Should Americans have the right.

It is an example of why we should not trust a clearly irresponsible government with such important things as retirement and health care.
Damo it has been the aim of the republican party for the last thirty years to convince America of what you say. The system worked fine until it was attacked from within by Republicans bent on distroying it. They get elelcted by talking tax cuts and then they do things to fuck up systems which were working fine to in an attempt to make it look like government can do nothing right. They say government can do nothing right and then they get elected and Prove their point.

I really wish they would just go back to being the party of Ike and Help us make things better instead of lying about what they want to accomplish to get elelcted.
Damo it has been the aim of the republican party for the last thirty years to convince America of what you say. The system worked fine until it was attacked from within by Republicans bent on distroying it. They get elelcted by talking tax cuts and then they do things to fuck up systems which were working fine to in an attempt to make it look like government can do nothing right. They say government can do nothing right and then they get elected and Prove their point.

I really wish they would just go back to being the party of Ike and Help us make things better instead of lying about what they want to accomplish to get elelcted.
It wasn't working "fine", there is a reason that Gore promoted his "lock box". Pretending it was only Rs that wrecked that system is simply partisan blinders and ignorance of the history of the program.

Irresponsibility on both sides created this, and pretending it will be solved by more irresponsible government is just sad.
Damo it has been the aim of the republican party for the last thirty years to convince America of what you say. The system worked fine until it was attacked from within by Republicans bent on distroying it. They get elelcted by talking tax cuts and then they do things to fuck up systems which were working fine to in an attempt to make it look like government can do nothing right. They say government can do nothing right and then they get elected and Prove their point.

I really wish they would just go back to being the party of Ike and Help us make things better instead of lying about what they want to accomplish to get elelcted.

Pretty much right on Target Desh.
And who was in Congress, Desh?

Your ignorance of this issue is astounding! Both parties played their part, both are irresponsible with our money.

and the Dems had a veto proof majority ?
Who signed the bill, Regan could have vetoed it.
and the Dems had a veto proof majority ?
Who signed the bill, Regan could have vetoed it.
They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending regardless of a veto proof majority. We do not hold these irresponsible people to the reality. They are responsible for the legislation that was passed. The President cannot pass any of it.
They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending regardless of a veto proof majority. We do not hold these irresponsible people to the reality. They are responsible for the legislation that was passed. The President cannot pass any of it.

They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending

That's not accurate. The Senate was republican controlled until 1987.
The reality is that without the Democrats approving and passing that legislation Ronnie could not have waged his supposed war on SS. Nor did the Rs have 'veto-proof' majorities when Clinton was in office where the final blow to that program from irresponsible money-managers was taken.
They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending

That's not accurate. The Senate was republican controlled until 1987.
The Senate does not originate spending bills.

Why do I have to give lessons in government on a political message board?
People who are desperate to proclaim their party free of guilt will point to anything at all but the reality that they had control of that part of things during the entire time.
They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending regardless of a veto proof majority. We do not hold these irresponsible people to the reality. They are responsible for the legislation that was passed. The President cannot pass any of it.

a regan quote for those among us with poor memories.

"The buck stops here"
I dont believe they had enough to override a veto durig any of Reagans years did they?

They had a very small majority in the Senate and could have Forced nothing through.

Im not saying they are Faultless Damo but when it comes down to it its the Rs who have always attacked SS even though the vast majority of Americans like the program.
a regan quote for those among us with poor memories.

"The buck stops here"
And again, must we go through a class on how the government operates? The attempt to totally illeminate any responsibility from it from the actual body of government that passes the legislation and originates spending bills is just plain sad.

Add more partisan blinders, usc. It definitely doesn't make you look like a partisan hack..

Hes not a hack , he knows as well as I do that the Dems are not faultless.

Damo it just that the Rs have wanted it dead for many years and everyone who pays attention knows this. The people who refuse to see this are the 30% republican base who refuse to ever realise America wants to keep the program and loves it.

It is fixable and every time the Dems do something to help fix it the Rs freak out and play dirty.
And again, must we go through a class on how the government operates? The attempt to totally illeminate any responsibility from it from the actual body of government that passes the legislation and originates spending bills is just plain sad.

Add more partisan blinders, usc. It definitely doesn't make you look like a partisan hack..


Well at least no more of a party hack than you are Damo :D