Slavery in the Old South Was Good!

If they weren't racist they would have made slaves of their fellow whites.

They did. They just used different terms. Such as surfs or indentured servants. Benjamin Franklin himself had to endure an indentured apprenticeship. He had to flee to a different state to escape it.
They did. They just used different terms. Such as surfs or indentured servants. Benjamin Franklin himself had to endure an indentured apprenticeship. He had to flee to a different state to escape it.

Indentured servants voluntarily entered into contracts to work.
On the news you hear about shootings going on all the time. I can't imagine things ever having been worse. As for 1950, the world population back then was around half of what it is today. With fewer people, how could there be more murders.

There were not more total murders. The murder rate (per 100,000 people) was higher. Because we hear a lot about crime is because it gets a lot more media attention. People just assume things get worse, but in reality they are mostly lower. Teen birth rates are an all-time low (peak was 1959), divorce is down, most crime is down, pollution is much lower...

Let's start with the simplest point about this picture, they are wearing Winter Uniforms. The Confederacy never had Winter Uniforms. Sometimes the Winter Uniforms were such a light blue they came out as grey in black and white pictures, but they were never grey in reality.

The 1st Louisiana Native Guard really did exist, but there are no known photos of them. There are photos of US Black troops that later had "1st Louisiana Native Guard" written on them, but that is different. The 1st Louisiana Native Guard was a free Black military unit that Louisiana refused to authorize, and Confederate General Lovell threatened to execute if they tried to assist the Confederacy during the capture of New Orleans. They were folded into the Union Army.

The white is A.M. Chandler, and the Black is Silas Chandler. The photo was taken before Chandler entered the Confederate Army. The photographer would travel the countryside with fake Confederate uniforms, and prop weapons. For some reason, Chandler dressed himself and his slave up as Confederates, and pretended they were both armed. When he did join the army, his slave did not wear a uniform. His slave carried messages back and forth for him, and after he was injured, his younger brother. His slave, Silas, traveled through Union lines, and was not harassed as an enemy combatant. Silas had his family threatened if he ever tried to be free.

The white family has a lot of stories about AM and Silas being the same age, and being like brothers. Silas was 7 years older than the teenage AM, and had a wife and children. They were always at very different stages of their lives.

Silas' family after the Civil War had a tradition that female members of their family should never have contact with their former owners. I think we can all guess why.
Do any history books tell you that slaves earned wages? At least some must have. Because it is well known that some black slaves were eventually able to not only to buy their own freedom, but the freedom of family members and others as well. So where else could the money have come from. And if their masters didn't actually pay them, they made it possible for some to be able to do other work that they did get paid for.

There were some cases where slaves were allowed to find jobs outside slavery, give half their income to their owner, and save up enough money to buy themselves from their owner. The owner would allow this, because they would get paid in multiple ways, thereby making a profit. They did not pay slaves a salary themselves, because that defeats the whole point of having slaves.

When I say some cases, I mean a very few. It was extremely rare, and illegal in most of the South.

But slavery is STILL going on in Africa.

If slavery is so wonderful, then Africa must be much better than the USA... But we all know that is not true.
A horse isn't a human!

In post #74 you suggested that it was racist to import blacks in the old South to work for free. In which I brought up using horses to do work. Horses are animals. Humans, including blacks, are animals. If it is racist to have a black work, it must be racist to have a horse work. Also, horses need to be taken care of. Black slaves needed to be taken care of. So you can't exactly call the work that either did "free."
Indentured servants voluntarily entered into contracts to work.

Yeah. And a prostitute will voluntarily let you fuck her. Or suck your dick. So that isn't saying much. As for surfs, they are born to the land. That basically makes them the property of those who own the land. Being born into that condition was beyond their choice. Also, I was reading once about people who at one time worked on farms in Scotland. It was illegal for them to leave. I doubt if Scotland was the only place such things happened.
There were not more total murders. The murder rate (per 100,000 people) was higher. Because we hear a lot about crime is because it gets a lot more media attention. People just assume things get worse, but in reality they are mostly lower. Teen birth rates are an all-time low (peak was 1959), divorce is down, most crime is down, pollution is much lower...

Statistics don't have a lot to do with media attention. Though as you may know, statistics can sometimes be a pretty tricky thing. Next, with all of the shootings and murders going on, it doesn't seem to me that murder rates could be lower than they have been in the past. As for crime, were things like this going on in the past?

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Let's start with the simplest point about this picture, they are wearing Winter Uniforms. The Confederacy never had Winter Uniforms. Sometimes the Winter Uniforms were such a light blue they came out as grey in black and white pictures, but they were never grey in reality.

The 1st Louisiana Native Guard really did exist, but there are no known photos of them. There are photos of US Black troops that later had "1st Louisiana Native Guard" written on them, but that is different. The 1st Louisiana Native Guard was a free Black military unit that Louisiana refused to authorize, and Confederate General Lovell threatened to execute if they tried to assist the Confederacy during the capture of New Orleans. They were folded into the Union Army.

