Should it be illegal to slap a girl on the butt?

"A brazen creep slapped a TV reporter’s behind as she reported live from a race in Georgia."

"WSAV-TV’s Alex Bozarjian was on air, with joggers mugging for the camera as they dashed past her at the Savannah Bridge Run 10K Saturday, when a man in a hat and sunglasses appeared to smack her as he ran past, video shows."

Meh it's inappropriate and incredibly rude but I aint about to ruin a mans life with a sexual assault charge for smacking a womans ass. Now a simple misdemeanor assualt charge would be appropriate to teach the lout that if you don't have permission then don't touch....but I aint going to ruin a mans life because he slapped a womans behind.
In todays world a man cannot touch any women he isn't related to without her permission like it or not you can thank the left. Hell I'm almost afraid to hold a door open for a woman.'ve changed my mind. Any conservative red neck who slaps a womans ass should get life. Just on general principle.
Anyone who believes the jogger who slapped the reporter's butt did not commit an illegal assault and battery is messed up in the head.

Maybe but for justice to prevail there must be a level of proportionality involved. That is the punishment must fit the crime. Is this a major serious felon?'s a minor crime and thus a proportional punishment should be enforced. Unless you're a creepy old white conservative male. Then you should be beheaded.
I would never slap a person on the ass, unless I knew her pretty well.

How would any of you men would not feel violated if a Gay man slapped your ass, grabbing for your balls.

You sure about that? I see guys in sporting events slapping each others ass all the time. Is that assault? It's not consensual. The guy rounding third base and heading for home plate has not given consent to his coaches or team mates to slap him on the ass but slap him on the ass they do.

That's why I have to poo poo the moral outrage on a subject like this. Was the guys action innappropriate? Yes. Should be be punished? Yes. Should the punishment fit the crime? Yes. I think twenty smacks on his ass with a paddle would be appropriate.
Should it be illegal to slap a girl on the butt?

Should it be legal to kick you in the nutsack?

Try and be honest with your answer please!

more women should carry guns, tazers, or pepper spray, and literally just fuck men up that touch them. stop whining and crying, and bring some real justice to the perps.
more women should carry guns, tazers, or pepper spray, and literally just fuck men up that touch them. stop whining and crying, and bring some real justice to the perps.

I don't think a gun would be very effective against a fleeting, surprise butt slap. Maybe that dumb c*nt who treated the butt slap like a rape should just wear butt armor?
Many moons ago back in the 70s I was waiting for a train at Lausanne station with a friend. We got on the Trans Europe Express by mistake, which was very expensive and far more than the tickets we bought. Anyway this group of middle aged American women heard our plight and offered to pay the excess. So we got talking and they were going to Italy to University of Milano to work for a year on secondment. Very interesting and learned they loved history and Italian art. They also got to discussing bottom pinching or palpeggiamento in Italian. They considered it a badge of honour and found it very amusing, how times have changed.