Here is a little up-date for you. I have just (1.25 hours ago) returned from a visit to a trade show. There I met an very nice American gentleman who had just placed an order for 100,000 of a product at a cost to him of about 6.5 US cents. He was happy because he knows he can sell this product (and no, I will not give a clue as to what it is) for US$6.00. Not a bad mark-up, I think you will agree. Another very well known product, with which I am quite familiar, is sold to an American distributor for about US$6.5 and sold to mugs like you, BY AN AMERICAN COMPANY, for US$19.99. I guess that since I take a small cut from both, I WIN again. Twice.

So you can shove that where the sun dont shine little man. Because tomorrow I am due to meet ANOTHER American company to help with negotiations, so with any luck, there will be even more 'chink' (as you so politely say) products flooding into the homes of stupid yanks. I make money and laugh til the tears fall. You bloody fools.