Should prostitution be legalized?

It depends on what the latest version of morality is, doesn't it? Society will tolerate you worshiping dead flowers, but not worshiping dead pets.

Society will most certainly tolerate you worshipping dead pets.

It may not tolerate you KILLING your pets for that worship, but it will tolerate you worshipping them.

After all, you claim its based on worship of a carpenter and the ceremonial (if in effigy) canabalism and vampirism that is christianity. :pke:
Yes, it is often remarked upon by the rest of the world.

Generic foreign type #1: "How does America sustain such a low teenage birthrate?"

Generic foreign type #2: "It's their strong Christian principles"

Generic foreign type #1: "And so few divorces too?"

Generic foreign type #2: "Yes, i don't know how they manage it. They must be God's favourite, and no error. Much better than that Allah sort with his filthy ways"
Again, any time you want our filthy liberals to move to your town just let me know. You'll have to pay their airfare, health care, food, housing, and provide them with illicit entertainment indefinitely though...
Again, any time you want our filthy liberals to move to your town just let me know. You'll have to pay their airfare, health care, food, housing, and provide them with illicit entertainment indefinitely though...


YOu would like it if everyone who didn't think like you left this country, wouldn't you?

Sorry, we aren't going anywhere. But I assure you, I am not filthy, I pay my own way, and any entertainment I want I will find on my own.

No, I think I'll invite Charver over here for a vacation.
Again, any time you want our filthy liberals to move to your town just let me know. You'll have to pay their airfare, health care, food, housing, and provide them with illicit entertainment indefinitely though...

Do we have to take your kiddie fiddling priests as well?

Oh, that's right you don't mind them do you.
Yes you have to take them as well, but you'll need ten times the seats to take the kiddie fiddling public school teachers.

In order to get the process started, all you have to do is get your beloved Church to identify the many child abusers it continues to protect.

That may take some time.
man, passed over again. :cuss:

Not at all! I was going to invite you too.

Now where can we have our gathering of filthy liberals???

Hmmm, I know!!

Yadkinville NC! I think we could enjoy a good time there.

Sound like fun, Charver?
In order to get the process started, all you have to do is get your beloved Church to identify the many child abusers it continues to protect.

That may take some time.
Same with the Teacher's Union, times ten. But as a member of the KOC I'll be working to out any priest molesters that I can find personally.