Should Americans have the right.

actually it is everyones right to drop out of SS if they desire. Just become a street person.
no income = no taxes / SS.

Wussy libertarians are not strong enough to do it though and want the govt to do it for them.
actually it is everyones right to drop out of SS if they desire. Just become a street person.
no income = no taxes / SS.

Wussy libertarians are not strong enough to do it though and want the govt to do it for them.

Lame. Again.
Look back thru your posts on this thread Damo.

seems like you blamed it on the demoncratic congress in at least one post and appeared to be defending Raygun.
It wasn't working "fine", there is a reason that Gore promoted his "lock box". Pretending it was only Rs that wrecked that system is simply partisan blinders and ignorance of the history of the program.

Irresponsibility on both sides created this, and pretending it will be solved by more irresponsible government is just sad.

US..... you mean like this one of Damos? Where he clearly said it was both sides?
The exact same way that Clinton got his projected "surplus" where we still borrowed money to pay interest on a debt. Such practices are seriously irresponsible, yes from both parties. I have stated so from the beginning.

I hate this irresponsible behavior from those we give the largest responsibility to.

yet another one US....
Actually more like this one.

"They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending regardless of a veto proof majority. We do not hold these irresponsible people to the reality. They are responsible for the legislation that was passed. The President cannot pass any of it."
Actually more like this one.

"They did not need to pass the legislation. The extreme fact is they had 100% control over spending regardless of a veto proof majority. We do not hold these irresponsible people to the reality. They are responsible for the legislation that was passed. The President cannot pass any of it."

yet that does not attempt to blame one party or the other alone. He recognizes three times that both parties were to blame. In the above post he was simply pointing out the stupidity of those of you who keep putting forth the "they did not have veto proof majority" crap. THAT is why BOTH parties were to blame. The bills HAVE to pass the House and Senate BEFORE the President can sign it. Thus, the Dems could have blocked any bill they wanted with the simple majority they held in the House. But they did not. THUS, BOTH PARTIES ARE TO BLAME.
He kept ignoring the fact that nothing is law without the presidents signature or refusal to sign and the time thing or a veto and veto override.

Butt then you are in the same boat as Damo so why would I expect you to see that either.
yet that does not attempt to blame one party or the other alone. He recognizes three times that both parties were to blame. In the above post he was simply pointing out the stupidity of those of you who keep putting forth the "they did not have veto proof majority" crap. THAT is why BOTH parties were to blame. The bills HAVE to pass the House and Senate BEFORE the President can sign it. Thus, the Dems could have blocked any bill they wanted with the simple majority they held in the House. But they did not. THUS, BOTH PARTIES ARE TO BLAME.

There is very little blame for you to give the Dems fella , the lions share is in your camp.
He kept ignoring the fact that nothing is law without the presidents signature or refusal to sign and the time thing or a veto and veto override.

Butt then you are in the same boat as Damo so why would I expect you to see that either.

How did he or I ignore that? We both said that is why BOTH parties are responsible. Reagan signed it and the Dem led House sent it to him to sign. It is your idiotic argument that the Dems are somehow not to blame due to their not having a veto proof majority that we were arguing against.
There is very little blame for you to give the Dems fella , the lions share is in your camp.

Really retard... tell me... how many bills in the history of the country has the President created and signed into law without the consent of Congress?
How did he or I ignore that? We both said that is why BOTH parties are responsible. Reagan signed it and the Dem led House sent it to him to sign. It is your idiotic argument that the Dems are somehow not to blame due to their not having a veto proof majority that we were arguing against.

They did not make those laws in a void.

They battled the R members with only a small majority.

If they had sent any pres a bill he was sure to veto over and over how long would they stay in office?

How much scorn would you now be spewing on them for it?
They did not make those laws in a void.

They battled the R members with only a small majority.

If they had sent any pres a bill he was sure to veto over and over how long would they stay in office?

How much scorn would you now be spewing on them for it?

So what you are saying is that Congress is not responsible for any bill they put forth unless they have a veto proof majority?

That is retarded. Apparently economics is not the only issue you are ignorant on.