Slavery in the Old South Was Good!

Your argument is moronic.

By your 'logic'?

You could say that it is good that a child was sexually molested, hundreds of times because it 'made them mentally stronger'?

Or it is good that WW2 happened (and 40 million people died) because of all the technological innovations that came from it.
Or it caused the UN to be created?
Or it accelerated the end of colonialization.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to prove that every, 'black' American would not have made it here on their own - without slavery. us all a link that proves with 100% certainty that every, 'black' American presently in America - would not be here were it not for slavery?

If you cannot - your entire point is nonsense.

The logic is straightforward. For blacks who think it is good that they live in the U.S. rather than in Africa, then they have to consider the slavery that made it possible to be good too. Otherwise, the vast majority of them wouldn't be here.

As for WW II, it was bad that it happened. It was bad that FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack but did nothing. To treasonously sucker the American people into supporting war. It was bad that the U.S It was bad that the U.S. decided to back the filthy, murderous piece of shit Stalin rather than the hero Hitler. Do you need more?
I would rather Heil Hitler than see the U.S. turned into latin america. I would rather Heil Hitler than see the countless examples of brainwashing of White girls to date negroids on TV every day. I would rather Heil Hitler than see Whites constantly denigrated. I would rather Heil Hitler than see innocent cops and others being given lengthy terms on prison for shooting some black who needed to be shot. Etc. etc. etc. But with the way things are these days, I would rather Heil this guy.

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Vlad the Emailer?
The logic is straightforward. For blacks who think it is good that they live in the U.S. rather than in Africa, then they have to consider the slavery that made it possible to be good too. Otherwise, the vast majority of them wouldn't be here.

As for WW II, it was bad that it happened. It was bad that FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack but did nothing. To treasonously sucker the American people into supporting war. It was bad that the U.S It was bad that the U.S. decided to back the filthy, murderous piece of shit Stalin rather than the hero Hitler. Do you need more?

I am not interested in your 'logic'.

Again... us all a link that proves with 100% certainty that every, 'black' American presently in America - would not be here were it not for slavery?

Can you - yes or no?
If you read it, you also saw the pictures I added. To many blacks, slavery was good enough to fight for. A lot more would have done so had the Confederacy allowed it. But for the most part, they didn't. So how bad could slavery have really been. Apparently not as bad as the victors who wrote the history like to paint it.

But to many more slavery was bad enough for them to escape or attempt to. It is estimated 100,000 escaped through the Underground Railroad and over 4 million escaped total, many during the war.
I would rather Heil Hitler than see the U.S. turned into latin america. I would rather Heil Hitler than see the countless examples of brainwashing of White girls to date negroids on TV every day. I would rather Heil Hitler than see Whites constantly denigrated. I would rather Heil Hitler than see innocent cops and others being given lengthy terms on prison for shooting some black who needed to be shot. Etc. etc. etc. But with the way things are these days, I would rather Heil this guy.

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Got it. You are a fucking nazi scumbag. I’d suggest stormfront. Wear that swastika with pride you disgusting piece of shit. Bye.
"I remember hearing" is not real history. I don't think you have read any real history. It is a lot more fun and less work to repeat the wild clams of Holocaust deniers. I bet you believe in all sorts of conspiracy theories.

I saw it on some history show about the Civil War. I scoured the internet looking for this example of history. But found nothing. Which doesn't surprise me much. With the anti-slavery history written by the victors. With this being the case, I doubt if they would have said it if it wasn't true. Also, I mentioned somewhere that black slaves were better off as slaves than they were as freed people. At least in most cases. And while I looked I stumbled across a book that was written that claimed that after the Civil War, millions of freed slaves died from disease and hunger. With that being the case, is it hard to believe that an ex-slave would have written such a letter decrying the abolishment of slavery? I will give you a link. You can decide if at least that much is real history.

As for the holocaust, I can give you a couple examples of information on it. Though there is MUCH more besides. Each video will take 15 minutes to watch each one. Though no doubt preferring the lies, I doubt if you will do so.


Give us an example of a history book(s) written by the victors that was not an accurate depiction of slavery.

Your "logic" is not based on any history but just the illogical assumption that slavery must have been good if it resulted in blacks living in the U. S.

Thousands of blacks migrate to the U. S. every year and they did not have to suffer through slavery. So, there are much better ways to accomplish things.

All history is not written by the victors. There are other books written by the losers trying to justify slavery, but nobody considers it reputable history.

I don't need any history books. You read my thread and saw the pictures I added. Find any of that in any "history" book written by the victors. Also, I posted a link to a website about the Civil War in post #46 that might be of interest to you. I had heard that things were bad for ex-slaves after the Civil War. But I never saw anything about what that website says in any history book. If it is indeed true.
I am not interested in your 'logic'.

Again... us all a link that proves with 100% certainty that every, 'black' American presently in America - would not be here were it not for slavery?

Can you - yes or no?

