So looking foward to next Tuesday, I can go to the Exchange and get my new insurance.

This is an interesting point. Jarod is a lawyer. That is supposedly a lucrative occupation. If Jarod is eligible for obamacare based on his income, how good a lawyer can he be? And if he is a good lawyer, I want to see his face when he finds out his premiums are going up! And once again, if he doesn't understand this BEFORE he purchases insurance, is he smart enough to be a good lawyer?

Excellent points; all of which will be way over the heads of the liberal dullards that infest this forum with their incredible ignorance.
My biggest prejudice is being exposed to the incredible level of dishonesty and ignorance people like you utter on almost every thread in this forum. I hate ignorance almost as much as I hate Communists.

Wait, I know...were you the one that wrote that whole term paper on communism?
The official name of Obamacare -- the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- appears to be a cruel tactic to trick people into thinking they're going to save money on health insurance, much like early Scandinavian pioneers named the country of Greenland as a way to attract more settlers, obscuring the fact that the country is 80% covered by an ice sheet that's 1 mile thick.

After reading media articles about how rates were going to climb, I fully expected my premium to go up more than the typical 20% annual increase I've seen in recent years.

My current premium is $631.00 per month under my company's group policy, and my 2014 estimated premium is $1,596.00. That's a 152.9% increase!

Here's a snapshot of part of my statement from Blue Shield:


That image you posted seems to be from a Motley Fool editorial.....

somehow your post seems to imply that that is actually your insurance wouldn't be lying through your fucking teeth, would you? You who can't accept an anecdote from anyone without accusing them of making it up?
I love these die-hard faith in socialism threads.

Reminds of when Dr. Zhivago came home from the war and found a bunch of bitter and vindictive Soviets living in his house. They never realize it's too late until something's been done that is nearly impossible to undo.
I am rightfully prejudiced against insurance companies, some prejudice is justified. If you knew any better you would be also.
I wouldn't say I'm prejudiced against insurance companies. I know the next comments is going to make the xenophobes howl but who cares, they're idiots. I prefer a market based approached to a nationalized systems. In that respect I think the French model is the gold star model. The one problem with the market approach is the obvious conflict of interest between the pressure to maximize profits and improve health care access and outcomes. That conflict of interest is easily managed by requiring all health care insurance companies to operate as non-profits.
You mean like how they help you with roads, schools, hospitals, airports, public utilities, national defense, reliable mail service, etc.?

"Roads and bridges! Roads and bridges!" Will that mantra ever die?

"Infrastructure! Shovel-ready jobs!" We earmarked hundreds of billions of dollars for that 4 years ago. What's the progress there?

I think the toll on the George Washington Bridge here in NYC just hit $13 to cross. We've paid for this crap 1000 times over.

But Obamacare? Oh yeah, that's the one that's gonna work.

This is an interesting point. Jarod is a lawyer. That is supposedly a lucrative occupation. If Jarod is eligible for obamacare based on his income, how good a lawyer can he be? And if he is a good lawyer, I want to see his face when he finds out his premiums are going up! And once again, if he doesn't understand this BEFORE he purchases insurance, is he smart enough to be a good lawyer?
ROTFLMAO! You have no idea what the health care exchanges are about do you? LOL I mean, you're one of the people that Jarod was writing about. You don't know what the ACA is about, do you? LOL
I love these die-hard faith in socialism threads.

Reminds of when Dr. Zhivago came home from the war and found a bunch of bitter and vindictive Soviets living in his house. They never realize it's too late until something's been done that is nearly impossible to undo.
LOL Oh this thread is bringing out some serious comedy gold. Here's another wingnut who doesn't know what the hell socialism is! LOL LOL LOL
"Roads and bridges! Roads and bridges!" Will that mantra ever die?

"Infrastructure! Shovel-ready jobs!" We earmarked hundreds of billions of dollars for that 4 years ago. What's the progress there?

I think the toll on the George Washington Bridge here in NYC just hit $13 to cross. We've paid for this crap 1000 times over.

But Obamacare? Oh yeah, that's the one that's gonna work.

Why shouldn't it? It's what we have always done in this country when the markets fail. If the markets could provide the services the public needs, with acceptable outcomes at a reasonable price then we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we?
LOL Oh this threat is bringing out some serious comedy gold. Here's another wingnut who doesn't know what the hell socialism is! LOL LOL LOL

Yes, yes, yes. I remember a correction in the NY Times many years ago. They apparently referred to a groups as "communists" but corrected it to "Leninist-Marxists."

Liberals can make such subtle distinctions. But I bet if I asked you to distinguish between Donald Rumsfeld and the Anti-Christ, all I'd get from you is a puzzled expression.
Why shouldn't it? It's what we have always done in this country when the markets fail. If the markets could provide the services the public needs, with acceptable outcomes at a reasonable price then we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we?

Whoa! If health insurance were still "insurance," instead of "free medical services paid for by others," which is basically what government converted it into... the market wouldn't be having this problem in the first place.
Why shouldn't it? It's what we have always done in this country when the markets fail. If the markets could provide the services the public needs, with acceptable outcomes at a reasonable price then we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we?

REALLY? So every recession we have engaged in massive public works projects to keep the economy chugging along? Apparently you are not only a clueless buffoon who empty headedly parrots DNC talking points, but historically ignorant as well.
LOL Oh this thread is bringing out some serious comedy gold. Here's another wingnut who doesn't know what the hell socialism is! LOL LOL LOL

I am constantly amused by left wingnuts who lampoon right wingnuts because they don't parrot the same moronic clueless talking points they do.

Of course if you weren't such an ignoramus about economics and history, you wouldn't be claiming others are wingnuts for debating facts.

The irony for you is your brain dead defense of Obamacare which has destroyed more jobs in this country than any single stupid Democrat legislation in the history of this country. But because you are too stupid to grasp that and comprehend simple facts, you mindlessly tow the DNC line parroting their idiot talking points. Now THAT is comedy gold.
I've been around TONS of people who hate Obamacare to the bone and I've asked them all "So what exactly is it all about?". 99% of them say "I don't really know, I just know it's bad" I always laugh a little inside without explaining it to them. I think I would just feel mean telling them what it does at that point, I mean, they clearly don't care and only hate it because they are told to hate it.

One could say the exact same thing about those who love it. They love it because they were told to love it, but don't know much about the program either.

Any suggestion that it's only republicans who don't like Obamacare is disingenuous at best.

I don't like or support it for the same reason that many others don't .. it is not health care reform by any stretch of the imagination, AND it's a corporatist bill designed for the health insurance industry, not the best interests of the American people.

What anyone else thinks about it is not my problem.
I am constantly amused by left wingnuts who lampoon right wingnuts because they don't parrot the same moronic clueless talking points they do.

They're conditioned by a lifetime of pats on the head and "Smart Boy!" comments whenever they mindlessly mouth talking points.

They're really no different than lab rats who run through a maze, push a button at the end, and get rewarded with a food pellet.