Signs of doubt...

"On Fox News, Sarah Palin said, 'I want to clean up the state, that is so sorry today, of journalism and I have a communications degree.' After that sentence, they might take it back."

Jay Leno
"Three finalists on 'Dancing with the Stars,' two of whom can dance and Bristol Palin who cannot, but her mother has an army of Eskimo robots calling in votes day and night. The Palins dream of a future in which no one will ever be disqualified from a job simply because they are unable to perform that job."

Jimmy Kimmel
"Three finalists on 'Dancing with the Stars,' two of whom can dance and Bristol Palin who cannot, but her mother has an army of Eskimo robots calling in votes day and night. The Palins dream of a future in which no one will ever be disqualified from a job simply because they are unable to perform that job."

Jimmy Kimmel

You know, on second thought, I don't think obsessed quite does you justice~
"On Fox News, they address her as Governor Palin. Which is like calling me 'Dairy Queen employee.' I was once, but I quit."

Tina Fey
The cheap shoot artists....

Conan O'Brien
Tina Fey
Jay Leno
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Fallon
David Lettermen

The list goes on and the entire msm, Democratic machine, and some Republicans....What an army to have to fight.......
I look forward to 8 years of President Palin. :)

Well, this is the first time that the Stupid Party actually have their own representative. The US could be the first nation to be defined by its huge numbers of 'Ear Biters'!