Signs of a Cult. Is Fox News a Mainstream Cult?

Fair enough, I do. But I thought you said in a different thread that Reagan had some left-leaning in him so I was a little bit confused on how you classify him.

Left leaning in how the Tea Party/Republucans view him, and in certain policies, not all, but some of his policies.
Comedy central is a joke. That's the whole premise of the channel, jokes. Its in the very name.

Yes....Comedy Central IS a joke...nthay's why it's called COMEDY central...Yeeesh.

CC isn't comedy, its ridicule of a one political and one religious sides views and is neither fair nor balanced, .....ridicule is funny to some losers as long they aren't the ones being ridiculed....and
shows like Stewart and Maher and generally, most comedians are totally one sided to a fault....its exactly what was done to races and ethnic groups in the past, which
would not be tolerated today.....not funny, just ridicule then and now.
What he's saying is that there is no objective metric for what is a good representation of a 'opposing' side.

Obviously when we think opposing sides we think Democrat and Republican but it's not like they have a monopoly on correct ideas or viewpoints.
Uh, I serve on active status in the WA Air National Guard. My bosses include Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. Jay Inslee, neither of who I voted for, but both of who have my undivided attention as an Airman. Clearly, I work in defense of the established government everytime I put on the uniform. Additionally, I utilize radar systems to defend the airspaces of US and Canada. You could say that I fight for three flags and two constitutions. Despite my tendency to support libertarian candidates such as Gary Johnson and Ron Paul, I remain very much an establishment type. I have a sarcastic William H Taft bumper sticker on my car, I like Ike, Bush Jr. is a moron, and the South can go fuck itself.

Me in a nutshell.

I like the true definition of Libertarian. But the people haven't worked out the definition yet. There is a LOT of Nihilism in the talk of Libertarians today. Via, "Why should we have that law, since when do criminals follow laws?" Pure Nihilism that makes you question EVERY law.

I do plan to vote for Rand Paul.....but I want the Fox News morons to wake up first.
How can there be a debate when you haven't even posed a challenge? All you do is say "welcome to politics, basic stuff, fox news" over and over and over and over again. I'm almost convinced you're a bot, because I cannot fathom someone being as stupid as you.

Seriously, that's not debating. That's not even thinking.

Actually I posted a "Left Wing video" and you refused to watch it. Debate won. Part of the cult signatures, "don't intake information from other sources"

CC isn't comedy, its ridicule of a one political and one religious sides views and is neither fair nor balanced, .....ridicule is funny to some losers as long they aren't the ones being ridiculed....and
shows like Stewart and Maher and generally, most comedians are totally one sided to a fault....its exactly what was done to races and ethnic groups in the past, which
would not be tolerated today.....not funny, just ridicule then and now.'s guys like you that write the jokes for them and hand it to them on a silver platter.....blame yourselves.
John Stewart is a fucking leftist shill. He tries to excuse his fucking leftist agenda by claiming he’s just a fucking comedian and it’s just comedy. John Steward is not a comedian and what he does is not comedy it’s fucking leftwing propaganda dressed in silly faces and not so very clever rhetoric.

No wonder Anti-Fox loves Steward sooooo, all his politics is based in fucking stupidity.

I'm sure that is what Fox News teaches you. I'm also positive you don't watch the Daily show, otherwise you wouldn't state that.

He is clearly Left Wing, no one said he isn't. His show is CLEARLY funny and has pumped out comedians over the years such as Steve Corell and Steven Colbert (who make millions on comedy)

Most of America is Anti-fox because they are a cult and have all the warning signs.'news'_uses_to_brainwash_americans
Well, nihilism has traditionally been a mindset of the far left. If it can be observed amongst libertarians, I imagine that it is partly a reaction to the damage which traditional nihilists have done to our perspectives of right/wrong, purpose/futility, optimism/cynicism.
Hey, Howie, the day I enlisted (just had my 9th anniversary on the 9th), I got called a scope dope for choosing my career field!

Rana, if there were UFOs flying around that the government had control over, they would likely keep it out of our links. Otherwise, I have not seen any rogue UFOs.

You do realize that "UFO" sightings were our government testing our German Engineers new products in public sight......(R)ight? After the war we took their Engineers and they started designing for us.