The white is A.M. Chandler, and the Black is Silas Chandler. The photo was taken before Chandler entered the Confederate Army. The photographer would travel the countryside with fake Confederate uniforms, and prop weapons. For some reason, Chandler dressed himself and his slave up as Confederates, and pretended they were both armed. When he did join the army, his slave did not wear a uniform. His slave carried messages back and forth for him, and after he was injured, his younger brother. His slave, Silas, traveled through Union lines, and was not harassed as an enemy combatant. Silas had his family threatened if he ever tried to be free.

The white family has a lot of stories about AM and Silas being the same age, and being like brothers. Silas was 7 years older than the teenage AM, and had a wife and children. They were always at very different stages of their lives.

Silas' family after the Civil War had a tradition that female members of their family should never have contact with their former owners. I think we can all guess why.

With the first picture, I never saw any Northern troops ever wearing winter uniforms. Neither have I ever seen any light blue uniforms. Also, the blacks shown may not have actually been slaves. I don't know. They very well could have been free blacks living in the south. Next, I know the Confederacy at first wouldn't allow blacks or slaves to fight for them. But for any Confederate to actually execute any black willing to fight for the Confederate cause doesn't seem logical. Which causes me doubt on that matter. As for the second picture, it is what it is. Real, fake, who knows. As for having contact with former owners, maybe the former owners themselves didn't want it.
There were some cases where slaves were allowed to find jobs outside slavery, give half their income to their owner, and save up enough money to buy themselves from their owner. The owner would allow this, because they would get paid in multiple ways, thereby making a profit. They did not pay slaves a salary themselves, because that defeats the whole point of having slaves.

When I say some cases, I mean a very few. It was extremely rare, and illegal in most of the South.

If slavery is so wonderful, then Africa must be much better than the USA... But we all know that is not true.

If a slave is basically off the clock, I can't see their owner caring much what they did. I don't know how accurate it is. But maybe this website will interest you.

Next, as a slave myself, I wouldn't call slavery wonderful. The point I was trying to make with my thread is that slavery in the old South wasn't as bad as is commonly believed. But foremost, if blacks today think it is good that they live in the U.S. rather than in Africa, then the slave trade that made it possible must be good too.
Yeah. And a prostitute will voluntarily let you fuck her. Or suck your dick. So that isn't saying much. As for surfs, they are born to the land. That basically makes them the property of those who own the land. Being born into that condition was beyond their choice. Also, I was reading once about people who at one time worked on farms in Scotland. It was illegal for them to leave. I doubt if Scotland was the only place such things happened.

A woman does not have to be a prostitute. An indentured servant only works for the contracted period of time.
Statistics don't have a lot to do with media attention. Though as you may know, statistics can sometimes be a pretty tricky thing. Next, with all of the shootings and murders going on, it doesn't seem to me that murder rates could be lower than they have been in the past. As for crime, were things like this going on in the past?

Yes. The number of crimes covered in local TV news shows is several times higher than previously--"if it bleeds it leads"
In post #74 you suggested that it was racist to import blacks in the old South to work for free. In which I brought up using horses to do work. Horses are animals. Humans, including blacks, are animals. If it is racist to have a black work, it must be racist to have a horse work. Also, horses need to be taken care of. Black slaves needed to be taken care of. So you can't exactly call the work that either did "free."

Slaves make no wages! That's working for free!
With the first picture, I never saw any Northern troops ever wearing winter uniforms. Neither have I ever seen any light blue uniforms.

You never saw any color Civil War uniform, because are no color photos of the time. Here is the unedited photo of the Black Union soldiers, along with their white officer. The white officer is wearing a darker blue uniform, which while heavy was not a winter uniform. The Black soldiers are wearing winter uniforms in lighter blue.


Next, I know the Confederacy at first wouldn't allow blacks or slaves to fight for them.

At the very end of the war, the Confederacy trained a small number of Blacks to be soldiers, but never allowed them to fight. There were scattered examples of Blacks being forced to fight for the Confederacy, but there was never a policy of allowing Blacks to fight. Allowing Blacks to fight was considered too dangerous, because there was no doubt at the time that the Civil War was a war to preserve slavery, and that slavery was a very bad thing for Blacks.
If a slave is basically off the clock, I can't see their owner caring much what they did. I don't know how accurate it is.

There was no concept of "off the clock" for slaves, and you would care if slaves used the little time they had to sleep on anything other than sleep. They would work less hard from lack of sleep.
A woman does not have to be a prostitute. An indentured servant only works for the contracted period of time.

Some women have no choice but to become a prostitute to make a living. Equally for an indentured servant, they likely had no choice but to choose indentured servitude. Having no choice is pretty much the same thing as slavery. Becoming a whore to "the system." Where you can be sure of getting fucked.