.
This coming from a libertarian, the queens of slippery slopes.

A pension itself is nothing but an "IOU". THis "IOU" is, in fact, guaranteed legally. If you think DEBT is nothing but an "IOU" legally, then, well, yes, SS would be nothing but an IOU.

Your mom.
NO! Social Security, in the United States, currently refers to the Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program. Social Security can be saved solely by means testing. By the time you Retire at age 65, most of you will have no house payment, no car payment, no student loans left to pay etc. MOST of you will also have a 401(k) or other retirement pension that you set up through your employer, or yourself. Social security was meant to be an INSURANCE. It was supposed to provide for people who got to age 65, who had worked jobs that had no retirement like service sector jobs in the food industry etc. Now believe it or not it is MOSTLY rich white guys like Forbes that have advocated for Means testing Social Security. Charles Schwab believes in Means Testing. I have heard this idea compared to fire insurance. You MUST have fire insurance for your house but you only get to benefit from it IF YOUR HOUSE BURNS DOWN. Same for Car Insurance and every state government in the US mandates it. You don't get that money back if you drove safely the whole time. My grandfather retired from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with a pension, he had also invested in the stockmarket and was getting lots of money every month after he retired. His house was paid for and his car had been paid for for decades. He didn't need the Social Security and should not have gotten it. My father won't need it either and knock on wood neither will I. Topspin doesn't need it, Forbes, Jobs and Gates don't need it. I don't know where the cut off should be for those that need it and those that don't, I am a lawyer not an economist. But I do know that there are 10's of thousands of people that don't need it and should not be eligible.