Si how come you are a failure?

LOL, there ain't no high school kids delivering food. It was fun. No stress, pick your hours. The wife always came with me. Great transition for me. Since you don't work, you wouldn't understand that some people enjoy it. I certainly did. I guess you think it's some kind of gotcha. Epic fail on your part. You will never best me, blockhead, aim lower.

You're so full of shit. pWAHAHHA!
I listened to Reagan and started a p/t biz while slaving to a time card and a miserable boss.

I never worked a day in my life loving what I did, and still do somewhat. I got up when I wanted. Went to bed what I wanted. Did everything I wanted to do.

Retired at 50 and laugh at you slaves to a time card and dying 3 days after you retire.....lololol

How could you people live such a miserable existence bitching for 50
I listened to Reagan and started a p/t biz while slaving to a time card and a miserable boss.

I never worked a day in my life loving what I did, and still do somewhat. I got up when I wanted. Went to bed what I wanted. Did everything I wanted to do.

Retired at 50 and laugh at you slaves to a time card and dying 3 days after you retire.....lololol

How could you people live such a miserable existence bitching for 50

Those Avon parties must have been legendary. Did you like your pink caddy?
Trumptards, why are you so much less successful than I am? I faced far greater obstacles than you. I was born and raised a white Christian male, and if that wasn’t bad enough I had to deal with the horrible burden of growing up in one of the mot librul states in the country, Minnesota. Then I spent years being ‘educated’ at a librul college. Indoctrinated by librul parents, I had to find my way through life with all of this stacked against me. Paying excessively high state taxes so those black people and immigrants could leach off the government dole put me at an even greater disadvantage.

So what happened? I somehow went on to become a business owner who traveled the world, made lots of money and retired to a great life. How come you are all such losers who whine and cry about your terrible white mans burden? Yes I am smarter and better looking but it still doesn’t explain why I’m a winner and you are a whiner.

Can you think of the reasons why you couldn’t succeed when I had all those obstacles and surpassed you in every way imaginable anyway?



and now you're an internationalist fascist mass murdering asshole.

you're part of the problem.

WWIII is dumb, not smart.
Combined with a strong economy, the 1993 deficit reduction plan produced smaller budget deficits each year. In 1998, the federal government experienced the first budget surplus since 1969. Reflecting the perceived importance of the budget surplus, the New York Times described the end of budget deficits as "the fiscal equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall."[15]
And then Bush blew it up with his massive tax cuts and his illegal war.
It is so hilarious you say that....lololol

No my gig was commercial lending and financing. My second gig was personal finance to help so many people who need it

Yrs ago our office was next door to an Avon distribution on a regional level. Never saw the manager in anything but a pink Caddy......Thanks for that...loll
You have your opinions! Nothing wrong with that!

But, yes, you are a little too much wound up!

My question, is why did you bring all this insulting into the forum?

Now everyone is insulting everyone else!

See what you started! You were the very first person to insult me personally here.

Can't you make your political points without all the personal insults, DRAMA QUEENING, and attention whoring?

Projection. Your utter lack of self-awareness is showing brainless wonder dunce. :palm:
Your obvious mental illness and barely intelligible writing makes this tale highly unlikely

You misspelled "my" dipshit. Ironic that your IQ is too low to comprehend the obvious or have any self-awareness. You adore and voted for Biden. You owe ALL Americans who didn't an apology. Get on it. :palm:

There you go lying your dumb, psychotic ass off again. I don't think you can post without looking like a lying sociopath and looking stupid.

I'm hardly here all day. Hardly here all week.

How have they made your life so miserable?

That's easy mental case; by voting for morons like Biden who destroy everything they touch you willful mental case. :palm:

Have liberal demons showed up at your door demanding your guns?

Strawman. You appear to have severe mental issues. You're also a liar and a caricature of ignorance and stupidity.

Have they tried to convert you to a homosexual?

Another Strawman. I don't think you can post without strawmen, lying and looking like a caricature of ignorance and stupidity. :)

Have they somehow stolen all your money?

Strawman ALERT! :rolleyes:

Forced you into a <gasp> mosque?

Strawman ALERT! :rolleyes:

Are you still free to read the bullshit they spew on Brietbart, and watch it on Fox News?

Now you've wandered away from strawmen to triggered bullshit. I get though, the realization that your party is going to suffer the most massive defeat in the history of the Republic triggers low IQ leftist morons like you. I hope you have stocked up on your meds dipshit. :laugh:

Has anyone infringed on your freedoms in any way? Apparently not.

Another strawman. You argue like a third grader. Did you not get to High School you sad lying caricature of ignorance and stupidity? :palm:

More importantly, have they told you you can't marry the person you love?

Strawman ALERT! It is cute to see you pounding your tiny, insignificant little fists on the table though. :laugh:

Have they told you that if your wife or your daugther gets raped, they'll have to carry to the baby to term?

:lolup: Strawman pontificator can't spell daughter. :laugh:

Have they attempted a violent overthrow of the government? No?

Another dumb, lame brain-dead strawman. :palm:


Make me you pathetic, triggered, worthless piece of human filth. :laugh:

Back on ignore.

Dumb fuck thinks I give a shit. :laugh:

PS, I pick up my 330i on Monday. I'll be writing a check for 54K and change. They haven't hurt me one bit either.

Dream on you laughable lying leftist dumbass. :laugh:
Or worse than 1968, when the entire nation seemed on the brink.

The uneducated have no sense of history.

Exactly. But we do face an existential threat to democracy, one they choose to either ignore or actively root for. Poor white men. Like Sheriff Woody, Blockhead, Truth Deflector and Smarter than a 1st grader.

:lolup: Dumbest and Dumb fuck in a leftist echo chamber of stupidity and ignorance. :laugh: