Should prostitution be legalized?

Someone has to pay for your son's college education. :rolleyes:

The truth is that the information is out there online for anyone willing to look for it. Its that "Quest for Truth" thing again. I thought you were all about the truth?

The truth is that I'm not a pimp so don't get any money for your expenditures to whores.
The truth is that I'm not a pimp so don't get any money for your expenditures to whores.

I never said you got a dime of my money.

Shall we stick to the topic?

Prostitution does not harm the women who do it. They are harmed by having to go underground to do it. The drugs are often used to recruit hookers, and are not as common in places where it is legal.

If it is legalized, the abuses of the women drops greatly, the spread of disease can be controlled better than in the "regular" population, and economic and personals freedoms are expanded.
It doesn't make sense, if you were insulting me. Perhaps you were insulting someone other than me, and don't have the balls to admit it.

Oh I have plenty of balls. Yes, I was insulting you by insulting your wife.

Anything else you need cleared up? Or can we get back to the topic?
You are this cowardly.


I told I insulted you by insulting your wife. Now you want a diagram of the insult?

Reread what I posted.

#1 - You accused me of frequenting prostitutes.
#2 - I make the comment that someone needs to pay for your son's college.
#3 - You claim to you never took a dime of my money.
#4 - I say that I didn't say I gave you any money.

Now, if you insist that I do in fact frequent prostitutes, my insult is calling your wife a prostitute.

Since I do not frequent prostitutes (but we do have another example of you you calling them without seeing them or knowing what you are talking about), you will have to pay for your son's college another way.

Is all that simple enough for you?

I know you understood it completely and wanted to "call me out", which is no biggie.

Are we finished with this or will you now launch into a hissy fit and make lots of empty threats?

Shall we get back to the topic? Or have you run out of ways to justify your incorrect opinion?
Typical liberal. When you lose an argument, you attack the innocent.

FUCK YOU. :pke:


I am sure you think you have made a point. But actually, you have been losing this argument since you started it.

And no, I won't fuck you. I do have standards.
Maybe if you suck your bosses cock he'll give you your job back.

Maybe if you weren't so fixated on cocks, you would quit lying?

I guess this means you have nothing more to add? Perhaps some rational reason prostitution should remain illegal?
Prostitution denigrates women. That's why you liberals like it.

I would argue the opposite, it actually denigrates the men who have to pay for it. Just like strip clubs... the power is with the woman... not the man. She is the one that ends up leaving with the money.

This is of course assuming that the woman is doing so by choice and not being forced into it.
Maybe if you weren't so fixated on cocks, you would quit lying?

I guess this means you have nothing more to add? Perhaps some rational reason prostitution should remain illegal?
You're the fucking liar: calling my wife a whore. You don't even know her.

Show us a picture of your ugly bitch. Or are you a man-wife?
I would argue the opposite, it actually denigrates the men who have to pay for it. Just like strip clubs... the power is with the woman... not the man. She is the one that ends up leaving with the money.

This is of course assuming that the woman is doing so by choice and not being forced into it.
It denigrates both.