Shaken, not stirred!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Once again you keep trying to pass of NRA paranoia, supposition and conjecture as fact. For the last 30 years or so, the NRA and it's parrot along with the weapons manufacturers pundits have been wailing propaganda of a nefarious plot to "grab" guns from Americans as a prelude to some sort of communist takeover. This was to be facilitated by UN troops using a hit list of registered gun owners.....the EXACT details as to how this would be done have always been murky at best.
Well, in my lifetime NO legislation has ever been proposed in Congress or the Senate to confiscate legally owned weapons from law abiding citizens. That is NOT gun control. Gun control is NOT having any yahoo roaming the streets with a concealed weapon, much less crossing any state border with said weapon. Gun control is NOT having any schmuck with a driver's license and cash buy any type of weapon they want with no questions asked.
To date, you've provided NOTHING that validates your use of the term "gun grabbers" in your subject title. And again, I ask what is it about a background check that scares you so much? Scared you might not pass?
Taichi, You do not need to carry a conceiled weapon if you don't want to, but in a couple months, I'm going to Mesa AZ, and I will be legally packing my big 9. I will legally hide it, but of course I may carry it around exposed, and its all legal
I understand you just made a moot point that does NOT affect the basis of my statement....nor does it answer the question I initially put to the author of this thread.