Slavery in the Old South Was Good!

I know it might be difficult for somebody like you to do. But STOP LYING! I never said that Lincoln was the worst president we ever had. Scumbag.

"But Lincoln (I wont hang this on the Union) was the ONLY leader who used force to end slavery killing 600,000+ Americans in the process and destroying 45% of the economy in the process. All the rest managed to accomplish this feat virtually bloodlessly. This makes him the worst president ever."

How fucking stupid do you feel now, you Nazi fucktard? Why lie when it's so easily disproven? You are a special kind of fucking retard.
It hasn't solved the problems the last 5,000+ years. It doesn't seem to be improving them today, either.

Many things are FAR worse today than they have been in the past 5000+ years. Next, for example, look at the problem of illegal immigration. Violence would cure that problem fast enough. Just imagine if the U.S. mexico border didn't have any wall or fence at all. But instead was lined ever 10 feet with an impaled mexican. You think any mexican would dare cross it?

Vlad the Hero.jpg
"But Lincoln (I wont hang this on the Union) was the ONLY leader who used force to end slavery killing 600,000+ Americans in the process and destroying 45% of the economy in the process. All the rest managed to accomplish this feat virtually bloodlessly. This makes him the worst president ever."

How fucking stupid do you feel now, you Nazi fucktard? Why lie when it's so easily disproven? You are a special kind of fucking retard.

I didn't say that asswipe. Somebody else said that in a reply to me.
Tell me anything I said anywhere that you think isn't true. We'll see who the real pond scum is.

Your opinions are not facts. They are neither true nor false. Your opinions make you a Nazi and a racist scumbag. Any other questions?
"But Lincoln (I wont hang this on the Union) was the ONLY leader who used force to end slavery killing 600,000+ Americans in the process and destroying 45% of the economy in the process. All the rest managed to accomplish this feat virtually bloodlessly. This makes him the worst president ever."

How fucking stupid do you feel now, you Nazi fucktard? Why lie when it's so easily disproven? You are a special kind of fucking retard.

FYI ,Southern treasonous fools tried to steal the Southern States! Lincoln was not going to let this theft take place.
Losing their slaves was totally on the Southern racist!
Your opinions are not facts. They are neither true nor false. Your opinions make you a Nazi and a racist scumbag. Any other questions?

I don't just give opinions. But let's play it your way. Tell me any opinion I gave that isn't the truth.
I don't just give opinions. But let's play it your way. Tell me any opinion I gave that isn't the truth.

Are you really this fucking stupid, or are you just pretending. Opinions are not true. They are not false. They do however demonstrate your world view. And your world view makes you a fucking Nazi. You don't even deny it.
Many things are FAR worse today than they have been in the past 5000+ years. Next, for example, look at the problem of illegal immigration. Violence would cure that problem fast enough. Just imagine if the U.S. mexico border didn't have any wall or fence at all. But instead was lined ever 10 feet with an impaled mexican. You think any mexican would dare cross it?

Violence is why many of those immigrants are leaving their countries. The cartel will kill the young boys who will not join and they live around violence every day.

Violence is not worse today than in the past. There are less violent deaths today in the world than about anytime in world history. In 1991 violent crime in the U. S. was 800 per 100,000. Today, it is 400.
FYI ,Southern treasonous fools tried to steal the Southern States! Lincoln was not going to let this theft take place.
Losing their slaves was totally on the Southern racist!

I don't think the Southerners were all that "racist." If they were, they would have never imported blacks to begin with.
Are you really this fucking stupid, or are you just pretending. Opinions are not true. They are not false. They do however demonstrate your world view. And your world view makes you a fucking Nazi. You don't even deny it.

Well then, let's play it that way. See how well you run away from it. tell me anything about my "world view" that you think is wrong. And why. Though all I expect are your same old insults.
Violence is why many of those immigrants are leaving their countries. The cartel will kill the young boys who will not join and they live around violence every day.

Violence is not worse today than in the past. There are less violent deaths today in the world than about anytime in world history. In 1991 violent crime in the U. S. was 800 per 100,000. Today, it is 400.

If the border was closed and lined about every 10 feet with an impaled mexican, I doubt if there would even be any cartels. Because they wouldn't be here to sell drugs and make huge profits. As for the world, there is violence happening all over the place. As for the U.S., try this.
If the border was closed and lined about every 10 feet with an impaled mexican, I doubt if there would even be any cartels. Because they wouldn't be here to sell drugs and make huge profits. As for the world, there is violence happening all over the place. As for the U.S., try this.

A 20 year decline with a short (temporary) 2 year increase in 2019; like the temporary increase in 2001.
The 2020 homicide rate is 30% lower than 1990.

U. S. Homicide Rate: Per 100,000

1990: 9.3
1995: 8.15
2000: 5.53
2001: 6.69
2018: 5.01
2019: 5.07
2020: 6.52

World Death Rate: Per 1,000

1950: 20.15
2021: 7.64

The U. S. homicide rate and world death rate have declined substantially since 1990 and 1950.
Dumb ass,the reason they needed blacks was it was to fucking hot for whites to work in the fields

Most white Southern farmers did not own slaves. Who do you think worked in their fields? Who do you think works their fields now? Or construction workers or any other outside hard labor jobs?

You must be one lazy white boy if you've never worked outside in the heat.
A 20 year decline with a short (temporary) 2 year increase in 2019; like the temporary increase in 2001.
The 2020 homicide rate is 30% lower than 1990.

U. S. Homicide Rate: Per 100,000

1990: 9.3
1995: 8.15
2000: 5.53
2001: 6.69
2018: 5.01
2019: 5.07
2020: 6.52

World Death Rate: Per 1,000

1950: 20.15
2021: 7.64

The U. S. homicide rate and world death rate have declined substantially since 1990 and 1950.

On the news you hear about shootings going on all the time. I can't imagine things ever having been worse. As for 1950, the world population back then was around half of what it is today. With fewer people, how could there be more murders.