Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?

Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?

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It depends on the nature of the trolling. Call-out and flame threads belong in the War Zone. But, if you intend to be a clever troll, and bait people with a legitimate topic, which you will then turn against them, then I have never had a problem with trolling in the open forums.
LOL thanks for proving me right, stupid hypocrite. It cracks me how stupid you and Jaded are. You both want flame posts in the war zone and you're both making flame posts on THIS thread.

LOL thanks for proving me right, stupid liar hypocrite. It cracks me up how stupid you are. You falsely accuse me of making flame posts in THIS thread after all I did was respond in kind to YOUR FLAME POST.

You're such a shameless lying piece of scum it's no surprise that you drink the Trump diarrhea like chocolate milkshakes then lick your lips and beg for more.

You are lower than the lowest insect.

Lower than a cockroach.

Go crawl back into your crack.
LOL thanks for proving to me right, stupid liar hypocrite. It cracks me up how stupid you are. You falsely accuse me of making flame posts in THIS thread after all I did was respond in kind to YOUR FLAME POST.

You're such a shameless lying piece of scum it's no surprise that you drink the Trump diarrhea like chocolate milkshakes then lick your lips and beg for more.

You are lower than the lowest insect.

Lower than a cockroach.

Go crawl back into your crack.

Are you actually claiming your response and this post are not inflammatory or flaming? Really?

It doesn't matter if you are responding, you are still flaming. What a lying idiot you are.
Are you actually claiming your response and this post are not inflammatory or flaming? Really?

It doesn't matter if you are responding, you are still flaming. What a lying idiot you are.

You made a snarky reply to a post I made last year and now you're pissing your panties about how I responded???

Especially considering the usual level of your discourse here????

Go change your tampon, bitch.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out, little girlie.

Or just don't respond to me and I won't respond to you, Yapyap.
You made a snarky reply to a post I made last year and now you're pissing your panties about how I responded???

Especially considering the usual level of your discourse here????

Go change your tampon, bitch.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out, little girlie.

Or just don't respond to me and I won't respond to you, Yapyap.

Ha ha, you lied when you said you didn't flame in this thread.

I don't care if you flame, just pointing out you want such posts in the war zone and yet in this of all threads, you flame.

Massive hypocrite. Suck on that SoMad.
Sooo, you're suggesting you be confined to the war zone? I agree.

Ha ha, you lied when you said you didn't flame in this thread.

I don't care if you flame, just pointing out you want such posts in the war zone and yet in this of all threads, you flame.

Massive hypocrite. Suck on that SoMad.

I know it's assuming a lot here, that either of you two might possess the comprehension skills to understand it, but try re-reading the title of this thread anyway...

"Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?"

Did you notice the word "discussions"?

Now try to think reeeeeeeal hard for a minute..... and ask yourselves what that word implies about the meaning of the question.

I'm gonna go ahead and proceed here on the notion that both of you are too illiterate to arrive at the correct conclusion yourselves, so I'll explain it to you.

The question in the thread title, because of the use of the word DISCUSSIONS applies to the STUPID TROLL THREADS IDIOTS LIKE YOU TWO START.... not some random individual responses to YOUR OWN snarky bullshit troll comments... but the TROLL THREADS YOU START.

Therefore, any individual response I've made to you in this thread, is not relevant to the topic and hence, doesn't even apply.

Get it? No? Still not sinking in?

If you still don't get it, I'm sorry, because that's the extent to which I can help you.

If you're still confused, you'll just have to try to work it out the best you can.

Good luck.
