Here's what gets me...
Liberals foam-at-the-mouth HATE her guts... don't know why.
Establishment and Bush Administration Republicans dislike her... don't know why.
Print media hates her... don't know why.
Broadcast media hates her... don't know why.
Moderates hate her... don't know why.
Libertarians hate her... don't know why.
But everywhere she goes, throngs of people show up and cheer her like she's a rock star. People wait hours, just to get a glimpse of her as she passes by. Crowds stand in line in the rain at book signings, just to get her autograph. Every poll that has been taken since the 2008 elections, shows her in the Top 3 potential candidates for president in 2012, for the GOP.
It's really odd.... almost like, there is a STARK DIFFERENCE between the media 'perception' of Palin, and the actual sentiment of the people with Palin. What is interesting is... talking head pundits from the Bush Administration, don't elect the president. Magazine editorial writers, don't elect the president either. SNL comediennes don't get to pick the prez. Nope... that's done by the PEOPLE... those same people who are standing in line for hours, showing up in mass numbers to hear her speak, and buying her books faster than they can be printed.
I just wonder, what would be the reaction, should Palin (who has been given NO chance) actually runs, and blows everyone out of the water in Iowa and NH? Will the righties who haven't been so keen on Palin, suddenly see the writing on the wall? There's getting to be a LOT of shit thrown, that is going to be difficult to take back. Will idiots like Good Luck really sit on their hands and refuse to vote for a candidate who promises to do everything he has always wanted a politician to do, with regard to conservative governance? And if this intense dislike of Palin is so strong, as to make conservatives forsake conservatism to avoid electing her, what is the reason for it?