Signs of a Cult. Is Fox News a Mainstream Cult?

No to the first two, and yes to the third. I believe helmet and seatbelt laws are stupid. Perhaps on a motorcycle, helmets shield debris, thus reducing accidents, but certainly not on bikes.

The background checks stand to prevent crimes.

Statistics show that seat belts and motorcycle helmets make it less likely to die in an accident. Tell me the necessity to have the freedom to avoid safety measures. I will tell YOU that you have family that cares about you and will be affected for life with your loss, like many others, die in an accident when they could have taken safety measures.
You won't find this in mainstream media. Yet you will write it off without viewing it because it's not YOUR choice of mainstream media, Fox News.

1) Foxxy News isn't my source of news. I just think people who rant about it are retarded or have an agenda.
2) I am very familiar with how Chinese industrialization is impacting the environment. I just don't have any power over it.
1) Foxxy News isn't my source of news. I just think people who rant about it are retarded or have an agenda.
2) I am very familiar with how Chinese industrialization is impacting the environment. I just don't have any power over it.

The PEOPLE have the power. Not the Corporatocracy.

Right now we are in a wishy/washy mess of politicians still in power before the political hating America wakes up and pays attention. But one thing is certain. You can't use Corporations to exploit Government if you are small Government. I DO believe the Left has an honest and good hearted reason to be the way they are and I've noticed the results personally in bad times. It's almost "bad time insurance" or "United We Stand" or something.

But with this power the Corporate driven Right always seems to abuse the system.

So I will vote for Rand Paul, just like I was going to vote for Ron Paul. The only flaw I ever saw on Rand is his talk on legalizing unpasteurized milk. Locally I've seen many cases of E.Coli in infants because their parents felt they had the "Liberty" to give them unsafe milk. Liberty is important, but blatant Liberty abuse is a hazard.
1) Foxxy News isn't my source of news. I just think people who rant about it are retarded or have an agenda.
2) I am very familiar with how Chinese industrialization is impacting the environment. I just don't have any power over it.

Two guys I work with just got back from a week in Beijing. They said the heat, humidity and air pollution was absolutely brutal.
Two guys I work with just got back from a week in Beijing. They said the heat, humidity and air pollution was absolutely brutal.

The Libertarian priest at my church got back from a mission in Africa and admitted once he arrived that there was trash everywhere, sewage, smog, homeless, no traffic laws and shootings. He stated, "my first question was What is your government doing about this" It was a total Libertarian society, everyone was free to do what they please. No order.

A long shot from our situation of too much order. The Patriot Act with fingers pointed both ways to ensure it won't get stopped. Our unnecessary wars with fingers pointed both ways to ensure they won't get stopped, "Iraq vs. Lybia"

All of this, every single bit of it, is directly linked to Big Corporations. Big Corp OWNS Big Gov.
Going to bed. I hope some here learned my position and I hope more follow.

NONE of the major 3 parties are correct always so I hope people stop following them blindly. Stop justifying bad things because you want to "win". You win when America wins.
The Libertarian priest at my church got back from a mission in Africa and admitted once he arrived that there was trash everywhere, sewage, smog, homeless, no traffic laws and shootings. He stated, "my first question was What is your government doing about this" It was a total Libertarian society, everyone was free to do what they please. No order.

A long shot from our situation of too much order. The Patriot Act with fingers pointed both ways to ensure it won't get stopped. Our unnecessary wars with fingers pointed both ways to ensure they won't get stopped, "Iraq vs. Lybia"

All of this, every single bit of it, is directly linked to Big Corporations. Big Corp OWNS Big Gov.

LOL, and how do you know the political leanings of the priest at your church?
Oh....I don't's HIS church....and perhaps he talks to his clergyman.....just a guess.

1) He's a troll with a long history on this board who is talking out of his ass so congrats on standing up for him

And would you go to your church to talk to your priest about politics?
1) He's a troll with a long history on this board who is talking out of his ass so congrats on standing up for him

And would you go to your church to talk to your priest about politics?

