Slavery in the Old South Was Good!


New member
In my thread, "history is for suckers," there seemed to be some interest here and there for some real history. Well you read the title. There it is. At least it was for blacks. Need proof? Try to find a black anywhere in the U.S. who would say that they would prefer to be in Africa right now. If they think that being here is better than being in Africa, there is no escaping the fact that slavery in the old South was good. Otherwise, they wouldn't be here. Now I myself think that slavery was bad. But for blacks, it HAD to be good. Because as I said, otherwise, they wouldn't even be here.

Also, the whole topic of slavery in the old South is yet another example of history being written by the victors. That doesn't make it true. For example, there has been MUCH talk about the mistreatment of black slaves by their owners. In some cases, there may have been. But it would have had to have been far from the rule. Because you see, humans have been using various kinds of animals to do work for thousands of years. Something I'm sure they learned early on is that the better they treat their animals, they more work they will get out of them. Surely they didn't forget all that with their black slaves. And from what I have seen, they are relearning that lesson with modern day workers. That the better they treat them, the more work they get out of them.

Here is another point. Do any history books tell you that slaves earned wages? At least some must have. Because it is well known that some black slaves were eventually able to not only to buy their own freedom, but the freedom of family members and others as well. So where else could the money have come from. And if their masters didn't actually pay them, they made it possible for some to be able to do other work that they did get paid for.

Also, blacks like to bitch about Whites in the old South having made them slaves. But slavery is STILL going on in Africa. And Whites are somehow the bad guys?! What a joke. Another point is that in the old South, there were some blacks themselves that owned slaves. I will show you some memes. See what you think of them.

slave owning nigger.jpg Black Confederates.jpg black reb 2.jpg

black reb 3.jpg black reb 5.jpg
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More white supremacist racist garbage from another scumbag. Gosh color me surprised!
In my thread, "history is for suckers," there seemed to be some interest here and there for some real history. Well you read the title. There it is. At least it was for blacks. Need proof? Try to find a black anywhere in the U.S. who would say that they would prefer to be in Africa right now. If they think that being here is better than being in Africa, there is no escaping the fact that slavery in the old South was good. Otherwise, they wouldn't be here. Now I myself think that slavery was bad. But for blacks, it HAD to be good. Because as I said, otherwise, they wouldn't even be here.

Also, the whole topic of slavery in the old South is yet another example of history being written by the victors. That doesn't make it true. For example, there has been MUCH talk about the mistreatment of black slaves by their owners. In some cases, there may have been. But it would have had to have been far from the rule. Because you see, humans have been using various kinds of animals to do work for thousands of years. Something I'm sure they learned early on is that the better they treat their animals, they more work they will get out of them. Surely they didn't forget all that with their black slaves. And from what I have seen, they are relearning that lesson with modern day workers. That the better they treat them, the more work they get out of them.

Here is another point. Do any history books tell you that slaves earned wages? At least some must have. Because it is well known that some black slaves were eventually able to not only to buy their own freedom, but the freedom of family members and others as well. So where else could the money have come from. And if their masters didn't actually pay them, they made it possible for some to be able to do other work that they did get paid for.

Also, blacks like to bitch about Whites in the old South having made them slaves. But slavery is STILL going on in Africa. And Whites are somehow the bad guys?! What a joke. Another point is that in the old South, there were some blacks themselves that owned slaves. I will show you some memes. See what you think of them.

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You are making a strong case for not letting low IQ people have children.
You are making a strong case for not letting low IQ people have children.

Indeed. I do support eugenics. But a better place for that argument would be in my thread, "My extraterrestrial thread." Because in it I mentioned that in some point in their past, extraterrestrials must have gone through the same struggles that humanity now faces. Namely, overpopulation and environmental destruction. To lower population, you have to limit the number of children people have. If you are going to limit the number of children people have, it would be incredibly stupid to not limit the number of children the unfit have the most. And the best way to measure how unfit they are? By measuring the number of children they are having in an already overpopulated world!!! Let's just skip over the people of India, China and Africa. Here in the U.S., latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group. And as far as either republicans or democrats are concerned, the more of them, the merrier. Too bad this guy isn't running for office.

