Si how come you are a failure?

Carter took office during a period of "stagflation," as the economy experienced a combination of high inflation and slow economic growth. His budgetary policies centered on taming inflation by reducing deficits and government spending. Responding to energy concerns that had persisted through much of the 1970s, his administration enacted a national energy policy designed for long-term energy conservation and the development of alternative resources. In the short term the country was beset by an energy crisis in 1979 which was overlapped by a recession in 1980.

Nixon and the greedy oil barons caused the stagflation

Carter inherited it and did what had to be done to fix it

He paid for that

The republicans pretended he caused it
. Define trumptard, Many on the far left would define a trumptard as someone who disagrees with them on any topic,.

You have overcome many obstacles in life. . I'd say Ben Carson overcame more.

Trumptards are people who support an habitual criminal, sexist, racist, pathological liar, and traitor- who thinks he has to cheat to win- and want a RETARD like Trump to be their leader.

Staying with oil allows Russia and the ME to screw us at will

When we do alternatives they will crumble

And the earth will heal

Win win win win win
Trumptards are people who support an habitual criminal, sexist, racist, pathological liar, and traitor- who thinks he has to cheat to win- and want a RETARD like Trump to be their leader.


Irony from a mental case telling me I am taking things too seriously. You don't have a scintilla of self-awareness or brains. :laugh:
Stagflation end med in 1982 according to the experts

Right as Ronnie came into office

VOLCKER fixed the mess Nixon helped cause while the Saudis screwed us

Carter and Volcker did the pain of fixing it

Republicans blamed Carter for it

And Ronnie stole the credit

The pattern just keeps repeating
When Clinton was running the first time his tag line was “it’s the economy stupid”

Remember that?

The economy was is a mess after years of Republican control

And yet again the people went Democratic Party to fix the mess

The economic policies of Bill Clinton administration, referred to by some as Clintonomics (a portmanteau of "Clinton" and "economics"), encapsulates the economic policies of United States President Bill Clinton that were implemented during his presidency, which lasted from January 1993 to January 2001.

President Clinton oversaw a healthy economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending and welfare, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the United States federal budget into surplus from fiscal years 1998 to 2001, the only surplus years since 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001.[1]

Clinton signed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into law, along with many other free trade agreements. He also enacted significant welfare reform. His deregulation of finance (both tacit and overt through the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act) has been criticized as a contributing factor to the Great Recession.[2]
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?


can you identify the author of the OP?.....can't be're a failure......
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?

If we're singling out the acutal MAGAbots and not including Republicans who would hold their noses and vote for trump, then the answer is simple.

trump tapped into the inbred morons who are too stupid to finish school. He embraced the dumbest among us, because that was a pretty big voting demographic. As long as he can convince them that 'the blacks/browns/Jews' are taking over the nation.

So it follows that the MAGAbots are not doing very well in life, but they'll continue to vote for that party that makes it harder for them to excel.

Odd that they still send him their hard earned assistance checks, though

The bill stemmed from a budget proposal made by Clinton in February 1993; he sought a mix of tax increases and spending reductions that would cut the deficit in half by 1997. Though every congressional Republican voted against the bill, it passed by narrow margins in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The act increased the top federal income tax rate from 31% to 39.6%, increased the corporate income tax rate, raised fuel taxes, and raised various other taxes. The bill also included $255 billion in spending cuts over a five-year period. The effects of the bill helped the US federal government to experience in 1998 its first budget surplus since the 1960s era
Introduced in the House as the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993" (H.R. 2264) by Martin Olav Sabo (D–MN) on May 25, 1993
Committee consideration by Budget
Passed the House on May 27, 1993 (219-213)
Passed the Senate on June 25, 1993 (50–49) with amendment
House agreed to Senate amendment on August 5, 1993 (218-216) with further amendment
Senate agreed to House amendment on August 6, 1993 (51-50)
Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on August 10, 1993

The bill stemmed from a budget proposal made by Clinton in February 1993; he sought a mix of tax increases and spending reductions that would cut the deficit in half by 1997. Though every congressional Republican voted against the bill, it passed by narrow margins in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The act increased the top federal income tax rate from 31% to 39.6%, increased the corporate income tax rate, raised fuel taxes, and raised various other taxes. The bill also included $255 billion in spending cuts over a five-year period. The effects of the bill helped the US federal government to experience in 1998 its first budget surplus since the 1960s era

Combined with a strong economy, the 1993 deficit reduction plan produced smaller budget deficits each year. In 1998, the federal government experienced the first budget surplus since 1969. Reflecting the perceived importance of the budget surplus, the New York Times described the end of budget deficits as "the fiscal equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall."[15]
All other things being equal, it's hard to imagine a white Christian male not being able to succeed in a western liberal democracy, unless there are problems associated with bad personality, poor hygiene, aversion to education, substance abuse, etc.
LOL. You just described those that he's addressing
Not one Republican voted for the 1993 bill

Republicans screamed it would destroy the nation

I remember the day it passed

I looked at my hubby and said

“Let’s see the republicans claim the results on this one”

They denied it helped for years

Then sure enough eventually they tried to claim they fixed things back in the 90s

The pattern just keeps repeating
Irony from a mental case telling me I am taking things too seriously. You don't have a scintilla of self-awareness or brains. :laugh:

You have your opinions! Nothing wrong with that!

But, yes, you are a little too much wound up!

My question, is why did you bring all this insulting into the forum?

Now everyone is insulting everyone else!

See what you started! You were the very first person to insult me personally here.

Can't you make your political points without all the personal insults, DRAMA QUEENING, and attention whoring?
The Republican economic policy just keeps causing messes that the Democratic Party has to fix with Keynesian economic ideas

Over and

Over and

Over and

Over and on and on