Should prostitution be legalized?

Not all of the founders were Christian, and even those that were still guaranteed the right to follow a different set of moral rules set down by those who believed differently.

Either you revere the principals of freedom and responsibility or you believe in radical reform of those principals that the nation was founded on. It makes me a bit ill to watch a "conservative" attempt to say that the government is the measure of morals and that his religion should be what we base those morals on.

Liberty is something we should value, not dismiss based on a false premise and a wish to see the laws match your own religious values.
Most were and thus the consensus was. Unless you can point out an exception that a majority signed onto.

Why not ague the point instead of trying to make a caricature of my point?

Man can't justify using mortal combat to gain independence from England with his right hand then toss out His morality with his left.
Too bad you didn't read the 2nd paragraph.

You mean the "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."?

Again, that is not an endorsement of a christian God.

And the fact that the amendment forbidding a specific state religion exists shoots down your whole idea that we should be governed by a christian morality.
You mean the "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."?

Again, that is not an endorsement of a christian God.

And the fact that the amendment forbidding a specific state religion exists shoots down your whole idea that we should be governed by a christian morality.
Who said anything about an endorsement? :)
Since the Founders were Christian, the laws that they wrote are tolerant to non-Christians.

You see it as circular reasoning yet I see it as described: moral consistency.

Some of the founders were christians. Many were not. And christianity is not known for tolerance of other religions. So I doubt the devout christians were responsible for our constitution being tolerant towards other faiths.
Most were and thus the consensus was. Unless you can point out an exception that a majority signed onto.

Why not ague the point instead of trying to make a caricature of my point?
Again, the consensus was to guarantee the right to follow an entirely different set of moral values. It isn't a caricature, you dismiss a guaranteed freedom because it is inconvenient to your wishes to see every person forced to follow those morals set down in your religion. The founders guaranteed that you cannot do that, and we can thank God that we have the capacity, the right, the responsibility, to choose which moral values we will follow.

You cannot make somebody more "virtuous" through government. It would be wrong to do so.
Also, if you are using the christian morality as the basis for our laws, why are you not all for laws forbidding premarital sex?

How about laws forbidding commerce and work on the sabbath?

How about laws making sure the woman is kept subservient to the man?
Again, the consensus was to guarantee the right to follow an entirely different set of moral values. It isn't a caricature, you dismiss a guaranteed freedom because it is inconvenient to your wishes to see every person forced to follow those morals set down in your religion. The founders guaranteed that you cannot do that, and we can thank God that we have the capacity, the right, the responsibility, to choose which moral values we will follow.

You cannot make somebody more "virtuous" through government. It would be wrong to do so.
You seem to be arguing that individuals can abide by their own definition of morality. That's obviously not true; society wouldn't tolerate it.
You seem to be arguing that individuals can abide by their own definition of morality. That's obviously not true; society wouldn't tolerate it.

Thats simply not true. There are individuals this very day living their own definition of morality that doesn't coincide with christianity and society is tolerating it quite........decently.
You seem to be arguing that individuals can abide by their own definition of morality. That's obviously not true; society wouldn't tolerate it.

He is arguing that christianity is not the moral standard for this nation. It never has been.

And since no individual religion can be used as the state's religion, we are left with a secular reasoning for laws.

There is no secular reason for prostitution to be illegal.
Thats simply not true. There are individuals this very day living their own definition of morality that doesn't coincide with christianity and society is tolerating it quite........decently.

Thats true. And there are many people who use their own religion as their moral guide, and society tolerates them quite well. (most of the time)

Although we still due get the odd christian fanatic harrassing pagans around Halloween. I always thought that the pagans should start harrassing those same christians around Christmas or Easter.
Thats simply not true. There are individuals this very day living their own definition of morality that doesn't coincide with christianity and society is tolerating it quite........decently.
It depends on what the latest version of morality is, doesn't it? Society will tolerate you worshiping dead flowers, but not worshiping dead pets.
Most Americans agree with Christian principles and in fact practice them.

Yes, it is often remarked upon by the rest of the world.

Generic foreign type #1: "How does America sustain such a low teenage birthrate?"

Generic foreign type #2: "It's their strong Christian principles"

Generic foreign type #1: "And so few divorces too?"

Generic foreign type #2: "Yes, i don't know how they manage it. They must be God's favourite, and no error. Much better than that Allah sort with his filthy ways"