Hitler portrait.jpg
What I posted has nothing to do with democrat or republican. It's just the way things are. If you disagree with anything, have at it.

Your logic is a great example of "History is for Suckers." To claim slavery must have been good for blacks because they choose to be here than in Africa only means blacks prefer to stay here now--not that there was anything good about slavery. This is a view of slavery written by the losers.
Yes, the racists have ruined this forum.

Is racism wrong? Even asking the question in a thread title for a reply around here would probably get you banned. Not because the answer would be "yes." But because the answer would be "no." And could be backed up all the way. If I were to post such a thread, you could have 100 of the absolutely smartest people on the planet join this forum and refute me. For those who brainwashed enough to try, I would destroy them. Does that "ruin" things more for you?
Your logic is a great example of "History is for Suckers." To claim slavery must have been good for blacks because they choose to be here than in Africa only means blacks prefer to stay here now--not that there was anything good about slavery. This is a view of slavery written by the losers.

Your argument lacks reason. Do blacks consider it good that they are here now rather than in Africa? If they consider being here good, they MUST consider the slavery that made it possible to be good too. Otherwise, they are being hypocrites. Now, I will take it a step farther. You know how messed up things are in Africa today. Well even though the population levels in Africa were much lower back say in the 1840's, things were still messed up there. Now, just imagine if they had television back then so that all the blacks in Africa could see what life was like in 1840's America. And possibly even have native Americans speaking about how wonderful the land was. All the blacks in Africa would have to do to have a chance to be part of it was to work as "slaves" here. We would have probably been swamped with blacks who willingly would have wanted to come here.

As things were, blacks back then were enslaved by other blacks. Who in turn were mostly sold to jews who brought them here against their will. Just imagine if they had a choice. If they could avoid the slavers all together. To live in the most bountiful of countries where they wouldn't have to worry about being killed and cannibalized by an enemy tribe. Unless that tribe was a native American or Central American tribe. In which case they would have the firepower of the White man to protect them. Also, you claim that slaver was bad. The North won the Civil War against the South and their slavery system. And history is written by the victors. Is it any wonder that you are taught by the victors that slavery was bad? I showed you some memes of blacks who actually fought for and supported the confederacy. THEY WERE THE SLAVES!!! Who in the hell are you to say that they were wrong. It didn't happen to you. It happened to THEM!!!
Your argument lacks reason. Do blacks consider it good that they are here now rather than in Africa? If they consider being here good, they MUST consider the slavery that made it possible to be good too. Otherwise, they are being hypocrites.

Poor logic makes poor history. This is not really "history" but political opinions. Academic history involves research and not message board posts. Opinion is not history.

Many Irish came here because of the potato famine. Since they like it here, does that make the potato famine good?

Jews came here because they were being murdered by the Nazis. Since Jews like it here does that make the Holocaust good?

If Ukrainians go to another country to escape Putin's murderous attacks does that make those attacks good?

Are you the guy that has the book of all the evil things Jews and blacks do that concludes that we must kill minorities that will not leave the U. S.? Jeff Spaeth and other names?
Too bad this guy isn't running for office.

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He was a huge failure and would probably commit suicide again. His actions resulted in the death of millions, his military strategy showed a lack of intelligence (probably from his STD), he had no morals, and he destroyed his own country proving they were not the superior race since those Soviet Jews crushed his troops.
Your argument lacks reason. Do blacks consider it good that they are here now rather than in Africa? If they consider being here good, they MUST consider the slavery that made it possible to be good too.

If the example dealt with indentured servitude as opposed to slavery you might have a valid point.
My ancestors chose that as a means to come to the New World, trading a miserable life in Ireland and Scotland for the hope of a better life here at the expense of some years of toil.

There was no choice for blacks captured and sold and so no connection to future generations. Those slaves would be slaves till they dies and their offspring would be as well. That slavery was ultimately ended was not anticipated nor planned.
If the example dealt with indentured servitude as opposed to slavery you might have a valid point.
My ancestors chose that as a means to come to the New World, trading a miserable life in Ireland and Scotland for the hope of a better life here at the expense of some years of toil.

There was no choice for blacks captured and sold and so no connection to future generations. Those slaves would be slaves till they dies and their offspring would be as well. That slavery was ultimately ended was not anticipated nor planned.

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