Shouldn't JPP moderators be HONEST?

C'mon guys , just admit you are a far riight wing blog and you sometimes allow us lefties to express our free speech.

No problem. Just admit and we far left maniacs will just go elsewhere.
C'mon guys , just admit you are a far riight wing blog and you sometimes allow us lefties to express our free speech.

No problem. Just admit and we far left maniacs will just go elsewhere.

Leftist are not capable of being honest. Leftist ignore facts. They just hate Trump. It’s all about their hatred for Trump.
C'mon guys , just admit you are a far riight wing blog and you sometimes allow us lefties to express our free speech.

No problem. Just admit and we far left maniacs will just go elsewhere.

this is a perma banned member under an alt, for the record ^
C'mon guys , just admit you are a far riight wing blog and you sometimes allow us lefties to express our free speech.

No problem. Just admit and we far left maniacs will just go elsewhere.

Tell me something, shit-for-brains, what leftists are being prevented from expressing themselves on this forum??? Moron. You liberals are the dumbest, most dishonest, angriest bunch of morons on the planet.

Don't let that cyber door keep from hitting your dumb ass out the door asshole. :laugh: