Shouldn't JPP moderators be HONEST?


That makes it even funnier.

A pleasant girl that added Life to the JPP Forum.)


HA HA HA . And Hitler was a great man too. It's true. Just ask nazi cunt Candace Owens. She is still fingering herself every time she reads Mein Kampf.

Thank you Ted Lieu for showing the entire world that the nigger bitch loves Hitler and trump.

Speaking of sexual assault - I hear Candace Owens goes to nazi rallies hoping to get some aryan dick up her nigger cunt.

The majority of welfare bludgers who refuse to get a job are American born and waving banners at trump's fucking rallies.

Now go get fucked you republicunt FAGGOT NIGGER NAZI CUNT .

on remarks about a teenager from covington:
What a surprise. The little nazi shit and his family are only interested in money.

Can't wait to see the little snot go to jail when he gets caught raping a 12 year old.

Here's the little slut in all her ARYAN glory.

Let her wear her deplorable t-shirt and MAGA cap at school.

Cos this outfit will help the inbreeding republicunts at school know that she is happy to have her pussy grabbed.

And just watch her whine when she claims she was raped. View attachment 8775
On a Political Website that boasts of it's 'Free Expression', this is exactly the kind of person you want ... to prove your position.
It's raw, unedited, 21st century Americana, something you should embrace. (Plus, on a secondary level, the volume of 'traffic' would increase, meaning revenues would increase)
I'm not sure Lisa knew about the 'Posting Language Rule in Titles, I could see a 'Time Out' for that.
You let the blathering idiot, CFM, post ... which I fully support, ... why not Lisa?
This banning of another Blue Team member just reinforces the perception that this is a Far Right-Wing Religious Conservative Political Discussion Board. Is this deliberate?
Anyway, just an opinion from the Peanut Gallery.


on remarks about a teenager from covington:
On a Political Website that boasts of it's 'Free Expression', this is exactly the kind of person you want ... to prove your position.
It's raw, unedited, 21st century Americana, something you should embrace. (Plus, on a secondary level, the volume of 'traffic' would increase, meaning revenues would increase)
I'm not sure Lisa knew about the 'Posting Language Rule in Titles, I could see a 'Time Out' for that.
You let the blathering idiot, CFM, post ... which I fully support, ... why not Lisa?
This banning of another Blue Team member just reinforces the perception that this is a Far Right-Wing Religious Conservative Political Discussion Board. Is this deliberate?
Anyway, just an opinion from the Peanut Gallery.

Exactly. EVERYTHING about that clown CFM is 'nigger this' and 'nigger that'. Racism is his all consuming passion in life.
Exactly. EVERYTHING about that clown CFM is 'nigger this' and 'nigger that'. Racism is his all consuming passion in life.

I support 'Free Expression'. I support CFM and his ability to speak freely. I support JPP and their 'Free Expression' Policy. I support lisasanders and her ability to speak her mind.
(a little depressing when ALL FOUR Moderators decide to 'Khashoggi' lisasanders)
I support 'Free Expression'. I support CFM and his ability to speak freely. I support JPP and their 'Free Expression' Policy. I support lisasanders and her ability to speak her mind.
(a little depressing when ALL FOUR Moderators decide to 'Khashoggi' lisasanders)

Indeed. Consider the insane amount of batshit crayz spam that Logical Thought and Legion splooge across the board every day, it makes no sense why she was shitcanned.
Indeed. Consider the insane amount of batshit crayz spam that Logical Thought and Legion splooge across the board every day, it makes no sense why she was shitcanned.

It makes sense if this is indeed a ... Far Right-Wing Religious Conservative Site. Which, I believe is the case, even though they deny it. They claim Phantasmal as their 'token Blue Team member'. Can you see ANY Blue Team member throwing lisasanders under the Bus? I can't.

Phantasmal ------- another Clarence Thomas that just sits there and does as she's told. (just sad)
It makes sense if this is indeed a ... Far Right-Wing Religious Conservative Site. Which, I believe is the case, even though they deny it. They claim Phantasmal as their 'token Blue Team member'. Can you see ANY Blue Team member throwing lisasanders under the Bus? I can't.

Phantasmal ------- another Clarence Thomas that just sits there and does as she's told. (just sad)

Nah. I've communicated with Phantasmal and he's all right. Not even a whiff of far-right anything about him. There's likely more to the story to know.
I’m always tickled by posters on a message board who complain about the message board. They’re a dime a dozen. Go somewhere else.
You've "communicated with Phantasmal and he's all right"? Mmmmmm ... yeah. That would be a Red Flag.

"Communicated" in this case is 'responded to PMs he sent me'.

Suffice it to say that I don't get the impression of him from that communication that you have.
"Communicated" in this case is 'responded to PMs he sent me'.

Suffice it to say that I don't get the impression of him from that communication that you have.

Uh, yeah.
News Flash: Phantasmal is a girl.

(rubbing forehead on this ... thinking) Well, the way it looks by your account, either Damo, Grind, or Captain Billy punched her out, took her communication device, and one of them were pretending to be her.
Uh, yeah.
News Flash: Phantasmal is a girl.

(rubbing forehead on this ... thinking) Well, the way it looks by your account, either Damo, Grind, or Captain Billy punched her out, took her communication device, and one of them were pretending to be her.

Oh, my bad. I made a bad assumption. Her gender never arose in our exchanges.