Slaving for 28.8 hours ?

actually that puts you in the either your a loser category or you hate your family category or both.

i think its very sad that you would advocate stores being open on holidays such as easter... you should write them and ask em to be open for christmas too. so thatway someones father can have to work for 10 bucks an hr and miss seeing his kid open their presents.

Rob don't be so judgemental. I don't celebrate Easter and if not for my wife wouldn't celebrate Chirstmas either. Why don't we just close for every holiday. Arbor day, Flag day, Yom Kippur, Ramadan, three kings day.

Easter doesn't mean anything to me so I use it to catch up on housework. That doesn't make me a loser or mean I hate my family.
I'm all for more vacays.

exactly and think lady t. lets say the work week was still M-F but youd get one of those days off if you worked 32 hrs a week... so think of how that would help our crippled road system...

problem solved!!!

it would definently lower congestion.
why peop,le are already working 60, 70 or even 80 hrs a week, and the economy still sucks...


nice scare tactic.
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Compared to what? America in the 90s when people worked the same amount. Hey how about that German economy with unemployement over 10% I'm sure it would be great to emulate a country like that.
actually that puts you in the either your a loser category or you hate your family category or both.

i think its very sad that you would advocate stores being open on holidays such as easter... you should write them and ask em to be open for christmas too. so thatway someones father can have to work for 10 bucks an hr and miss seeing his kid open their presents.

Rob don't be so judgemental. I don't celebrate Easter and if not for my wife wouldn't celebrate Chirstmas either. Why don't we just close for every holiday. Arbor day, Flag day, Yom Kippur, Ramadan, three kings day.

Easter doesn't mean anything to me so I use it to catch up on housework. That doesn't make me a loser or mean I hate my family.

are you comparing Easter to Flag day?? if you are thats pretty desparate... Easter is a family holiday, where people cook a ham, and get together w/ their family... its comparable to thanksgiving...
Its funny Rob. I live a much more modest lifestyle than you economically and yet you are all for the 32 hour workweek.

You talk about buying luxury cars and expensive flip flops. Do you think you could easily afford such things living in Europe? People live in postage stamps and drive go carts over there.

We work as little as they do and we can expect something similar here.
US average work week is right at 35hrs, lol no where near 50
as usual USC facts don't enter you bias bashing of this great country
I'm with Rob on the less work more fun gig though.

are you comparing Easter to Flag day?? if you are thats pretty desparate... Easter is a family holiday, where people cook a ham, and get together w/ their family... its comparable to thanksgiving...

It means the same to me personally.

Easter is a christian appropriation of the pagan holidays observing the vernal equinox. Why would I give a fuck about such a thing.

Holidays are just a way for this country to try to force you into spending money.

As far as time to spend with family its sad that we look at a calendar and decree "Now is the time to spend with family." You should want to be with your family just because not because of the calendar.

Another artifact of the shallowness our our popular culture.
Its funny Rob. I live a much more modest lifestyle than you economically and yet you are all for the 32 hour workweek.

You talk about buying luxury cars and expensive flip flops. Do you think you could easily afford such things living in Europe? People live in postage stamps and drive go carts over there.

We work as little as they do and we can expect something similar here.

My flip flops aren't expensive, and i don't really see whats wrong w/ owning an Audi A4 03. I bought it used, its not like i bought it brand new, And yeah i do think people in Germany drive BMW's and Audis hell they are made there and they have the autobahn where there is no speed limits... talk about good living... Though my sunglasses were 150 but they are armani.

are you comparing Easter to Flag day?? if you are thats pretty desparate... Easter is a family holiday, where people cook a ham, and get together w/ their family... its comparable to thanksgiving...

It means the same to me personally.

Easter is a christian appropriation of the pagan holidays observing the vernal equinox. Why would I give a fuck about such a thing.

Holidays are just a way for this country to try to force you into spending money.

As far as time to spend with family its sad that we look at a calendar and decree "Now is the time to spend with family." You should want to be with your family just because not because of the calendar.

Another artifact of the shallowness our our popular culture.

Who has time if not on a holiday... everyones always working IHG... LOL.
Dawgy, you'd be surprised how low their standard of living is compared to ours and how much higher taxes are.
I had a business meeting years ago with a guy from England and he laid it out to me that they have way less poverty but way less above middle class like we do.
There per capita is like 2/3 ours and much more bunched in the middle.
Though my sunglasses were 150 but they are armani.

Thats what the fuck I'm talking about. Far fewer Europeans could ever afford to be so frivolous with their spending habits. 150 dollars for something to make you look good. This is the American way it seems and it is done on the back of our economy which has long working hours as the backbone behind it.

You wish to bite the hand that feeds you Rob. Not a wise thing. Or are you talking about just a short work week for you yourself?
Who has time if not on a holiday... everyones always working IHG... LOL.

Most who don't work in the service sector have weekends off last I checked. Thats when I visit family members.
Though my sunglasses were 150 but they are armani.

Thats what the fuck I'm talking about. Far fewer Europeans could ever afford to be so frivolous with their spending habits. 150 dollars for something to make you look good. This is the American way it seems and it is done on the back of our economy which has long working hours as the backbone behind it.

You wish to bite the hand that feeds you Rob. Not a wise thing. Or are you talking about just a short work week for you yourself?

how is it the american way if they were made in Italy??
Dawgy, you'd be surprised how low their standard of living is compared to ours and how much higher taxes are.
I had a business meeting years ago with a guy from England and he laid it out to me that they have way less poverty but way less above middle class like we do.
There per capita is like 2/3 ours and much more bunched in the middle.

And England is performing the best in Western Europe compare there lifestyle with France, Germany or Italy and you'll really see a difference.
how is it the american way if they were made in Italy??

Because we are the ones paying 150 dollars for it. Usually only because it has a certain name on it. Take the name off of it and it becomes ten dollars. I'm sure the Italians get a good laugh at this.
Though my sunglasses were 150 but they are armani.

Thats what the fuck I'm talking about. Far fewer Europeans could ever afford to be so frivolous with their spending habits. 150 dollars for something to make you look good. This is the American way it seems and it is done on the back of our economy which has long working hours as the backbone behind it.

You wish to bite the hand that feeds you Rob. Not a wise thing. Or are you talking about just a short work week for you yourself?

actually short by who's standards?? a 32 hr work week would be long in germany..... :tongout:

in any event your all like 'american way' dude the glasses are made in Italy. so people buy em there as well. just like the BMW mercedes and audis are made in Germany... do you think they just make them there to ship em all here??

i would bet people in germany buy bmw's and the like i mean if they didn't why not just have all the plants here it would be cheaper...

LOL ownage... nice scare tactic but unfortunately it blew up in your face.