Should Americans have the right.

It cannot get to the floor without going through committee first, the committees are controlled by the party with the majority.

Again, more information that you should already know from 7th grade Civics classes.

Why are you so determined to protect one party? Amazingly by attempting to strawman it by saying others are doing exactly what you are.

I'm "stunned' (sarcasm) at your amazing partisanship for a person who professed for so long to be non-partisan.

thanks for the compliment. I learned from a master. Yourself.

so you are saying that a minority party in congress cannot introduce a bill ?

And that no Republicans voted for it ?

or was that all purely diversion ? Because of the valid points I brought up that no one had discussed ?
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thanks for the compliment. I learned from a master. Yourself.
I have never professed to be non-partisan. That is your lie alone.

I have always informed people what party I belong to, and supported people who I believe best represent my ideology. I don't pretend to be something that I am not and have never suggested that I am other than a republican that leans libertarian.
I have never professed to be non-partisan. That is your lie alone.

I have always informed people what party I belong to, and supported people who I believe best represent my ideology. I don't pretend to be something that I am not and have never suggested that I am other than a republican that leans libertarian.

I knew Damo from before this site, he said the same there forever. I may be wrong, but I believe before this site, at least 2 years?
I knew Damo from before this site, he said the same there forever. I may be wrong, but I believe before this site, at least 2 years?
At least. But uscitizen has "known" me even longer than that at another site.

There seems to be some confusion as to my being "non-partisan". I have not been. I am a republican who leans libertarian. And, in fact, if the Libertarian party would straighten up and put people forward with some sanity and get some realistic shot at winning I'd be Libertarian.

That party shoots themselves in the foot all the time.
Damo, Lets just ignore my partisanship strawman you are throwing out.

so you are saying that a minority party in congress cannot introduce a bill ?

And that no Republicans voted for it ?

or was that all purely diversion ? Because of the valid points I brought up that no one had discussed ?
Damo, Lets just ignore my partisanship strawman you are throwing out.

so you are saying that a minority party in congress cannot introduce a bill ?

And that no Republicans voted for it ?

or was that all purely diversion ? Because of the valid points I brought up that no one had discussed ?
They can, but without the support of the majority it will not get past committee. Stop being so deliberately obtuse. The majority party could stop a bill every single time. Every. Single. Time. Without their support, it would not pass. Every. Single. Time.

There is no party at all that has not been irresponsible.

Including during Carter's years while the debt increased, and they controlled both Congressional houses and the WH all the way through now, even when it was opposite, and at no time in between.

Even when the projected "surplus" was there and they robbed social security to come up with even the slowing of the increase on the debt.

Both parties have been players in this irresponsibilty, for over 45 years.
Yes I agree both parties, but Regan deserves the final blame for signing the bill into law, he could have vetoed.
They can, but without the support of the majority it will not get past committee. Stop being so deliberately obtuse. The majority party could stop a bill every single time. Every. Single. Time. Without their support, it would not pass. Every. Single. Time.

There is no party at all that has not been irresponsible.

Including during Carter's years while the debt increased, and they controlled both Congressional houses and the WH all the way through now, even when it was opposite, and at no time in between.

Even when the projected "surplus" was there and they robbed social security to come up with even the slowing of the increase on the debt.

Both parties have been players in this irresponsibilty, for over 45 years.

Well described! Kudos for you!
Both of these parties have been so irresponsible to the point of extreme stupidity. They have, in fact, been so stupid that I don't trust them even with Social Security, let alone my health care.

I can't believe that people want people who are so stupid that they borrow money to pay interest on existing debt to start meddling in their health care. It boggles the mind that people would want such idiots ever making such decisions that could effect their life so massively!
Yep kinda like a family with no insurance going into debt and bankrupting themselves to get care for their child.

Up till subprime loans the largest cause of personal bankruptcy weas medial expenses.

How about all the other things we have bought on credit over the years Damo ?

Aid to katrina victims ? the elderly, Veterans, etc...
Yep kinda like a family with no insurance going into debt and bankrupting themselves to get care for their child.

Up till subprime loans the largest cause of personal bankruptcy weas medial expenses.
Except not like that. It's more like a billionaire going into debt because they are too stupid to invest in the future.

The richest nation on the planet, the one that collects the most revenue, the one that spends the most money and has the largest budget is the one so stupid that they can't even realize how idiotic it is to borrow money to pay INTEREST on a debt.
Except not like that. It's more like a billionaire going into debt because they are too stupid to invest in the future.

The richest nation on the planet, the one that collects the most revenue, the one that spends the most money and has the largest budget is the one so stupid that they can't even realize how idiotic it is to borrow money to pay INTEREST on a debt.

But according to many republican leaders the debt does not matter. And several on here have told me as long as it is below a certain percentage of GDP....

this is not me you are going against on this. I fully support pay as you go. it is just a difference of opinion on what we pay for.
But according to many republican leaders the debt does not matter. And several on here have told me as long as it is below a certain percentage of GDP....

this is not me you are going against on this. I fully support pay as you go. it is just a difference of opinion on what we pay for.
And according to the current congress who promised "pay as you go" and violated that promise with the very first piece of legislation passed.
And according to the current congress who promised "pay as you go" and violated that promise with the very first piece of legislation passed.

but the republican controlled congress had already struck down or let expire the pay as you go thing.
Or am I wrong on that ?

btw that does not seem to have anything to do with Regans responsibility.
but the republican controlled congress had already struck down or let expire the pay as you go thing.
Or am I wrong on that ?

btw that does not seem to have anything to do with Regans responsibility.
Nope. Hence the word "and" in my post. Amazingly I was clear in my intent and inclusive in my wording. Just making sure the hackery doesn't stick with the one party.

Both of them have been very irresponsible with our money. Including during the years of projected "budget surplus" that was overspent so that people like A/C and Desh could pronounce how fantastic Clinton was while forgetting that the debt increased.
Should American workers have the right to opt out of Social Security?

You do have the right. They don't want you to excercise it, because they want your money. But, there is no law saying you have to have a social security number to live and work in the Untited States of America. If you can find such a law (it does not exist) Erwin Shiff, author of "Pay no more income taexs" and "The Federal Mofia" (a must read, written decades ago), will pay you $10,000. You better hurry up and find that law though. Erwin is a older gentelman and may not be around much longer. Don't confuse IRS tax code with real law voted in by congress. To have such a law would technically make us a socialist society, and it would be unconstitutional---so the IRS was born, and is not part of our government. They are simply revenue collectors for the government, but not part of our government--even thoug our government dictates how much money we get taxed. Smells fishy? it is.
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