Should I B concerned about site traffic?

Should I B concerned about site traffic?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
Absolutely..(oh, those "observations"... without them this forum would be a much better place that's for sure.. and I don't think you'd get too much disagreement about that...:laugh:)

Say what, Jethro? Drunk-post all night long? Refer to your spouse as "THE SLUT"? Try to get in the pants of a deranged old biddy? Proclaim conspiracy nonsense on a daily basis? Post pages of music videos and nonsensical one-liners?

No thanks. Why don't you try minding your own business and let Damo drive the bus?

Oh, and happy holidays. :rofl2:

Don't forget his step-daughter.
We hit 70 users in 24 hours, which is becoming rare.

We have not onboarded a new member since the 17th, and that member only posted for a day.
I rarely read Probable WOKE Fuck.

You read everything, you fraud. You wrote those porn stories, didn't you? Why hide? I mean, other than you desperately wanted to make as much money as the "50 Shades of Gray" author did, but lack the talent. :laugh:

I feel so sorry for your wife, if you really do have one which is probably false. Do you like to refer to her as "THE SLUT" because she makes you feel ashamed for not supporting the household? It's not working, Stevie. Just makes it look like you're a total waste of cytoplasm for spending your unemployed time here while she works to support you. While you openly get sexy with some old lady from Ohio who pretends to have once been a teacher and a gourmet cook -- and you call her your "mistress."

It's no wonder why people here laugh at you, think your few political posts are the scribblings of a child who eats paint chips.
You read everything, you fraud. You wrote those porn stories, didn't you? Why hide? I mean, other than you desperately wanted to make as much money as the "50 Shades of Gray" author did, but lack the talent. :laugh:

I feel so sorry for your wife, if you really do have one which is probably false. Do you like to refer to her as "THE SLUT" because she makes you feel ashamed for not supporting the household? It's not working, Stevie. Just makes it look like you're a total waste of cytoplasm for spending your unemployed time here while she works to support you. While you openly get sexy with some old lady from Ohio who pretends to have once been a teacher and a gourmet cook -- and you call her your "mistress."

It's no wonder why people here laugh at you, think your few political posts are the scribblings of a child who eats paint chips.

You are such a liar but if he answers my question I will try to look.

The red is the only part of this post I read, because why would I read more.
why do you even care?.....are you worried Xi is going to stop paying you to post here and make you go somewhere with more traffic?......
You are such a liar but if he answers my question I will try to look.

The red is the only part of this post I read, because why would I read more.

I don't have any need to lie, Stevie. None. You, on the other hand, have a need to live in LieWorld.

You wrote the porn stories. You have admitted here on this forum that you and "THE SLUT" have an open marriage and are into swinging.

More likely YOU are into fornicating while she isn't. She goes to work at a Starbucks (you said) while you sit at home and pretend to be something great on the Internet. She works. You try to get into the pants of a fraud "teacher" who does the same thing, who you call your mistress. If you only had a clue what a fake she is. Almost as bad as you.