Si how come you are a failure?

Except he got bad medical advice so he’s dead

Somebody should probably tell him then so he quits scaring the shit out of people when they see him walking around and talking. :laugh: You sure are one old magnificent ignoramus arent you.

Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?


Dumbest and most presumptuous lie filled post I have seen out of you. How do you know you are more successful than others?

You know what I see? A sad caricature of ignorance and stupidity who makes laughably stupid and false assumptions of others without facts or proof. You're not someone who should be celebrated, but someone to be pitied. You have no grasp of reality and seem totally unconcerned about the truth or facts. Instead, you wallow in a naive MSNBC induced fantasy that is destructive and dangerous. You vote for politicians who represent everything you claim you despise.

Democrats are the threat to our democracy. Everything they are doing tears it down. If you had even half the brain you believe you had, you could comprehend the obvious. :palm:
Hundreds of pundits have written/spoken thousands of words to explain why the Reichwingers are so angry, frustrated, powerless, violent. They blame ppl on welfare/food stamps for being lazy moochers. Yet supposedly THEY are disgruntled because no one in govt. is paying attention to their whining about how there aren't any good jobs (at least for the poorly-educated), how the manufacturing jobs (which apparently are the only thing they're capable of doing) have gone overseas, how America needs to be made great again, wah wah boo-hoo-hoo. Their chosen media sources tell them that they're going to be replaced by non-whites, females, non-Xtians. Globalist sideshow barkers like #TRE45ON tell them that he's on their side, globalism is bad, only he can fix it (while amassing wealth from the very thing he says he's going to fix), yaddy-yaddy.

They are indeed deplorable losers who are not bright enough to see how they're being gulled by the wealthy, who are robbing them blind.

They "thought" all they had to do was show up and it would default to them
Republicans repeatedly crash the economy with their failed ideas
The Democrats have to fix the mess with Keynesian economics to fix it every time
Republican economic ideas always fail us
The pattern is becoming to clear for people to pretend anymore

The mental case is bombarding the thread with laughably stupid lies. Run along mental case. Back to your padded cell with you. :laugh:
All other things being equal, it's hard to imagine a white Christian male not being able to succeed in a western liberal democracy, unless there are problems associated with bad personality, poor hygiene, aversion to education, substance abuse, etc.

Now we get the dumb race hustling cretin to chime in. :laugh:
Hundreds of pundits have written/spoken thousands of words to explain why the Reichwingers are so angry, frustrated, powerless, violent. They blame ppl on welfare/food stamps for being lazy moochers. Yet supposedly THEY are disgruntled because no one in govt. is paying attention to their whining about how there aren't any good jobs (at least for the poorly-educated), how the manufacturing jobs (which apparently are the only thing they're capable of doing) have gone overseas, how America needs to be made great again, wah wah boo-hoo-hoo. Their chosen media sources tell them that they're going to be replaced by non-whites, females, non-Xtians. Globalist sideshow barkers like #TRE45ON tell them that he's on their side, globalism is bad, only he can fix it (while amassing wealth from the very thing he says he's going to fix), yaddy-yaddy.

They are indeed deplorable losers who are not bright enough to see how they're being gulled by the wealthy, who are robbing them blind.

Pundits? What a moron you are. :laugh:


Research Finds Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, And Purposeful Than Liberals
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?


Irony: the smartest person, according to himself, misspelled the word "so" in his thread title. :laugh:
The results of Reaganomics are still debated. Supporters point to the end of stagflation, stronger GDP growth, and an entrepreneurial revolution in the decades that followed.[7][8] Critics point to the widening income gap, what they described as an atmosphere of greed, reduced economic mobility, and the national debt tripling in eight years which ultimately reversed the post-World War II trend of a shrinking national debt as percentage of GDP.[9][10]