Are you interested in "straightforward?" Refute it. Next, I think it was in my last reply to you that i said that for most blacks living here, if not for slavery, they wouldn't be here. Not "all." But "most." So I said right there that not 100% of blacks living here are because of slavery. Why would I need to add to that. "Yes or no."
But to many more slavery was bad enough for them to escape or attempt to. It is estimated 100,000 escaped through the Underground Railroad and over 4 million escaped total, many during the war.

More history written by the cocksucking, negro ass kissing victors. Which means that it is probably made up or overblown. Right now blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. The percentage of the U.S. population that blacks made up back then was probably similar. But interestingly, I give about .0001% of a fuck about negroids in the U.S. Not back then and not now. I would like to be going on a nice long walk through a forest of them impaled on spikes. That is if I am allowed to speak of my likes or dislikes here. Anybody else is free to feel as they wish.
More history written by the cocksucking, negro ass kissing victors. Which means that it is probably made up or overblown. Right now blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. The percentage of the U.S. population that blacks made up back then was probably similar. But interestingly, I give about .0001% of a fuck about negroids in the U.S. Not back then and not now. I would like to be going on a nice long walk through a forest of them impaled on spikes. That is if I am allowed to speak of my likes or dislikes here. Anybody else is free to feel as they wish.

Your life seems bitter and full of hate and desire for violence and death of others.
If you read it, you also saw the pictures I added. To many blacks, slavery was good enough to fight for. A lot more would have done so had the Confederacy allowed it. But for the most part, they didn't. So how bad could slavery have really been. Apparently not as bad as the victors who wrote the history like to paint it.

While it is certainly true that not ALL slaves were mistreated (or worse) there were many that were and none of them lived the lives that they would have on the Dark Continent. Not having the opportunity to do that renders the institution bad.

Did some fight the union ? Yes, of course. Were they all willing ? What was the alternative ? They had no guarantee from the union that anything would be done to accommodate them in any way. They had no resources to move into union territory. It was fight and perhaps die or starve once the union army moved on.

And yes, we all know that life was not necessarily rainbows and lollypops on the Dark Continent but that was little different from any other part of the world including Europe.

And yes, slavery was the norm around the world and Whites were not the first to do it in the Americas.

But Lincoln (I wont hang this on the Union) was the ONLY leader who used force to end slavery killing 600,000+ Americans in the process and destroying 45% of the economy in the process. All the rest managed to accomplish this feat virtually bloodlessly. This makes him the worst president ever. Biden may do as much damage to the economy but it will take some doing to achieve that headcount. Sadly he has a couple years to work on it.
All too often the WOKE cant argue their way out of a paper bag, so when confronted with someone who will not submit and back down to thuggery that is exactly what they do.

No shock that you support a Nazi racist scumbag. Birds of a feather.

I assume you agree with your Nazi buddy that Lincoln was the worst President ever. Speaks volumes about your utter lack of character, integrity and sense of history. You really are a disgusting piece of shit.
While it is certainly true that not ALL slaves were mistreated (or worse) there were many that were and none of them lived the lives that they would have on the Dark Continent. Not having the opportunity to do that renders the institution bad.

Did some fight the union ? Yes, of course. Were they all willing ? What was the alternative ? They had no guarantee from the union that anything would be done to accommodate them in any way. They had no resources to move into union territory. It was fight and perhaps die or starve once the union army moved on.

And yes, we all know that life was not necessarily rainbows and lollypops on the Dark Continent but that was little different from any other part of the world including Europe.

And yes, slavery was the norm around the world and Whites were not the first to do it in the Americas.

But Lincoln (I wont hang this on the Union) was the ONLY leader who used force to end slavery killing 600,000+ Americans in the process and destroying 45% of the economy in the process. All the rest managed to accomplish this feat virtually bloodlessly. This makes him the worst president ever. Biden may do as much damage to the economy but it will take some doing to achieve that headcount. Sadly he has a couple years to work on it.

Well with that history being written by the victors, how can we say anything about what slavery was really like for blacks. Next, blacks were better off here as slaves than they would have been as free people back in Africa. Here, malaria wasn't as much of a problem. Neither did they have to worry about getting killed by a lion, leopard, hyena, cape buffalo, crocodile, rhino, elephant, etc. Next, there was a scene in the movie, "The gangs of New York" that probably happened. Where Irish immigrants were met at the place where the ships they came on disembarked by Union recruiters. Where the men could sign up for the Union army and be given some money that they could then turn over to any family members who were probably in need of it. As you said, many blacks in the North probably joined up for pretty much the same reason.

As for Lincoln, I think his big thing was keeping the country intact. He said, "If I could save the union without freeing any slave, I would do so." As for Biden, his handling of ILLEGAL immigrants is about as treasonous as can be. That aside, there is employment everywhere. The need for truckers for instance. And just last night on the news they talked about women going into construction because they are short of workers too. I wish to hell things were like that 40 years ago!!!!
No shock that you support a Nazi racist scumbag. Birds of a feather.

I assume you agree with your Nazi buddy that Lincoln was the worst President ever. Speaks volumes about your utter lack of character, integrity and sense of history. You really are a disgusting piece of shit.

I know it might be difficult for somebody like you to do. But STOP LYING! I never said that Lincoln was the worst president we ever had. Scumbag.