Slaving for 28.8 hours ?


Villified User
Union will discuss longer VW work week
Associated Press

BERLIN - A labor union agreed Monday to enter talks with Volkswagen AG on its demand that employees work longer for no extra pay at factories in Germany.

The IG Metall union said a commission responsible for wage agreements with Volkswagen voted in favor of entering formal talks, three days after the carmaker said it would consider guaranteeing jobs at six plants. No date was set for the meeting.

Volkswagen, Europe's biggest car maker, is seeking drastic cuts in production costs for its VW-brand vehicles such as its flagship Golf, which are selling strongly but bringing in little profit.

It wants to extend the working week at six plants in western Germany that manufacture VW-brand cars from the current 28.8 hours to 35 hours.

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This is why The United States and East Asia are more economically dominant than Western Europe.

who cares?? id love to only work 28.8 hrs.... Let america be more economically dominant... id only have to work 28.8 hrs... not 40, which would mean less stress for me and more fun... i could watch game show network more...

LOL... sad example IHG>
Move to Europe then Rob. Thing is the quality of life there in many respects in not as high.

I work 45 hours a week and I'm glad that the US is the economic powerhouse it is. Hard working Americans made it that way.
Move to Europe then Rob. Thing is the quality of life there in many respects in not as high.

I work 45 hours a week and I'm glad that the US is the economic powerhouse it is. Hard working Americans made it that way.

id love to ... my VW and Audi would probably cost less... but your being stupid... like we're supposed to be all like yay we are dominate in the market... but we throw our lives away to be dominant... working 60hrs a week etc , we sell our souls for dollars and basically sell out our life for a corporation... and your making it sound like its supposed to be a good thing..

ill never work 60hr weeks... i don't care, lifes too short and important to lose it sitting at a desk, if you want to ihg rock on.
I think divorce is less, suicide is a little higher in Scandinavia don't know about the rest, mental illness is more stigmatized in Europe in general.
and what do you mean "quality of life isn't as high" is Home depot closed on a sunday???!!! OMG!!!! kejroiaerijarjef!!!

When I quit home depot i quit on New Years Day, b/c its a national holiday, national holiday means stores should be closed... and i was hungover... so i quit and left.

but Home Depot was also open on Easter Sunday...

i don't think thats right... all so they can pay people 10 bucks an hr so they can make their millions...
id love to ... my VW and Audi would probably cost less... but your being stupid... like we're supposed to be all like yay we are dominate in the market... but we throw our lives away to be dominant... working 60hrs a week etc , we sell our souls for dollars and basically sell out our life for a corporation... and your making it sound like its supposed to be a good thing..

Good things in life are not free they must be earned through hard work. Are Europeans happier? I'm not sure but many come here seeing the great opportunity they have available here.

Remember this too people working few hours is a double edged sword. You work less but so does everybody else. Its very hard to get certain services in Europe because nothing is open and people are always taking off. I would never want to run a business in Europe.

60 hrs is a lot. 40 is about right. 28 is too little.
and what do you mean "quality of life isn't as high" is Home depot closed on a sunday???!!! OMG!!!! kejroiaerijarjef!!!

When I quit home depot i quit on New Years Day, b/c its a national holiday, national holiday means stores should be closed... and i was hungover... so i quit and left.

but Home Depot was also open on Easter Sunday...

i don't think thats right... all so they can pay people 10 bucks an hr so they can make their millions...

Well at least till they legalize the illegal immigrants, then it will be less. It is the american way. Either take advantage of or be taken advantage of.
When I quit home depot i quit on New Years Day, b/c its a national holiday, national holiday means stores should be closed... and i was hungover... so i quit and left.

but Home Depot was also open on Easter Sunday...

i don't think thats right... all so they can pay people 10 bucks an hr so they can make their millions...

I'm glad they're open. People like me catch up on home repairs on days like this and need the store to be open. If Home Depot doesn't open someone else will and will get my money instead. Although I'm more of a Lowes guy.
and what do you mean "quality of life isn't as high" is Home depot closed on a sunday???!!! OMG!!!! kejroiaerijarjef!!!

When I quit home depot i quit on New Years Day, b/c its a national holiday, national holiday means stores should be closed... and i was hungover... so i quit and left.

but Home Depot was also open on Easter Sunday...

i don't think thats right... all so they can pay people 10 bucks an hr so they can make their millions...
I prefer to be working rather than sitting around watching game shows. Life is to short to waste on worthless tasks like that...

:D Of course, posting on a board is VITAL though!
as opposed to making people work on Easter sunday and other NATIONAL HOLIDAYS so people can sacrifice time spent with family for ten bucks an hr... no thanks IHG, and id prefer they were closed...

i remember being at Home Depot working on Easter, of which i thought it would be easy money b/c poeple would be cooking hams... it was packed... PACKED...

then everyone was all like 'oh i feel so bad that you have to work today' and i felt like saying i wouldn't have to if you weren't in here spending your money...

i think 30hr work week is about right.. or perhaps 4 days at 8 hrs. so 32 hrs a week...
When I quit home depot i quit on New Years Day, b/c its a national holiday, national holiday means stores should be closed... and i was hungover... so i quit and left.

but Home Depot was also open on Easter Sunday...

i don't think thats right... all so they can pay people 10 bucks an hr so they can make their millions...

I'm glad they're open. People like me catch up on home repairs on days like this and need the store to be open. If Home Depot doesn't open someone else will and will get my money instead. Although I'm more of a Lowes guy.

actually that puts you in the either your a loser category or you hate your family category or both.

i think its very sad that you would advocate stores being open on holidays such as easter... you should write them and ask em to be open for christmas too. so thatway someones father can have to work for 10 bucks an hr and miss seeing his kid open their presents.
as opposed to making people work on Easter sunday and other NATIONAL HOLIDAYS so people can sacrifice time spent with family for ten bucks an hr... no thanks IHG, and id prefer they were closed...

If you don't want to work those days take them off. However I find stores being closed to be a hassle. Not everybody cares about Easter anyway. I don't observe Easter and many others don't either. I would be perfectly fine with working that day.

i think 30hr work week is about right.. or perhaps 4 days at 8 hrs. so 32 hrs a week...

You would regret that if you saw what it would do to our economy.
as opposed to making people work on Easter sunday and other NATIONAL HOLIDAYS so people can sacrifice time spent with family for ten bucks an hr... no thanks IHG, and id prefer they were closed...

If you don't want to work those days take them off. However I find stores being closed to be a hassle. Not everybody cares about Easter anyway. I don't observe Easter and many others don't either. I would be perfectly fine with working that day.

i think 30hr work week is about right.. or perhaps 4 days at 8 hrs. so 32 hrs a week...

You would regret that if you saw what it would do to our economy.

why peop,le are already working 60, 70 or even 80 hrs a week, and the economy still sucks...


nice scare tactic.