Should prostitution be legalized?

Or by Buddha in the Dhammapada, or Allah in the Q'uran, or Ahura Mazda, or Secular Humanism, or by individual limits set by themselves, or by Jeebus in the Simpsons....

Morality is defined in many different ways, and all are guaranteed the right to follow whichever moral standard they believe or set for themselves. It's called the 1st Amendment, written by the founders, passed, ratified.. Attempting to say, "It's a sin therefore it should be against the law!" is both unconstitutional, and repugnant to any actual conservative who believes in individual freedoms and responsibility. Either you are responsible to and for your own soul, or you pass that responsibility onto the government in the hopes that government can provide you virtue you cannot for yourself, but thank all the heavens that you cannot force your incompetence and weakness onto the rest of us, nor can you force people to follow your "Moral Values Set by God." You'll have to actually convince people to believe in your religion to get them to follow those moral values.

I can thank the little gods every day that you cannot force your religion onto me. The Government is absolutely the worst and most morally corrupt institution wherewith to pound your "moral virtues" into others.

The Founders were Christian, and their morality was based on Christianity.
The Founders were Christian, and their morality was based on Christianity.
Which changes nothing. They guaranteed that the government couldn't, and explained that it is wrong for the government to, select the moral code by which we all live.

Some of the founders were Christian, but that changes nothing about your own personal responsibility towards your own life, and never to mine. You cannot make the government force me to live by your moral values, it is unconstitutional, it is repulsive, and you are no conservative if you advocate such radical, and repulsive to liberty, ideas.
Which changes nothing. They guaranteed that the government couldn't, and explained that it is wrong for the government to, select the moral code by which we all live.

Some of the founders were Christian, but that changes nothing about your own personal responsibility towards your own life, and never to mine. You cannot make the government force me to live by your moral values, it is unconstitutional, it is repulsive, and you are no conservative if you advocate such radical, and repulsive to liberty, ideas.
The government forces you to live by moral standards every day: thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, etc.
The government forces you to live by moral standards every day: thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, etc.
They do not force me not to "lie", or not to "take the Lord's Name in Vain" or to "Have No Other God Before Him"... They don't care if I look at my neighbors wife and would like to have sex with her, They don't care, in fact, if I indeed sleep with her. The government doesn't care if two men sleep with each other either.

So, no, actually they don't.
The Constitution is based on Christian morality.

I cringe every time I hear someone who is supposed to be educated say that.

The laws that we still have from christianity (ie, no murdering, no stealing ect) were around before christianity and have been found in other old cultures with absolutely no contact with christianity.

Also, the US Constitution allows free speech, but the bible does not. It allows freedom to worship other gods, but christianity does not. It allows legal protections that were not even thought of in the bible.

So your theory that the US Constitution is based on christianity (or even christian morality) is ridiculous. The morality put forth in the bible doesn't even resemble the morality in the bible.
They do not force me not to "lie", or not to "take the Lord's Name in Vain" or to "Have No Other God Before Him"... They don't care if I look at my neighbors wife and would like to have sex with her, They don't care, in fact, if I indeed sleep with her. The government doesn't care if two men sleep with each other either.

So, no, actually they don't.
Lie to the police and you broke a law; lie in court and you'll go to jail; lie to your employer and he'll fire you.
It certainly isn't. One still has to determine the difference between right and wrong. Wether it's because "God said so" or "One thinks it out" the individual still must make that determination.
The basics of right and wrong are written down in the Bible, choose to believe it or not.
The basics of right and wrong are written down in the Bible, choose to believe it or not.
That's not the point.

#1, you still have to identify those basic rights and wrongs written down in the bible as "basic rights and wrongs" before you can chose to believe in them or not. It's not like you just open the Bible and they just pop into your head.

#2, Morality and religion (the Bible) are not always mutually inclusive. One does not need to be religious (i.e. believe in the Bible) to be able to determine right from wrong (i.e. have morality). There are many Christians who read the Bible while serving their prison sentence and there are many non-Christians who are very moral persons.
I cringe every time I hear someone who is supposed to be educated say that.

The laws that we still have from christianity (ie, no murdering, no stealing ect) were around before christianity and have been found in other old cultures with absolutely no contact with christianity.

Also, the US Constitution allows free speech, but the bible does not. It allows freedom to worship other gods, but christianity does not. It allows legal protections that were not even thought of in the bible.

So your theory that the US Constitution is based on christianity (or even christian morality) is ridiculous. The morality put forth in the bible doesn't even resemble the morality in the bible.
In truth very little of our traditions of law, historically, are based on the Bible. Much of common law, as we know it, are based historically on English and Roman common law.
In truth very little of our traditions of law, historically, are based on the Bible. Much of common law, as we know it, are based historically on English and Roman common law.

But the Bible contains all the little gems about refraining from meat on a Friday and from munching on the creeping things that creepeth, both of which have found a place on the statute books.

Oh and don't forget the guidelines on dealing with menstruating women. Invaluable.
But the Bible contains all the little gems about refraining from meat on a Friday and from munching on the creeping things that creepeth, both of which have found a place on the statute books.

Oh and don't forget the guidelines on dealing with menstruating women. Invaluable.
What's the bible say about hookers?
What's the bible say about hookers?

I think God created them after Adam started complaining that Eve just wasn't cutting it in the bedroom no more.

And lo God presented Adam with a vision of beauty clad in a peephole bra, sussies, suspenders, the lot. And Adam let out a cry of excitement and he was pleased. And the Lord said unto Adam Fifty Euros for a quickie. And Adam asked the Lord if that was for everything? And the Lord replied that indeed she was a dirty sort from far distant Eastern lands. And Adam was pleased. And the Lord was pleased.
Genesis 3:12
Lie to the police and you broke a law; lie in court and you'll go to jail; lie to your employer and he'll fire you.

That is vastly different than the laws of the bible.

The important part of the first two concern who you lie to. And the last is not a law, but a standard business practice.

Many businesses require you to lie as well.