Si how come you are a failure?

Once again, you illustrate what a pompous presumptuous dumbass you are.

Although it is meaningless to a faceless liar like yourself, I am happily married to my beautiful slim Canadian High school love living in a fabulous pool home in a gated community in Florida with a home in Canada where she is from as well. We're not multi-millionaires but fit in the millionaire category. I'm happily retired and have no debt. We have no mortgage. We have a car here and in Canada. Both new and paid for.

So yes, life is damned good and I have few regrets. Any other moronic statements you would like to make to continue to remove any doubt what a dumb asshole you are? :palm:
Your obvious mental illness and barely intelligible writing makes this tale highly unlikely
Trumptards are people who support an habitual criminal, sexist, racist, pathological liar, and traitor- who thinks he has to cheat to win- and want a RETARD like Trump to be their leader.


From my personal experience a trumptard is anyone who disagrees with the far left on any topic. That's also the definition of a racist by the far left (such as yourself).
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?


Concart is Sooooooooooooooo smart that he cant even figure out which section of a small message board to post his silly drivel. Good thing the moderators were there to help him out and make the correction FOR HIM .
Concart is Sooooooooooooooo smart that he cant even figure out which section of a small message board to post his silly drivel. Good thing the moderators were there to help him out and make the correction FOR HIM .

Its right where I put it blockhead
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?


How often do you have these delusions?
So no explanation as to why you’re a loser and I’m a winner? Why you spend your life this angry? Nothing? Try to focus on the thread topic little guy. Thanks in advance.

I'm wondering why you're feeling so inadequate that you had to start a thread like this. Not enough validation in your life lately or what? :dunno:
The Republican economic policy just keeps causing messes that the Democratic Party has to fix with Keynesian economic ideas

Over and

Over and

Over and

Over and on and on

You talk this bullshit as Biden fucks everything up worse than it's ever been in most people alive's lifetime? Fucking slap yourself, you silly bitch!
I'm wondering why you're feeling so inadequate that you had to start a thread like this. Not enough validation in your life lately or what? :dunno:

He's having a tough time door dashing with the price of fuel. Didnt you know,....All multi millionaires deliver pizza's and Philly cheese steak sammiches as a side hustle! Why just the other day Bill Gates showed up at our side door with our medium Pepperoni, onion, mushroom, and green pepper!

He's having a tough time door dashing with the price of fuel. Didnt you know,....All multi millionaires deliver pizza's and Philly cheese steak sammiches as a side hustle! Why just the other day Bill Gates showed up at our side door with our medium Pepperoni, onion, mushroom, and green pepper!


Unlike you, I've actually done honest work. I needed something to do after I retired. It lasted about four months. But I guess for you, it'll live on...... and on...... and on......and on....

Grab any waitresses tits lately, Blockhead?
You talk this bullshit as Biden fucks everything up worse than it's ever been in most people alive's lifetime? Fucking slap yourself, you silly bitch!

Really? How. Spell it out. Tell me why this is worse than, say, 2008, when the entire financial system was a day away from collapsing (thanks to Republican morons). Or worse than 1979. Tell me exactly what is 'worse than in anyone's lifetime'.

I'll wait. Hey, I missed you at Diamond Nationals. Color me shocked.
Irony: the smartest person, according to himself, misspelled the word "so" in his thread title. :laugh:

Yes, of course. I thought it was spelled with an 'i'. Has nothing to do with the 'i' key and the 'o' key being right next to each other.

Fucking retard.
Once again, you illustrate what a pompous presumptuous dumbass you are.

Although it is meaningless to a faceless liar like yourself, I am happily married to my beautiful slim Canadian High school love living in a fabulous pool home in a gated community in Florida with a home in Canada where she is from as well. We're not multi-millionaires but fit in the millionaire category. I'm happily retired and have no debt. We have no mortgage. We have a car here and in Canada. Both new and paid for.

So yes, life is damned good and I have few regrets. Any other moronic statements you would like to make to continue to remove any doubt what a dumb asshole you are? :palm:

THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SPEND ALL DAY LONG HERE BASHING LIBERALS? How have they made your life so miserable? Have liberal demons showed up at your door demanding your guns? Have they tried to convert you to a homosexual? Have they somehow stolen all your money? Forced you into a <gasp> mosque? Are you still free to read the bullshit they spew on Brietbart, and watch it on Fox News?
Has anyone infringed on your freedoms in any way? Apparently not.

More importantly, have they told you you can't marry the person you love? Have they told you that if your wife or your daugther gets raped, they'll have to carry to the baby to term? Have they attempted a violent overthrow of the government? No?



Back on ignore.

PS, I pick up my 330i on Monday. I'll be writing a check for 54K and change. They haven't hurt me one bit either.
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Really? How. Spell it out. Tell me why this is worse than, say, 2008, when the entire financial system was a day away from collapsing (thanks to Republican morons). Or worse than 1979. Tell me exactly what is 'worse than in anyone's lifetime'.

I'll wait. Hey, I missed you at Diamond Nationals. Color me shocked.

Or worse than 1968, when the entire nation seemed on the brink.

The uneducated have no sense of history.
Or worse than 1968, when the entire nation seemed on the brink.

The uneducated have no sense of history.

Exactly. But we do face an existential threat to democracy, one they choose to either ignore or actively root for. Poor white men. Like Sheriff Woody, Blockhead, Truth Deflector and Smarter than a 1st grader.