They stopped that program after people died. But "typical" things such as "flares" use to be reported as UFO's and has created a small Capitalist economy based on lies.
What kind is that? (I know who Scarborough is but I can't say I've watched him much so I don't know what opinions he carries)

In my opinion;

Reagan was one of the first to start the Corporatocracy.

He sold conditions that would make Corporations rich, while selling out the rest of America. SOMEHOW Americans haven't woke up to this yet and Corporations are making record profits while pay and outsourcing are at all time high's.

It's simply depressing to hear people scream for less environmental regulations because they were told by Fox News that is why they are paid so little. They have never researched China. In fact I heard Fox News writing off China's pollution yesterday on the Glen Beck show. Libertarians try to act Constitutional and middle but facts show their decision making is purely profit based. "Blowback and consequence be damned, I'm free to make bad decisions."
I know that. Remember, I was stationed with you guys in Germany. Borfink Bunker. That's how I knew. My first b/f was a scope dope. He had a pretty big scope too. We all knew it was a UFO.

I remember when I was in SD there was a story of an airman who disappeared from one of the missile silos and reappeared half an hour later, hundreds of miles away in minesota, hundreds of miles away.

Big gov. Not aliens. Testing something.
Obviously when we think opposing sides we think Democrat and Republican but it's not like they have a monopoly on correct ideas or viewpoints.

The educated balance Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians. But news to some, There are Left and Right Wing Libertarians.
Well, nihilism has traditionally been a mindset of the far left. If it can be observed amongst libertarians, I imagine that it is partly a reaction to the damage which traditional nihilists have done to our perspectives of right/wrong, purpose/futility, optimism/cynicism.

I never gave you credit before, but here is your chance.

Tell me about those times the Left had the mindset of Nihilism.

I WILL assume it was over 100 years ago, but answer it anyway.
Well, I don't know what they do down at Area 51, and they do a good job of not letting me see much, either...

Except for people with Internet and TV. Otherwise, the rest of the population doesn't know a thing about it.

If you are truly anti-government then you should research Conspiracy Theories because most of them make total sense and are full of facts. Their only problem is they lack reason and "who did this". Generally speaking, it's all Big Gov and Big Industry who controls Big Gov. Yet the very parties that fight against Big Gov pat their backs on their most corrupt attributes.

If you YouTube "Illumannati in Government" then you will learn WAY more than you want to learn. Yet the term "Illumanati" and the people who make these video's are the reason they are not taken seriously.

It's basically Big Corporations using our Countries leaders as puppets. Notice all of them change their mind after actually getting the position of President and all of a sudden don't have a mind of their own but make IDIOTIC decisions that destroy our Country while always making a Corporation rich.

If you actually do this will become an educated American. Most won't because they are only here to troll. But the funny split is this. The party that wants less Government is using Corporations to maximize profits even if it kills Americans or employs children overseas. They are using Government force to hide this. Ironically, the party that understands the use of Government wants to use it here in America to help the needy.

This is why I vote LESS GOVERNMENT. Unless I see another Romney. A Corporate face ready to sell out America for profit just like he did in his occupation.
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Yeah, it was pre-New Left, and it was a product of industrialization and the scientific revolution. Nietzsche was basically responding to it when he wrote about nihilism and the damage it could do to society if left unchecked.

That said, regarding the development of the New Left, it retained much of that nihilism with regard to personal morality and the classical values of character and virtue. To the extent that libertarians often value only contract law and claim to only see value in rules which prevent one person from directly harming another, that is what they have inherited.
Yeah, it was pre-New Left, and it was a product of industrialization and the scientific revolution. Nietzsche was basically responding to it when he wrote about nihilism and the damage it could do to society if left unchecked.

That said, regarding the development of the New Left, it retained much of that nihilism with regard to personal morality and the classical values of character and virtue. To the extent that libertarians often value only contract law and claim to only see value in rules which prevent one person from directly harming another, that is what they have inherited.

Libertarians have no clue about laws that only prevent one person from directly harming another.

Let me ask you this. Do you think these laws cause any harm on anyone beyond themselves?;

Motorcycle Helmet
Smoking in a Restaruant
Seat Belt
Gun Background Checks

Should the citizens be allowed to FORCE you to lock your Military Style weapon up in a gun safe with it's 100 round mag?
No to the first two, and yes to the third. I believe helmet and seatbelt laws are stupid. Perhaps on a motorcycle, helmets shield debris, thus reducing accidents, but certainly not on bikes.

The background checks stand to prevent crimes.