Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?

Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?

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I know it's assuming a lot here, that either of you two might possess the comprehension skills to understand it, but try re-reading the title of this thread anyway...

"Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?"

Did you notice the word "discussions"?

Now try to think reeeeeeeal hard for a minute..... and ask yourselves what that word implies about the meaning of the question.

I'm gonna go ahead and proceed here on the notion that both of you are too illiterate to arrive at the correct conclusion yourselves, so I'll explain it to you.

The question in the thread title, because of the use of the word DISCUSSIONS applies to the STUPID TROLL THREADS IDIOTS LIKE YOU TWO START.... not some random individual responses to YOUR OWN snarky bullshit troll comments... but the TROLL THREADS YOU START.

Therefore, any individual response I've made to you in this thread, is not relevant to the topic and hence, doesn't even apply.

Get it? No? Still not sinking in?

If you still don't get it, I'm sorry, because that's the extent to which I can help you.

If you're still confused, you'll just have to try to work it out the best you can.

Good luck.


We are discussing right now you blithering retard. She did not clarify what type of discussion, political etc....

the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
"the proposals are not a blueprint but ideas for discussion"
a conversation or debate about a certain topic.
plural noun: discussions
"discussions about environmental improvement programs"
synonyms: conversation, talk, dialogue, discourse, conference, debate, exchange of views, consultation, deliberation; More
a detailed treatment of a particular topic in speech or writing.


Here we are discussing your hypocrisy about wanting flames in the war zone, while you are flaming in political threads AND this thread.

You really are a dumb mofo.
We are discussing right now you blithering retard. She did not clarify what type of discussion, political etc....

the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
"the proposals are not a blueprint but ideas for discussion"
a conversation or debate about a certain topic.
plural noun: discussions
"discussions about environmental improvement programs"
synonyms: conversation, talk, dialogue, discourse, conference, debate, exchange of views, consultation, deliberation; More
a detailed treatment of a particular topic in speech or writing.


Here we are discussing your hypocrisy about wanting flames in the war zone, while you are flaming in political threads AND this thread.

You really are a dumb mofo.

Fine, you blithering retard.

Now explain to us how you would post this discussion that's taking place in an already existing thread that happens to be in Off Topic, in the War Zone?

To put it a different way.... we are "discussing" your stupidity in this thread which was already started by somebody else.

This existing thread is already in Off Topic.

How would we have this discussion in the War Zone without starting a new thread there????

Now do you see how stupid you are? :palm:
The mods could move it, retard.

At least you finally see the light. And BTW jackass Jaded the thread creator is the FIRST person to flame in this thread, as such, if her wish was to be followed, it should ha e been moved after she posted.

Logic and understanding what a discussion is are clearly miles about e you pointy head.
The mods could move it, retard.

At least you finally see the light. And BTW jackass Jaded the thread creator is the FIRST person to flame in this thread, as such, if her wish was to be followed, it should ha e been moved after she posted.

Logic and understanding what a discussion is are clearly miles about e you pointy head.

Show me where in the thread title it says anything about the mods moving anything, you slobbering imbecile.

Once again, the title of this thread is: "Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?"

Getting it yet, Shitforbrains?

Don't even bother trying to wriggle your way out of the corner you've backed yourself into, because I'm not going to let you squirm out of it.

Way to prove what an idiot everyone already knew you were anyway.

But then again, wasting other people's time is the only thing you're any good at.
Fine, you blithering retard.

...................... Now explain to us how you would post this discussion that's taking place in an already existing thread that happens to be in Off Topic, in the War Zone?...............

To put it a different way.... we are "discussing" your stupidity in this thread which was already started by somebody else.

This existing thread is already in Off Topic.

How would we have this discussion in the War Zone without starting a new thread there????

Now do you see how stupid you are? :palm:

You asked me how moron. And BTW retard, when a thread turns into pretty much a flame thread or is a call out thread, MODS MOVE IT TO THE WAR ZONE.

Mental pipsqueak.
Show me where in the thread title it says anything about the mods moving anything, you slobbering imbecile.

Once again, the title of this thread is: "Should trolls have to post their inflaming, bastardized discussions in the war zone?"

Getting it yet, Shitforbrains?

Don't even bother trying to wriggle your way out of the corner you've backed yourself into, because I'm not going to let you squirm out of it.

Way to prove what an idiot everyone already knew you were anyway.

But then again, wasting other people's time is the only thing you're any good at.

And your post is a valuable use of time?

Annie resurrecting another discussion of mine. :laugh: A message to all trolls. Despite as much as you think you own them. If you can't troll them, but still try all the time, it's them that owns you. Anyone else want Annie? They no longer amuse me, and I need a new stress toy.
You asked me how moron. And BTW retard, when a thread turns into pretty much a flame thread or is a call out thread, MODS MOVE IT TO THE WAR ZONE.

Mental pipsqueak.

As usual, all you've got in your little bag of tricks is just more of the same old weak, transparent, obvious as hell, couldn't hide it if you tried DEEEE - FLECTION.

Once again, the thread was about whether right wing goofballs should have to post their bullshit troll threads in the war zone. Nothing about individual responses in otherwise normal threads or mods moving portions of threads or entire threads that turn into flame wars etc, etc, blah blah blah.

You've proved here what a weak-minded little weasel you are here and now you are my bitch too.

And your post is a valuable use of time?


More weak-ass deflection.

You got nothing.

Pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of two people whining about flames while flaming others, especially in this thread.


You're the only one whining about flaming, dumbass.

I haven't said one thing about it other than to agree with the premise of the OP one time last year some time.

You on the other hand, have been going on and on and on about it.

What a pathetic, attention starved little bastard you must be.
You're the only one whining about flaming, dumbass.

I haven't said one thing about it other than to agree with the premise of the OP one time last year some time.

You on the other hand, have been going on and on and on about it.

What a pathetic, attention starved little bastard you must be.

You don't have to argue with him. This discussion was about this place being swamped with troll discussions. Several of them were from Annieoakley back then. It kind of mirrored that day this morning. Q-tip (Annieoakley), and others swamped this place this morning. There wasn't much of anything else going on. Yurt is making a whiny argument about one word in my title, and missing the point again. I decided to ignore the attention trolls, so it might be good if you do the same. He's not one to talk about that anyway, since he's made a discussion trying to flame me every time I've created a discussion, just because he's banned from all them. He has to create something similar, just to ban me from it.
Lol, the attention whore said she was done with me, yet can't stop talking about me and flaming and trolling me.

What a pathetic cowardly loser.

Why is this pipsqweak even posting on the internet? Absolutely the most butt hurt drama queen I have ever come across. Not even kidding. And she does exactly the same things she complains about.

A total basket case. Turn off your internet and seek help.
You're the only one whining about flaming, dumbass.

I haven't said one thing about it other than to agree with the premise of the OP one time last year some time.

You on the other hand, have been going on and on and on about it.

What a pathetic, attention starved little bastard you must be.

I just noticed this, so it gives you an example of the batshit, gimme gimme attention, of Yurty boy.

I'm done playing games with him, so it is nice that someone else was babysitting in my place. Still it's probably best that people cut him off from his neediness addiction.
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