Slaving for 28.8 hours ?

in any event your all like 'american way' dude the glasses are made in Italy. so people buy em there as well. just like the BMW mercedes and audis are made in Germany... do you think they just make them there to ship em all here??

We pay a premium for these vehicles here. They do not. Same with the glasses.

LOL ownage.

Ha! nice try.

Germans do not pay as much for these cars as you do. Also you think that because the only German cars that are sold here are expensive luxury cars that that is all the Germany produces and thus all that its people drive. You would be surprised to learn that European nations make a multitude of cars that are not sold here that are smaller and cheaper than what they sell us.

The idea you have in your head that everyone is Germany is driving a Benz or Beamer is laughable. A good chunk of their people are unemployed or take the bus and train.
how is it the american way if they were made in Italy??

Because we are the ones paying 150 dollars for it. Usually only because it has a certain name on it. Take the name off of it and it becomes ten dollars. I'm sure the Italians get a good laugh at this.

well they last and i still wear them so i really don't think its wasted money.

and i think Italians buy them too so i don't know why its this big deal.
in any event your all like 'american way' dude the glasses are made in Italy. so people buy em there as well. just like the BMW mercedes and audis are made in Germany... do you think they just make them there to ship em all here??

We pay a premium for these vehicles here. They do not. Same with the glasses.

LOL ownage.

Ha! nice try.

Germans do not pay as much for these cars as you do. Also you think that because the only German cars that are sold here are expensive luxury cars that that is all the Germany produces and thus all that its people drive. You would be surprised to learn that European nations make a multitude of cars that are not sold here that are smaller and cheaper than what they sell us.

The idea you have in your head that everyone is Germany is driving a Benz or Beamer is laughable. A good chunk of their people are unemployed or take the bus and train.
Yep take the bus or train, options not avilaable to the vast majority of America.
Also big cars don't fit too well on those old narrow streets over there and parking is an issue. At one time in Japan you had to prove you had a place to park a car before you could buy and register one.
Just some other points to ponder.
OTOH, who cares about economic dominance?

The western European economies seem to be doing pretty well, even with shorter work weeks and more paid time off.

Have you looked at the unemployment rates of these nations. Not doing so well.
OTOH, who cares about economic dominance?

The western European economies seem to be doing pretty well, even with shorter work weeks and more paid time off.

thats what ive been saying... read my posts... who cares, people are selling their souls so we can be the most dominant, but who's enjoying life the most??
Yep take the bus or train, options not avilaable to the vast majority of America.

Consider that the US is also much less densely populated. Mass transit is even close to being profitable in much of the country.
prob not much more than 42, most people don't work overtime so they makeup for the few busting rocks like Chap.

Dawgy, other dude gets the ownage vote from me on this thread.
If you told me you wanted a carefree lifestlye without stress then yes Europe but your too materialistic.
I read somewhere that Germans pay like 15,000 for a drivers license, huge taxes on their cars. Man I can just hear you bitchin now.
awgy, other dude gets the ownage vote from me on this thread.
If you told me you wanted a carefree lifestlye without stress then yes Europe but your too materialistic.
I read somewhere that Germans pay like 15,000 for a drivers license, huge taxes on their cars. Man I can just hear you bitchin now.
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Exactly if you're not materialistic and are happy with a simple life without a lot of stuff Europe is fine for you. If you want to live the American lifestyle you have to work the American lifestyle. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
OTOH, who cares about economic dominance?

The western European economies seem to be doing pretty well, even with shorter work weeks and more paid time off.

Have you looked at the unemployment rates of these nations. Not doing so well.
They tend to calculate their unemployment rates differently than we do: they count everyone out of work whereas our government only counts those whom they believe to be looking for work. That makes a big difference.

Gearing one's economy for quality of life rather than maximizing production is actually a more rational approach. It tends to spread the benefits of the economy more evenly across the social strata.
They tend to calculate their unemployment rates differently than we do: they count everyone out of work whereas our government only counts those whom they believe to be looking for work. That makes a big difference.

Gearing one's economy for quality of life rather than maximizing production is actually a more rational approach. It tends to spread the benefits of the economy more evenly across the social strata.

Do they have a higher quality of life? In some respects they do but in others I would say not. Someone who is used to living in this country with the rediculous wealth and opportunity for gluttony would have a hard time living in Europe.

I just find it funny when people who are truly living the American lifestyle complain and wish to emulate Europe. There are tradeoffs just as there are with everything.
Though my sunglasses were 150 but they are armani.

Thats what the fuck I'm talking about. Far fewer Europeans could ever afford to be so frivolous with their spending habits. 150 dollars for something to make you look good. This is the American way it seems and it is done on the back of our economy which has long working hours as the backbone behind it.

You wish to bite the hand that feeds you Rob. Not a wise thing. Or are you talking about just a short work week for you yourself?

Friviolous ??? try theivery, I think Rob stiole them off a guy.
that's funny ornot,
we reward savings and investing more, thus more spread from the middle.
Better business and businessman
Perhaps with investing but I don't think our country rewards savings as much. Americans save a smaller percentage of their income than the rest of the west. Perhaps we just have a higher emphasis on consumption.

Harder to save money when you spend 150 dollars on sunglasses.
IHG, how do you feel about vacation time?? lol i could see you now if you owned/ran a business..

the vacation time policy-- there is no vacation time sick days or personal days... if a family member dies, you do not get 3 days berevement.