I talk to my Pastor about many things....politics included. My church is a small country church....everyone knows one it didn't seem odd to me.
I talk to my Pastor about many things....politics included. My church is a small country church....everyone knows one it didn't seem odd to me.

Fair enough. I've never experienced that at my church but obviously we all have different experiences.

Legion, aka Anti-Party, has been trolling this board for years under different names. Sometimes he's a conservative sometimes he's a liberal. At times it can be humorous but he's basically full of sh*t.
The Libertarian priest at my church got back from a mission in Africa and admitted once he arrived that there was trash everywhere, sewage, smog, homeless, no traffic laws and shootings. He stated, "my first question was What is your government doing about this" It was a total Libertarian society, everyone was free to do what they please. No order.
Yes, adhereing to a body of laws is clearly advocating lawlessness.
Yes, adhereing to a body of laws is clearly advocating lawlessness.

A body of laws written more than two centuries ago when times were much simpler. It's folly to think that if we reverted back to the strictest definitions of those original laws, that all our problems and modern issues would disappear. Those laws, while still serviceable, need tweaking as society advances.
A body of laws written more than two centuries ago when times were much simpler. It's folly to think that if we reverted back to the strictest definitions of those original laws, that all our problems and modern issues would disappear. Those laws, while still serviceable, need tweaking as society advances.

What made those times 'simpler'?
What made those times 'simpler'?

Oh....let's can I count the ways? Technology, slavery, more land than population, opportunity without having to have an MBA...and of course....the always expanding opportunities that could be found by helping to settle the frontier.
A body of laws written more than two centuries ago when times were much simpler. It's folly to think that if we reverted back to the strictest definitions of those original laws, that all our problems and modern issues would disappear. Those laws, while still serviceable, need tweaking as society advances.

Perhaps you’d like to articulate which of those laws if any are not relevant today? At what point do laws of common sense, common decency, moral attitude, guarantees of individual liberty and restrictions on the authoritarianism of government become irrelevant?

Oh yeah! Did you ever consider the fact that the Constitution has a provision in it that allows for amending of it? If the Constitution isn’t up to snuff, who’s fault is it? Would you rather the Constitution simply be ignored, (as it presently is), rather than lawfully amended?

What would you amend and why????
It's basically Big Corporations using our Countries leaders as puppets. Notice all of them change their mind after actually getting the position of President and all of a sudden don't have a mind of their own but make IDIOTIC decisions that destroy our Country while always making a Corporation rich.


While I find many of the conspiracy theories ridiculous, then again our govt does do some odd things (i.e. Tuskegee experiment)

I don't think corporations have taken over yet - let's face it, some of them are even more dysfunctional than govt, so how could they? - I do think Citizens United was a bad step in that direction.

But what I mainly want to mention here is a book by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George called "Interface" - wow, talk about people using advertising and technology to take over! Short form: they put a chip in the head of one of the presidential candidates so they can control him; they use advertising/focus polls to see what he should be saying at any particular point.

Interesting book.

ps - I know people say anti-party is a troll, but in my short time here his postings, while I don't always agree with them, have seemed to reflect his positions; he hasn't been massively negative towards other people; and he doesn't get bogged down in back and forth arguments over some word or another. Not saying he hasn't trolled in the past, but I haven't noticed it yet.
While I find many of the conspiracy theories ridiculous, then again our govt does do some odd things (i.e. Tuskegee experiment)

I don't think corporations have taken over yet - let's face it, some of them are even more dysfunctional than govt, so how could they? - I do think Citizens United was a bad step in that direction.

But what I mainly want to mention here is a book by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George called "Interface" - wow, talk about people using advertising and technology to take over! Short form: they put a chip in the head of one of the presidential candidates so they can control him; they use advertising/focus polls to see what he should be saying at any particular point.

Interesting book.

ps - I know people say anti-party is a troll, but in my short time here his postings, while I don't always agree with them, have seemed to reflect his positions; he hasn't been massively negative towards other people; and he doesn't get bogged down in back and forth arguments over some word or another. Not saying he hasn't trolled in the past, but I haven't noticed it yet.

I think Anti Party is a good addition to the forum.