Should the 'C' Word and 'N' word be bannable offenses

Should the C word and N word be bannable offenses?

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I voted yes they should be banned and it was easy to come to that conclusion, if some scumbag on this or any other forum decided he had the right to call my wife or one of my daughters the C word unprovoked or just because of their opinionm, I feel I should have the right to put a 40cal round where his nose was and/or verbally abuse them relentlessly. Just mho :)

Your wife is a cunt
I voted yes they should be banned and it was easy to come to that conclusion, if some scumbag on this or any other forum decided he had the right to call my wife or one of my daughters the C word unprovoked or just because of their opinionm, I feel I should have the right to put a 40cal round where his nose was and/or verbally abuse them relentlessly. Just mho :)

So you have the right to kill someone who uses a word you don't like? Yeah, that's sensible.