Si how come you are a failure?

Unlike you, I've actually done honest work. I needed something to do after I retired. It lasted about four months. But I guess for you, it'll live on...... and on...... and on......and on....

Grab any waitresses tits lately, Blockhead?

Really? How. Spell it out. Tell me why this is worse than, say, 2008, when the entire financial system was a day away from collapsing (thanks to Republican morons). Or worse than 1979. Tell me exactly what is 'worse than in anyone's lifetime'.

I'll wait. Hey, I missed you at Diamond Nationals. Color me shocked.

We didnt miss you. Spotted you right away as you ran out to sweep up and disinfect the mat in between matches. Good job!
Back later....Elon Musk is at the door with an order of fresh fish for us. Ima tip him real good just for fucking with twitter! :laugh:
I know when Im bored and looking for something to do delivering Cheeseburgers is one of the very first things that comes to mind. Go out on the boat and cruise the chain ? ,.....naaa, screw that! Im gonna deliver pizza's and take the job away from some poor high school kid. WAY more fun! :rolleyes: :laugh:
THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SPEND ALL DAY LONG HERE BASHING LIBERALS? How have they made your life so miserable? Have liberal demons showed up at your door demanding your guns? Have they tried to convert you to a homosexual? Have they somehow stolen all your money? Forced you into a <gasp> mosque? Are you still free to read the bullshit they spew on Brietbart, and watch it on Fox News?
Has anyone infringed on your freedoms in any way? Apparently not.

More importantly, have they told you you can't marry the person you love? Have they told you that if your wife or your daugther gets raped, they'll have to carry to the baby to term? Have they attempted a violent overthrow of the government? No?



Back on ignore.

PS, I pick up my 330i on Monday. I'll be writing a check for 54K and change. They haven't hurt me one bit either.

You really are an insufferable twat, you know that?
Back later....Elon Musk is at the door with an order of fresh fish for us. Ima tip him real good just for fucking with twitter! :laugh:

I know when Im bored and looking for something to do delivering Cheeseburgers is one of the very first things that comes to mind. Go out on the boat and cruise the chain ? ,.....naaa, screw that! Im gonna deliver pizza's and take the job away from some poor high school kid. WAY more fun! :rolleyes: :laugh:

LOL, there ain't no high school kids delivering food. It was fun. No stress, pick your hours. The wife always came with me. Great transition for me. Since you don't work, you wouldn't understand that some people enjoy it. I certainly did. I guess you think it's some kind of gotcha. Epic fail on your part. You will never best me, blockhead, aim lower.
It's less a matter of trumpanzees failing as it is a matter of having failed causing one to devolve into a trumpanzee.

People make no commitment to education.
They define self-improvement as snobbery.
Broadening the vistas of their mind is somehow contrary to their religious superstitions.
They create for themselves a path to failure that they didn't have to take.

Then, the corporate oligarchs come along, playing them like puppets by convincing them that it was all the fault of foreigners and liberals.
Devolving into a trumpanzees, in their sadly deficient minds, removes the blame from themselves and creates someone else to blame.
It only works on the most witless, but there are sadly enough of them to be a serious problem.
A handful of short-sighted billionaires gets tens of millions of morons to vote in 180º opposition to their best economic interests.
It's less a matter of trumpanzees failing as it is a matter of having failed causing one to devolve into a trumpanzee.

People make no commitment to education.
They define self-improvement as snobbery.
Broadening the vistas of their mind is somehow contrary to their religious superstitions.
They create for themselves a path to failure that they didn't have to take.

Then, the corporate oligarchs come along, playing them like puppets by convincing them that it was all the fault of foreigners and liberals.
Devolving into a trumpanzees, in their sadly deficient minds, removes the blame from themselves and creates someone else to blame.
It only works on the most witless, but there are sadly enough of them to be a serious problem.
A handful of short-sighted billionaires gets tens of millions of morons to vote in 180º opposition to their best economic interests.

Excellent analysis.
Unlike you, I've actually done honest work. I needed something to do after I retired. It lasted about four months. But I guess for you, it'll live on...... and on...... and on......and on....

Grab any waitresses tits lately, Blockhead?

I marshaled at my golf club my first summer out. Took alllll the fun out of golf. :|
Hundreds of pundits have written/spoken thousands of words to explain why the Reichwingers are so angry, frustrated, powerless, violent. They blame ppl on welfare/food stamps for being lazy moochers. Yet supposedly THEY are disgruntled because no one in govt. is paying attention to their whining about how there aren't any good jobs (at least for the poorly-educated), how the manufacturing jobs (which apparently are the only thing they're capable of doing) have gone overseas, how America needs to be made great again, wah wah boo-hoo-hoo. Their chosen media sources tell them that they're going to be replaced by non-whites, females, non-Xtians. Globalist sideshow barkers like #TRE45ON tell them that he's on their side, globalism is bad, only he can fix it (while amassing wealth from the very thing he says he's going to fix), yaddy-yaddy.

They are indeed deplorable losers who are not bright enough to see how they're being gulled by the wealthy, who are robbing them blind.

I love how two of the looniest people on JPP, namely Daesh and Guano, thank you says it all.
THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SPEND ALL DAY LONG HERE BASHING LIBERALS? How have they made your life so miserable? Have liberal demons showed up at your door demanding your guns? Have they tried to convert you to a homosexual? Have they somehow stolen all your money? Forced you into a <gasp> mosque? Are you still free to read the bullshit they spew on Brietbart, and watch it on Fox News?
Has anyone infringed on your freedoms in any way? Apparently not.

More importantly, have they told you you can't marry the person you love? Have they told you that if your wife or your daugther gets raped, they'll have to carry to the baby to term? Have they attempted a violent overthrow of the government? No?



Back on ignore.

PS, I pick up my 330i on Monday. I'll be writing a check for 54K and change. They haven't hurt me one bit either.

I could have guessed that you drive Beemers, they are the preferred choice for arrogant cunts like you.