Signs of a Cult. Is Fox News a Mainstream Cult?

So....what about.the fairness doctrine? It would work both ways, you know.....All those "Librul media sources" would be required to provide a Conservative rebuttal.

Scared your rhetoric can't hold up?

Because when it was in practice it didn't work that way. There were few choices. It scared news outlets from doing anything controversial and consolidated news and opinion.

When Reagan lifted it, the choices exploded. Maybe that's good maybe that is bad depending on your view. I happen to think more freedom and more choices are a good thing. Based on your post, I can only presume that you are opposed to both. But, feel free to prove me wrong.

John Stewart is a fucking leftist shill. He tries to excuse his fucking leftist agenda by claiming he’s just a fucking comedian and it’s just comedy. John Steward is not a comedian and what he does is not comedy it’s fucking leftwing propaganda dressed in silly faces and not so very clever rhetoric.

No wonder Anti-Fox loves Steward sooooo, all his politics is based in fucking stupidity.
Uh, I serve on active status in the WA Air National Guard. My bosses include Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. Jay Inslee, neither of who I voted for, but both of who have my undivided attention as an Airman. Clearly, I work in defense of the established government everytime I put on the uniform. Additionally, I utilize radar systems to defend the airspaces of US and Canada. You could say that I fight for three flags and two constitutions. Despite my tendency to support libertarian candidates such as Gary Johnson and Ron Paul, I remain very much an establishment type. I have a sarcastic William H Taft bumper sticker on my car, I like Ike, Bush Jr. is a moron, and the South can go fuck itself.

Me in a nutshell.

Scope Dope!

Fox is not fair and balanced, it has “all” of the prettiest girls!!!

Which sadly explains the mentality of the FOX listener.

According to the definition of a cult member, it's obvious the answer to the OP is a resounding "Yes!"

The first mark of a cult is its manipulation of Scripture. The Bible is twisted to fit the leader or group’s interpretation. Private interpretations are forbidden because the leader of the cult is the only one, of course, who is able to understand God’s voice properly. Their teachings distort the historic, orthodox claims of Christianity.
Second, many times cults manipulate people’s minds. There is little concern for individual thought and development. Education is usually discouraged while the convert is bombarded with the cult’s doctrine and literature. Members are called to leave or neglect their old family and life-style for a brand new one.
A third characteristic is the manipulation of time. Since salvation comes exclusively from the teachings of the group, in many cults members spend much of their time working for their organization. Family, school, leisure, sleep, and even food are most often neglected.
Finally, cults typically manipulate reality. They tend to have an exclusive “us”/“them” mentality in which society and old associates are all out to get them. Anyone outside of the group is suspect.
If a religious group exhibits one or more of the marks mentioned above, that group may well be considered a cult. Jesus Christ said that in the last days many false prophets would arise and deceive many (Matt. 24:11,24).
To avoid the deception of the cults, we should be rooted in the teachings of the historic Christian faith, and receive Jesus Christ, God the Son, second Person of the Trinity, as Lord of our lives.

People who watch no news at all can answer more questions about international current events than people who watch cable news, a survey by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind finds.

NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows are the most informative news outlets, while exposure to partisan sources, such as Fox News and MSNBC, has a negative impact on people’s current events knowledge.
People who watch MSNBC and CNN exclusively can answer more questions about domestic events than people who watch no news at all. People who only watch Fox did much worse. NPR listeners answered more questions correctly than people in any other category.

More at link.
Uh, I serve on active status in the WA Air National Guard. My bosses include Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. Jay Inslee, neither of who I voted for, but both of who have my undivided attention as an Airman. Clearly, I work in defense of the established government everytime I put on the uniform. Additionally, I utilize radar systems to defend the airspaces of US and Canada. You could say that I fight for three flags and two constitutions. Despite my tendency to support libertarian candidates such as Gary Johnson and Ron Paul, I remain very much an establishment type. I have a sarcastic William H Taft bumper sticker on my car, I like Ike, Bush Jr. is a moron, and the South can go fuck itself.

Me in a nutshell.

Thanks, again for watching our airspace!

Have you ever seen any UFO?
Hey, Howie, the day I enlisted (just had my 9th anniversary on the 9th), I got called a scope dope for choosing my career field!

Rana, if there were UFOs flying around that the government had control over, they would likely keep it out of our links. Otherwise, I have not seen any rogue UFOs.
Hey, Howie, the day I enlisted (just had my 9th anniversary on the 9th), I got called a scope dope for choosing my career field!

Rana, if there were UFOs flying around that the government had control over, they would likely keep it out of our links. Otherwise, I have not seen any rogue UFOs.

Oh, damn, I was really hoping, I love aliens, they are up there with Vampires and zombies!
So....what about.the fairness doctrine? It would work both ways, you know.....All those "Librul media sources" would be required to provide a Conservative rebuttal.

Scared your rhetoric can't hold up?

Conservative rebuttal?? Kind of like MSNBC having Joe Scarborough and trying to convince me that he is the voice of he "right?"
Yep, Joe, by the way, Joe is a rightie, he just is of the Ronald Reagan rightie variety.

What kind is that? (I know who Scarborough is but I can't say I've watched him much so I don't know what opinions he carries)
Hey, Howie, the day I enlisted (just had my 9th anniversary on the 9th), I got called a scope dope for choosing my career field!

I know that. Remember, I was stationed with you guys in Germany. Borfink Bunker. That's how I knew. My first b/f was a scope dope. He had a pretty big scope too. We all knew it was a UFO.

Rana, if there were UFOs flying around that the government had control over, they would likely keep it out of our links. Otherwise, I have not seen any rogue UFOs.

I remember when I was in SD there was a story of an airman who disappeared from one of the missile silos and reappeared half an hour later, hundreds of miles away in minesota, hundreds of miles away.