Should Americans have the right.

Look back thru your posts on this thread Damo.

seems like you blamed it on the demoncratic congress in at least one post and appeared to be defending Raygun.
In both of them I specifically answered a question of yours based on how you thought Ds were faultless. Both times I specifically pointed out that Reagan was involved as well.

You need a bit of honesty in your assessment. Maybe in everything that you do.

I never said that Rs were faultless, I said repeatedly that both parties were involved in irresponsible behavior for over 40 years, and I included examples outside of the narrow box of SS, which I said was only one example of that previously mentioned irresponsibility.

Now, can you honestly look at what I have written, including the context of your questions? Or will you try again to say that while I have said that both parties are responsible you have tried to absolve one consistently with inane remarks about how they were powerless in their power?

Helpless in all cases, including when they had Carter and a Dem Congress and Senate.
But what you fail to take into account is this: Whenever a Republican states that "both parties are to blame" that means that Republicans are soley to blame. If both parties really are to blame, they claim it is soley the democrats fault.

And we know that.
But what you fail to take into account is this: Whenever a Republican states that "both parties are to blame" that means that Republicans are soley to blame. If both parties really are to blame, they claim it is soley the democrats fault.

And we know that.

crock of shit one
Awww, and it seems like just yesterday when our little SF could only make squeaking noises. Now, he is counting to ten.

Well, to two, anyway.

Before you know it he will be walking!
He kept ignoring the fact that nothing is law without the presidents signature or refusal to sign and the time thing or a veto and veto override.

Butt then you are in the same boat as Damo so why would I expect you to see that either.
Rubbish. I kept answering your excuses for one of the parties with actual information that you probably learned in Civics Class in your Junior High School.
Awww, and it seems like just yesterday when our little SF could only make squeaking noises. Now, he is counting to ten.

Well, to two, anyway.

Before you know it he will be walking!

So you are in agreement with the retard then? That somehow Reagan could create bills without the approval of the Dem house or that Clinton could create bills without the Reps?
There is very little blame for you to give the Dems fella , the lions share is in your camp.

Repubublicans like to spread the blame equally: for the iraq war, for the fiscal disaster they navigated us into, for the decline of american influence and image in the world. And Desh, you know why they want to spread blame equally - their policies are failures.
But what you fail to take into account is this: Whenever a Republican states that "both parties are to blame" that means that Republicans are soley to blame. If both parties really are to blame, they claim it is soley the democrats fault.

And we know that.
This is such inanity. You are describing yourself if you put Democrat in instead of Republican and vice versa. I even gave examples of how both parties are to blame, and showed the pattern of over 4 decades of irresponsible behavior by both parties.

It is only the ones that desperately want to believe that they have all the heroes.... and that perfection pervades their human group they wish to belong to. It is the very mentality that has crippled this nation and kept it from responsible government for over 4 decades.
People, when the government is borrowing money to pay INTEREST on a debt while reporting a supposed surplus it is irresponsible behavior. If you did this with your credit cards there is no Economist, banker, or anybody that dealt with money including your own parents that would say it was a good and wise choice.
That they supported his finances was my point. What part of this are you having a hard time with? Are they responsible for passing all legislation considering spending? Yes. Did they follow the program put forward by Reagan? Sure they did.

They most certainly had no obligation to do so, and should take responsibility for their votes. The whole, "It was his plan!" crap gives them no escape from the fact of their support and their vote.

You also ignore the very real call for any responsibility for over 40 YEARS, that has nothing to do with SS. SS is just one example of the total disregard of responsibility that we have in our government, the examples are myriad. Not the least of which is the fact of the national debt, how it has grown, and how we have not even one time since 1962 payed even one red cent towards the principal on any of those loans. Not even one penny, including the years of the "projected surplus" during the Clinton Era we STILL BORROWED MONEY TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THOSE LOANS.

Your attempt to slither away from responsibility in the reality of today will solely show your partisan blinders, it will not gain you any credibility. Especially when you attempt to excuse the House controlled in all that time by the very group you attempt to wipe clean of all responsibility.

Whether or not they can "force him to accept it" with a veto proof majority, they can certainly refuse to pass legislation if it is against their ideology or if it irresponsibly takes money away from programs they support.

no you are right Damo and I had not read far enough back to see that you were indeed making that point. Reagan and the Dems had an agreement, Reagan got his military funding increases and Tipp O'Neil got his social program increases. IF they hadn't we would have had 8 years of stagnate government that could not even pass necessary bills.
Damo I think we all know the Rs have their message pretty well calculated.

Its the dems who break ranks and blame each other.
Damo I think we all know the Rs have their message pretty well calculated.

Its the dems who break ranks and blame each other.

You mean like you are doing now? LMAO.

Some of us are blaming BOTH parties.... you on the other hand want to continue your partisan parroting.
How did he or I ignore that? We both said that is why BOTH parties are responsible. Reagan signed it and the Dem led House sent it to him to sign. It is your idiotic argument that the Dems are somehow not to blame due to their not having a veto proof majority that we were arguing against.

And of course none of the Republicans in congesss voted for it.

anyone even know which party in congress brought up the bill ?
And of course none of the Republicans in congesss voted for it.

anyone even know which party in congress brought up the bill ?
It cannot get to the floor without going through committee first, the committees are controlled by the party with the majority.

Again, more information that you should already know from 7th grade Civics classes.

Why are you so determined to protect one party? Amazingly by attempting to strawman it by saying others are doing exactly what you are.

I'm "stunned' (sarcasm) at your amazing partisanship for a person who professed for so long to be non-partisan.