Si how come you are a failure?

. Define trumptard, Many on the far left would define a trumptard as someone who disagrees with them on any topic,.

You have overcome many obstacles in life. . I'd say Ben Carson overcame more.

I could provide you with a list. You would NOT be on it. :)

Ben Carson was a black man, and we all know that the government hands them whatever they want, so I have to disagree!
:hand: :hand: :hand:

And now here you are, a member of a dying species about to be replaced by uppity females, people of color, people who aren't even Christians, and people with funny last names.

I'll light a candle for you. :laugh:

It's a horrible burden.
I’m not demanding anything. I’m just curious why you are such a loser in life. I apparently am far more disadvantaged than you but you are so miserable you planned an overthrow of the government. Maybe it’s because I worked and you’re are a lazy entitled dickhead who blames everyone else for their problems. I might be on to something here.

Hundreds of pundits have written/spoken thousands of words to explain why the Reichwingers are so angry, frustrated, powerless, violent. They blame ppl on welfare/food stamps for being lazy moochers. Yet supposedly THEY are disgruntled because no one in govt. is paying attention to their whining about how there aren't any good jobs (at least for the poorly-educated), how the manufacturing jobs (which apparently are the only thing they're capable of doing) have gone overseas, how America needs to be made great again, wah wah boo-hoo-hoo. Their chosen media sources tell them that they're going to be replaced by non-whites, females, non-Xtians. Globalist sideshow barkers like #TRE45ON tell them that he's on their side, globalism is bad, only he can fix it (while amassing wealth from the very thing he says he's going to fix), yaddy-yaddy.

They are indeed deplorable losers who are not bright enough to see how they're being gulled by the wealthy, who are robbing them blind.
You had prior knowledge. That makes you a traitor, scumbag.

anyone with actual intelligence could see that they were going there........if you didn't see it, then you're a fucking moron. That doesn't mean I had prior knowledge, idiot. It just means i'm smarter than you.
this is an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

Conservative ~ posts the definition of a word straight from the dictionary

Shit Stained liberal ~ "you are speaking gibberish"


this could be a sitcom - the way you idiots carry yourself
anyone with actual intelligence could see that they were going there........if you didn't see it, then you're a fucking moron. That doesn't mean I had prior knowledge, idiot. It just means i'm smarter than you.

No, you had prior knowledge. You were openly discussing it here. You are just too much of a coward to actually do anything. Still makes you a traitor, Oathkeeper.
Yes, you are so much smarter, you and your ilk can't even hold the twin cities together as there is no control of the large majority of animals that live in them. I have done everything you have down without a college degree to lean on, apparently you are the whiner and aren't smart enough to know it.
No, you had prior knowledge. You were openly discussing it here. You are just too much of a coward to actually do anything. Still makes you a traitor, Oathkeeper.

ROFL, you certainly have PROOF of that, right? oh, i'm certain if you had proof, you'd have provided it to the FBI, right?

this is why nobody takes your bullshit're so fucked full of delusional crap, you don't know what reality is.
ROFL, you certainly have PROOF of that, right? oh, i'm certain if you had proof, you'd have provided it to the FBI, right?

this is why nobody takes your bullshit're so fucked full of delusional crap, you don't know what reality is.

I have and I did. I'm sure they'll get to you, but they are less interested in the fucking cowards among your number.
I have and I did. I'm sure they'll get to you, but they are less interested in the fucking cowards among your number.

they obviously didn't think you gave a 'credible' report since NOBODY has ever 'gotten to me'.............surely they would be very interested in someone who had prior knowledge.........but then maybe they could see the obvious IDIOCY in your report, meaning that you didn't know jack shit and were just a screaming karen.
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?


I think you're being myopic at best. I've done quite well for myself despite similar, and probably greater issues tossed my way. While I'm no fan of Trump, I am definitely opposed entirely to the sort of whinny, pencil necked, progressive, Leftist, liberal retard with so little understanding of reality it wouldn't fill a sandwich baggie.

I succeeded by hard work, perseverance, and most of all planning. I though ahead. I planned for 10, 20, years down the road. That's something the Progressive Left doesn't even realize you can do. That's why they're such fucking failures.
I could provide you with a list. You would NOT be on it. :)

Ben Carson was a black man, and we all know that the government hands them whatever they want, so I have to disagree!

Except he got bad medical advice so he’s dead
they obviously didn't think you gave a 'credible' report since NOBODY has ever 'gotten to me'.............surely they would be very interested in someone who had prior knowledge.........but then maybe they could see the obvious IDIOCY in your report, meaning that you didn't know jack shit and were just a screaming karen.

Is that guy still on the corner?
. Define trumptard, Many on the far left would define a trumptard as someone who disagrees with them on any topic,.

You have overcome many obstacles in life. . I'd say Ben Carson overcame more.
I love your modesty.

The troll author of this thread is a phony. You are the real deal.

Once more, demonstrating the accuracy of this profound adage:

"A jar full of coins make no sound. But a jar with only one penny makes a whole lotta noise."

Well done, sir.
I think you're being myopic at best. I've done quite well for myself despite similar, and probably greater issues tossed my way. While I'm no fan of Trump, I am definitely opposed entirely to the sort of whinny, pencil necked, progressive, Leftist, liberal retard with so little understanding of reality it wouldn't fill a sandwich baggie.

I succeeded by hard work, perseverance, and most of all planning. I though ahead. I planned for 10, 20, years down the road. That's something the Progressive Left doesn't even realize you can do. That's why they're such fucking failures.

No fan of Trump?

Oh my