Shouldn't JPP moderators be HONEST?

Why was lisasanders 'perma-banned'? Because she "they weren't a fine upstanding person." ?

She broke a Rule? She was a kick-ass Blue Team member?

I was under the impression there was some Rule about Posting 'obscene' material in a Title.
(Usually when someone gets banned there is an explanation following the banning)

Re-instating lisa's posting privileges after a 'Time Out' would show a Solomonesque, wise and judicial Moderator.
An Appeal from one of the Ants in Grind's Ant Farm.

What the fuck do care anyway? Lisa was just another nasty troll, why would you give a shit?
jack: you and all the damned amazonerds suck. you suck. lisaanders was as text cancer and so are you. you suck. go back to amazon. the amazonerds have not any ability to chill; though you labor relentlessly. you all suck. you just suck. you are all like a black hole of negative energy/ all are the perfect examples of leftism/ wrongism/ failism, etc., etc., etc.. you are all such perfect examples; it makes a person think you are all created in some Russian laboratory.

(sigh) Some of us try to bring a bit of levity, humor, satire, along with a smidgen of sarcasm, to these very important discussions involving Planet Earth, God, Politics, recipes, and World Peace.
What the fuck do care anyway? Lisa was just another nasty troll, why would you give a shit?

You're not going to get the biting commentary, the raw unadulterated facts, the precision view that Lisa possesses:

"Trump's favorite cocksucker Barr has just come out and thanked trump for ejaculating in his mouth.
But Franklin Graham and other pro-life nutjobs are upset that thousands of little unborn babies were swallowed by Barr."

Lisa frightens the Far Right.
you bring leftist death. you suck. you are the synagogue of satan/ death. it is a foregone conclusion. you damned leftists/ antichrists/ seed of satan lose. you have already lost. who are you ? where are you ? what time is it ? if anyone is wrong in any of these questions, they lose and die. tell me, Jack: who are you ? where are you ? what time is it ?

Well (looking at clock on wall), it looks like Bedtime for you. The Nurses will tuck you in after a nice diaper change, a Cookie, and a warm glass of Milk.
What the fuck do care anyway? Lisa was just another nasty troll, why would you give a shit?

Other than some Shakespearean Play at a Old Globe Theater, where can you find prose like this:

"Speaking of sexual assault - I hear Candace Owens goes to nazi rallies hoping to get some aryan dick up her nigger cunt."

See Havana, this is why the Far Right is terrified of lisa. Her grasp of English Literature and the modern structure of Prose is, well, let's just say, daunting to the Right-Wing Power Cabal.
It makes sense if this is indeed a ... Far Right-Wing Religious Conservative Site. Which, I believe is the case, even though they deny it. They claim Phantasmal as their 'token Blue Team member'. Can you see ANY Blue Team member throwing lisasanders under the Bus? I can't.

Phantasmal ------- another Clarence Thomas that just sits there and does as she's told. (just sad)

You should travel down to Austin sometime and meet-up with Rana for drinks. Then you can ask her what it's like to be a token progressive moderator on this site.
Quit obsessing over Yaya. Move on, life, get one.

Buzz Killington has arrived to take all of the fun out of this thread.

Read this. Ask your mom to explain the big words to you.

I invoke Rule 16.

"Default lisasanders perma'd
All 4 of us mods after discussing among ourselves have come across numerous instances of lisa posting here in bad faith, constantly approaching the line on rules to test us, ignoring multiple warnings, and we just got sick of it. We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being, so we've shitcanned them for rule 14, posting solely to troll and harass other users.'

"posting in bad faith" ... what's that mean?
"constantly approaching the line" ... What 'line' is that?
"ignoring multiple warnings" ... did she get a 'One Day Ban'? a 'Two Day Ban'? A 'Week Ban'?
"we just got sick of it" ... sick of what? The Right-Wing Nut Jobs post shit 24/7.
"We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being" hahaha ... that's rich. She seemed pretty lively, spirited, opinionated and edgy to me.
"posting solely to troll and harass other users" ... hahahaha ... I thought she was cute and funny. Who did she 'harass'?

^^^The above really goes to prove a point I made earlier. We need a Blue Team Moderator.^^^ (and 'No', the token 'Blue Team' Phantasmal is NOT really 'Blue Team')
You should travel down to Austin sometime and meet-up with Rana for drinks. Then you can ask her what it's like to be a token progressive moderator on this site.

Yeah, I think I'll pass on that. I'm not interested in her "people shouldn't have sex until they're 25" viewpoint, nor her speech about how "Muslim kids have the Right to bring Prayer Rugs to school, it's in the Constitution".
I like lisasanders poking her finger in the eyes of the Far Right-Wing Religious Conservatives here. THAT'S why she got 'Khashoggied'!
Yeah, I think I'll pass on that. I'm not interested in her "people shouldn't have sex until they're 25" viewpoint, nor her speech about how "Muslim kids have the Right to bring Prayer Rugs to school, it's in the Constitution".
I like lisasanders poking her finger in the eyes of the Far Right-Wing Religious Conservatives here. THAT'S why she got 'Khashoggied'!

What is incorrect about Muslims not having the right to bring their satanic rugs into schools per the Constitution?
What is incorrect about stating that people under 25 probably are unprepared to deal with the potential health/financial burdens of having sex?
Lisa is just another POS lefty who hates America and is willing to shout it from the rooftops.