Should the 'C' Word and 'N' word be bannable offenses

Should the C word and N word be bannable offenses?

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No the ignore feature works fine!
Also as someone who frequently goes to far with the opposition I'm against the little virgin facist mods banning
Every time a gun debate goes haywire
No the ignore feature works fine!
Also as someone who frequently goes to far with the opposition I'm against the little virgin facist mods banning
Every time a gun debate goes haywire

It does not stop their thread titles from appearing...

Sorry, poorly worded poll... should have specified in the thread titles.
Well, it's things like this that are one of the reasons we have Rule 14. And as you'll note, now that I'm awake, I've closed and moved said thread.
I would like to include the word teabagger and any sexually related terms as I find them highly offensive.

But go ahead make them "illegal" in thread titles.
I'm not really into banning people but the post should be removed immediately by the moderators! What is wrong with just making it policy to remove all such posts as soon as they appear and any response to them. If people know up front that their posts are going to be removed and all the comments as well. Then the post will only be there for a short while and the assholes who post it will have it removed and their attempts at attention getting will be frustrated. The number of people who do this is not great but they are the main offenders. It is ridiculous to even discuss it. It should never have been allowed in the first place. It isn't allowed anywhere else and the idea that it is allowed here to the level that it is is despicable. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for it. That thread should be completely removed period. End of story. Just take the whole damn thread away and shit can it. Let the little bastard do something else.
I'm not really into banning people but the post should be removed immediately by the moderators! What is wrong with just making it policy to remove all such posts as soon as they appear and any response to them. If people know up front that their posts are going to be removed and all the comments as well. Then the post will only be there for a short while and the assholes who post it will have it removed and their attempts at attention getting will be frustrated. The number of people who do this is not great but they are the main offenders. It is ridiculous to even discuss it. It should never have been allowed in the first place. It isn't allowed anywhere else and the idea that it is allowed here to the level that it is is despicable. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for it. That thread should be completely removed period. End of story. Just take the whole damn thread away and shit can it. Let the little bastard do something else.

Shut up cunt
I would like to include the word teabagger and any sexually related terms as I find them highly offensive.

But go ahead make them "illegal" in thread titles.

Fuck yourself you ignorant POS. That thread should have been removed the instant you put it up you ignorant women hating bigot! There is no other place on the web that such shit is acceptable. This post should make the rounds all websites to show the rest of the web just what libertarians and conservatives are really all about. Taken to it's logical extreme this is the result! Ignorant bigots getting together to celebrate the collective abuse and hatred of women and black people in an environment where it is acceptable for such cretins to cheer each other on!