Shaken, not stirred!
taichi, still a moron. It is the height of stupidity to believe that the founders would write ANYTHING allowing the new federal government to control firearms after dealing with an oppressive central government that tried to take their firearms. anyone believing such stupidity needs to crawl back in their mothers basement.
Once again, the willfully ignorant Oather/threeper STY IGNORES THE HISTORICAL FACT OF THE MILITIA ACT OF 1792 and the subsequent MILITIA ACT OF 1903. The former clarifies just how the Second Amendment is to work for the American citizen, and the later explains how the federal gov't can (and does) regulate the formal state militia which was turned into the National Guard.
Braying fools like STY REFUSE TO READ OR DISCUSS THE FOREMENTIONED LAWS, as they interfere with the supposition and conjecture laden NRA flunky fantasy. So let's watch STY and his cohorts parrot the same old dodgy, propagandistic BS, because to date neither party can provide a legislative proposal that in no uncertain terms advocated "grabbing" guns from law abiding citizens that legally owned them.