Slavery, the Prison/Industrial Complex, and American Hypocrisy

Dude, I've pummelled you into a confused stupor on multiple occassions.
No, David Milch has pummeled me into a confused stupor on multiple occasions. The impressive thing is that I've almost always enjoyed it. You, on the other hand, are merely a human word processor: words go in, are chopped, diced and frappeed, to be spewed out at a later time.
No, David Milch has pummeled me into a confused stupor on multiple occasions. The impressive thing is that I've almost always enjoyed it. You, on the other hand, are merely a human word processor: words go in, are chopped, diced and frappeed, to be spewed out at a later time.

I can't wait to find out who, or what, David Milch is.
I can't wait to find out who, or what, David Milch is.
Alas, I fear you're likely to be disappointed. :)

David Milch makes very sharp edged and often weird television programs for cable -- most notably, Deadwood. Ass made a reference to his most recent (failed) series, John From Cincinnati. Just to prove how witty and informed I am, I responded in kind.
Alas, I fear you're likely to be disappointed. :)

David Milch makes very sharp edged and often weird television programs for cable -- most notably, Deadwood. Ass made a reference to his most recent (failed) series, John From Cincinnati. Just to prove how witty and informed I am, I responded in kind.

Oh! LOL I thought for sure it was going to be a brand of alcohol.
Oh! LOL I thought for sure it was going to be a brand of alcohol.
Hey, I need to invent a David Milch cocktail! Then, when a critic says he's been "hammered by David Milch again" we'll all know what he means.

It'll need to be seriously twisted, though. Best start with mescal . . . .
AGAIN, as we already discussed... compare the sentences of poor white men with poor black men. I bet they are similar.

And AGAIN, you use your "they aren't paid much" mantra. AGAIN, and please answer it this time... if the corps paid the prisoners and THEN the prisoners paid the prison would that make it more acceptable to you? Or do you think the taxpayers should be slaves to the prisoners... forced to pay for those who break the law.

You "bet they are similar" .. but you don't know and don't have the slightest shred of evidence. The Sentencing Project and the host of other organizations who have studied this issue in depth DO know and their conclusion is the disparity is based on race, not wealth.

And taxpayers ARE "slaves" to the corporations because it is the taxpayers who are paying for the plantations and everybody hired to oversee the slaves.

And Americans are paying for it as it further destroys the image of America as a free and just nation, irrespective of your ignoring of the incredoble statistics of how we've become a prison nation.
No, David Milch has pummeled me into a confused stupor on multiple occasions. The impressive thing is that I've almost always enjoyed it. You, on the other hand, are merely a human word processor: words go in, are chopped, diced and frappeed, to be spewed out at a later time.

It's amazing then how I skewer the deeply embedded meme pustules inside your diseased psyche, allowing the puss to rain down and annoint you anew in the world of thinking.
You "bet they are similar" .. but you don't know and don't have the slightest shred of evidence. The Sentencing Project and the host of other organizations who have studied this issue in depth DO know and their conclusion is the disparity is based on race, not wealth.

And taxpayers ARE "slaves" to the corporations because it is the taxpayers who are paying for the plantations and everybody hired to oversee the slaves.

And Americans are paying for it as it further destroys the image of America as a free and just nation, irrespective of your ignoring of the incredoble statistics of how we've become a prison nation.

The thing is, every study I have seen (which is not to say that I have seen them all) has been broken down solely by race. I have not seen one where they take the wealth into the equation. If it was truly by race, then how is it that the rich regardless of race tend to get off with lesser sentences?

Again, I am not saying that race isn't a factor, because there are indeed prejudices that still exist and are acted upon. It is my "belief" that the incarceration is more do to wealth than race. That the disparity of black vs. white has more to do with the percentages of blacks and whites below the poverty line/unemployed etc...

I leave open the possibility that I am wrong on this point. Which is why I would love to see a study done to determine if I am correct or not.
Hey, I need to invent a David Milch cocktail! Then, when a critic says he's been "hammered by David Milch again" we'll all know what he means.

It'll need to be seriously twisted, though. Best start with mescal . . . .

I will let you use a shot I created in college if you like.... it was used only to silence the drunks... although the guy that cleaned the bar did not think it all that funny...

151/Jose/Jack mix poured on top of a nice splash of tobassco at the bottom of the shot glass.

99.9% success rate at getting drunk guy to shut up.... as it is extremely hard to talk and puke at the same time.
It's amazing then how I skewer the deeply embedded meme pustules inside your diseased psyche, allowing the puss to rain down and annoint you anew in the world of thinking.


So anyway, can Ornot be on top in your signature for a while? I'm getting tired.
I will let you use a shot I created in college if you like.... it was used only to silence the drunks... although the guy that cleaned the bar did not think it all that funny...

151/Jose/Jack mix poured on top of a nice splash of tobassco at the bottom of the shot glass.

99.9% success rate at getting drunk guy to shut up.... as it is extremely hard to talk and puke at the same time.


Oh gross.