Should it be illegal to slap a girl on the butt?

Many moons ago back in the 70s I was waiting for a train at Lausanne station with a friend. We got on the Trans Europe Express by mistake, which was very expensive and far more than the tickets we bought. Anyway this group of middle aged American women heard our plight and offered to pay the excess. So we got talking and they were going to Italy to University of Milano to work for a year on secondment. Very interesting and learned they loved history and Italian art. They also got to discussing bottom pinching or palpeggiamento in Italian. They considered it a badge of honour and found it very amusing, how times have changed.

That was Italy in the 70's,not tight ass America in 2019!
more women should carry guns, tazers, or pepper spray, and literally just fuck men up that touch them. stop whining and crying, and bring some real justice to the perps.

(shaking head) Aren't you the guy that claims he doesn't have a girlfriend?
(maybe try connecting the dots here?)
Madonna was grabbing Cock in this Movie.

There's a video somewhere on youtube of a woman who went on a mission to grab a hundred crotches of random men on the street. If the reverse happened, the purp would be sitting in prison for years for scores of sexual assaults. But, a woman does it, even though some men reacted badly (and, I suppose the most offended men weren't included in the video), everyone just gets a giggle out of it.

Feminism (toxic femininity) is about being a victim to hurt others, like that dumb c*nt who acts like she was rapped just because her butt was slapped.
There's a video somewhere on youtube of a woman who went on a mission to grab a hundred crotches of random men on the street. If the reverse happened, the purp would be sitting in prison for years for scores of sexual assaults. But, a woman does it, even though some men reacted badly (and, I suppose the most offended men weren't included in the video), everyone just gets a giggle out of it.

Feminism (toxic femininity) is about being a victim to hurt others, like that dumb c*nt who acts like she was rapped just because her butt was slapped.

:) Kind of difficult to argue 'Equality' when it comes to sexual advances. (you do know this is a 'tongue-in-cheek' thread, right?)
Getting paid to pat ass, what a novel idea.
Hmmmmmm ... Grind was complaining of having an unsatisfying Job. I was just wondering ... ?

You also have to pat a man's ass. Is it still a novel idea? Are you homophobic now?

Think about it, us guys (well, most) in our teens and 20's (and 40's after the divorce) most often made the "first move," right? I caressed a nice ass in a slow dance once or twice in a late-nite bar. Hell, I'd still be in jail.

Patting a woman on the ass is almost always just a complement, but you just can't go out and grab every ass you see. It should be illegal, but a pat on the ass shouldn't be classified as sexual assault.
So, is there an update from G>L>O>R>I>A?
Is the gal back to work yet? Or still home Recovering from BSSD?
You also have to pat a man's ass. Is it still a novel idea? Are you homophobic now?

Think about it, us guys (well, most) in our teens and 20's (and 40's after the divorce) most often made the "first move," right? I caressed a nice ass in a slow dance once or twice in a late-nite bar. Hell, I'd still be in jail.

Patting a woman on the ass is almost always just a complement, but you just can't go out and grab every ass you see. It should be illegal, but a pat on the ass shouldn't be classified as sexual assault.

Should grabbing them by the pussy be a sexual assault?