Shouldn't JPP moderators be HONEST?

Seriously, what happened to you?

Ah, shit, I accidentally fucked-up the post. Go back and read the edited version, and it will make more sense.

If you are simply put-off by the dark humour... Just remember that this all started because Daesh thinks that Damo basically vacated the board and allowed Grind to take over his account and site management. This led to us joking that Grind must have killed/imprisoned Damo and had his body/prison concealed within his garage or basement. It amuses me to reference this ongoing joke as frequently as possible.
I support the permaban. Lisa displayed no redeeming qualities that I could see.

Ya gotta figure when a liberal puts another liberal on Ignore and Thread Ban, they must be pretty bad. Lisa has been on my IgList for a long time. Unlike some, it was an easy decision. I don't come here to read whiny drivel.

I think the Mods do a fairly good job, a bit biased, but I'm sure it is mostly a thankless job just the same. I wouldn't want it.

Mods, thanks for your time and work that make this place possible. And the biggest recognition goes to Grind for running the site. Much appreciated.

Though we are of very different political views I am allowed to post my liberal views without restraint on this right-favored site. That is saying a lot for someone who has complete control to allow such opposing views. And it is logical, too, when you think about it. Because if that were not done, the site would be nothing but right wing high fives. Which would be totally boring and result in reduced traffic. It would become uninteresting and die out. Grind is wise.

And the self-restraint is commendable. The banned poster has been allowed to come back under a new name. That is a second chance right there. That sends a message. Contribute something or face the consequences.

The left is not silenced here at all. We are completely free to speak sense and logic to the emotion of the right. If you want to post a political view that's one thing. Downtalking others is not posting a political view. Amazing how many people don't get that concept. Including Trump. (and just because he does something does not make it OK.) Speak about the message, not the messenger. Too complicated a concept for too many.

Too bad so many on the right can't contain themselves from unloading on me personally for simply stating my views. If they could just stick to the point and not have to vent all that tremendous anger and hatred I would be glad to read any opposing view. I am and I do. But many can't bring themselves to respect others' right to their own view, so they end up on my perma-Ignore List. They can respond to my posts all they like but it is like talking to a brick wall. I will not read a word of it, nor reply. They had their chance to be nice and they blew it. I won't even read their comments when somebody else quotes them. Permanent Ignore means just that; and I mean what I say.

Some on the right are able to conduct civil discourse and they are the wise ones representing that side. They are the reason I return. Because, like Grind, I know how wrong it would be to only allow one side to speak.

Totally false call in the OP. Nobody is banned for being liberal. Follow the rules and you'll be fine.
I support the permaban. Lisa displayed no redeeming qualities that I could see.

Ya gotta figure when a liberal puts another liberal on Ignore and Thread Ban, they must be pretty bad. Lisa has been on my IgList for a long time. Unlike some, it was an easy decision. I don't come here to read whiny drivel.

I think the Mods do a fairly good job, a bit biased, but I'm sure it is mostly a thankless job just the same. I wouldn't want it.

Mods, thanks for your time and work that make this place possible. And the biggest recognition goes to Grind for running the site. Much appreciated.

Though we are of very different political views I am allowed to post my liberal views without restraint on this right-favored site. That is saying a lot for someone who has complete control to allow such opposing views. And it is logical, too, when you think about it. Because if that were not done, the site would be nothing but right wing high fives. Which would be totally boring and result in reduced traffic. It would become uninteresting and die out. Grind is wise.

And the self-restraint is commendable. The banned poster has been allowed to come back under a new name. That is a second chance right there. That sends a message. Contribute something or face the consequences.

The left is not silenced here at all. We are completely free to speak sense and logic to the emotion of the right. If you want to post a political view that's one thing. Downtalking others is not posting a political view. Amazing how many people don't get that concept. Including Trump. (and just because he does something does not make it OK.) Speak about the message, not the messenger. Too complicated a concept for too many.

Too bad so many on the right can't contain themselves from unloading on me personally for simply stating my views. If they could just stick to the point and not have to vent all that tremendous anger and hatred I would be glad to read any opposing view. I am and I do. But many can't bring themselves to respect others' right to their own view, so they end up on my perma-Ignore List. They can respond to my posts all they like but it is like talking to a brick wall. I will not read a word of it, nor reply. They had their chance to be nice and they blew it. I won't even read their comments when somebody else quotes them. Permanent Ignore means just that; and I mean what I say.

Some on the right are able to conduct civil discourse and they are the wise ones representing that side. They are the reason I return. Because, like Grind, I know how wrong it would be to only allow one side to speak.

Totally false call in the OP. Nobody is banned for being liberal. Follow the rules and you'll be fine.


You want everyone to accept your ability to post your opinions about others; but when someone posts an opinion about you, you curl up in a fetal position.

Now that's my OPINION, so hide and put me on your Ignore list; pussy.


You want everyone to accept your ability to post your opinions about others; but when someone posts an opinion about you, you curl up in a fetal position.

Now that's my OPINION, so hide and put me on your Ignore list; pussy.


I guess Christie is groaning over Politalker taking over her position as hypocrite.
:) hahahahaha ... Why does the expression "Pot calling Kettle Black" spring to mind? (I LOVE this!)


You want everyone to accept your ability to post your opinions about others; but when someone posts an opinion about you, you curl up in a fetal position.

Now that's my OPINION, so hide and put me on your Ignore list; pussy.


You want everyone to accept your ability to post your opinions about others; but when someone posts an opinion about you, you curl up in a fetal position.

Now that's my OPINION, so hide and put me on your Ignore list; pussy.


Politalker is a sanctimonious arsehole, and obsequious to boot.
And the biggest recognition goes to Grind for running the site. Much appreciated. Grind is wise.

And the self-restraint is commendable. The banned poster has been allowed to come back under a new name. That is a second chance right there. That sends a message. Contribute something or face the consequences.

The left is not silenced here at all. Totally false call in the OP. Nobody is banned for being liberal. Follow the rules and you'll be fine.
