Should prostitution be legalized?

This is the first that I've heard of it. Unlike you, I don't spend all day reading the entire board, including old posts between Solitary and someone else. LOL

LMAO! right, you are a virtual rarity on these boards. lol
Yes, let’s make prostitution legal.

But let’s make reproductive choice, and morning after pills illegal.

Sounds like a rightwing paradise!

I’d defer to women take the lead in deciding whether it should be legal, since they’re the ones who’d be doing it.
Yes, let’s make prostitution legal.

But let’s make reproductive choice, and morning after pills illegal.

Sounds like a rightwing paradise!

I’d defer to women take the lead in deciding whether it should be legal, since they’re the ones who’d be doing it.

I was going to say something stupid, but Cypress beat me to it...
Yes, let’s make prostitution legal.

But let’s make reproductive choice, and morning after pills illegal.

Sounds like a rightwing paradise!

I’d defer to women take the lead in deciding whether it should be legal, since they’re the ones who’d be doing it.

Let them make prostitution legal, regulate it and tax it.

There is no rational reason for it to be illegal.
There's no rational reason to legalize it.

There is not need to have a rational reason to legalize it. The gov't needs a legitimate reason to make something illegal. The reverse is not true. Its called Freedom.

But there is a rational reason to make it legal. Actually, there are a number of reasons.

#1 - Allow women to choose whether they want to engage in this business or not.

#2 - Allow men to choose whether they want to engage in this business or not.

#3 - Stop wasting police manpower on a victimless crime.

#4 - Prevent women in this business from being abused by pimps & johns.

#5 - Allow the therapeutic use of prostitutes by those who choose.
your retarded enought to talk about freedoms and yet want to jail woman for prostitution and blacks for smoking pot.
thanks Jethro
SM's a typical conservative. He doesn't have that first clue what freedom is. It's just a word to him and the quickest way to outrage him is for someone to actually practice their God given freedom.
Lets save the "What is a conservative" for another thread. I'll start one.

But I am curious why SM thinks the gov't has the right to take away a woman's control over her life if she is willing to take responsibility for her choice and her choice harms no one.
For the same reason they want to take away their reproductive rights. So they can control them. Most conservatives view women as little more than chattel property.
No one gets to choose what is moral or not.
SM, That's about one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. EVERYONE gets to choose what is moral because morality is based upon one knowing the difference between right and wrong. If an individual cannot make that distinction then there is no morality. If morality is forced upon an individual then there is no freedom.

The problem your having is your refusing to advance an argument that you can defend as to why prostitution is wrong.
You seem to be arguing that individuals can abide by their own definition of morality. That's obviously not true; society wouldn't tolerate it.
You obviously don't understand what morality is. Morality is the ability of the individual to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. In every sense of the word the individual has to determine that for themselves. Otherwise there is no morality at all. To put that in "Christian Langauge" why would God create sin if he did not give us the ability to decide what is right and what is wrong (i.e. sin)?
I've heard that behind closed doors it's absolutely anything goes - swingers, tranny vicars, dutch steamboating, the lot.

According to Wiki it has more Village People tribute acts than any other place in North America bar none.

Sounds like a plan. :D
Dutch Steamboating?
SM's a typical conservative. He doesn't have that first clue what freedom is. It's just a word to him and the quickest way to outrage him is for someone to actually practice their God given freedom.
After seeing your face I can understand why you had to pay for it when you were single. ;)
SM, That's about one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. EVERYONE gets to choose what is moral because morality is based upon one knowing the difference between right and wrong. If an individual cannot make that distinction then there is no morality. If morality is forced upon an individual then there is no freedom.

The problem your having is your refusing to advance an argument that you can defend as to why prostitution is wrong.
Wrong. Morality is defined by God in the Bible.
Wrong. Morality is defined by God in the Bible.
Or by Buddha in the Dhammapada, or Allah in the Q'uran, or Ahura Mazda, or Secular Humanism, or by individual limits set by themselves, or by Jeebus in the Simpsons....

Morality is defined in many different ways, and all are guaranteed the right to follow whichever moral standard they believe or set for themselves. It's called the 1st Amendment, written by the founders, passed, ratified.. Attempting to say, "It's a sin therefore it should be against the law!" is both unconstitutional, and repugnant to any actual conservative who believes in individual freedoms and responsibility. Either you are responsible to and for your own soul, or you pass that responsibility onto the government in the hopes that government can provide you virtue you cannot for yourself, but thank all the heavens that you cannot force your incompetence and weakness onto the rest of us, nor can you force people to follow your "Moral Values Set by God." You'll have to actually convince people to believe in your religion to get them to follow those moral values.

I can thank the little gods every day that you cannot force your religion onto me. The Government is absolutely the worst and most morally corrupt institution wherewith to pound your "moral virtues" into others.