So looking foward to next Tuesday, I can go to the Exchange and get my new insurance.

I got an image of him camping out the night before like a Black Friday shopper......

So many people are so confused about what the ACA provides for that they are talking about being forced to enroll in Obamacare, and how they have to quit there insurance company and just go with Obamacare. And in the process Insurance companies are taking advantage of the confusion, much like Exxon uses a tanker spill or hurricane as an excuse to raise the price of Gas. Anything for profit. Why do you suspect insurance companies are calling people before the exchanges open to try to sign up as many people as possible into the more expensive plans?

Hell its health care capitalism, Insurance companies who don't care more about there bottom line than people will quickly be put out of business. FREE MARKET!
when this law sinks in to the American people the republican party will be a laughing stock.

The public will KNOW who runs the party.

Liars who don't care about this country or the people
when this law sinks in to the American people the republican party will be a laughing stock.

The public will KNOW who runs the party.

Liars who don't care about this country or the people

Wrong again; but at least you are consistent. When the job killing deficit ballooning reality of this law hits the American sheeple, even they won't be stupid enough to continue supporting this massive failure.

But Obama can still depend on brain dead asshats like you who will continue to prattle on how great Obamascare is; if only the rest of us could be as incredibly stupid as you appear to be.
when this law sinks in to the American people the republican party will be a laughing stock.

The public will KNOW who runs the party.

Liars who don't care about this country or the people

It will take a while, they are going to keep lying about it until at least after 14' and maybe 16'. It will be changed and tweaked over the years, but we will never go back to the wild west of medical care in this country again, thank GOD! They fought tooth and nail for a long time to prevent any changes, finally we pushed them off the mark and we are moving forward.
So many people are so confused about what the ACA provides for that they are talking about being forced to enroll in Obamacare, and how they have to quit there insurance company and just go with Obamacare. And in the process Insurance companies are taking advantage of the confusion, much like Exxon uses a tanker spill or hurricane as an excuse to raise the price of Gas. Anything for profit. Why do you suspect insurance companies are calling people before the exchanges open to try to sign up as many people as possible into the more expensive plans?

Hell its health care capitalism, Insurance companies who don't care more about there bottom line than people will quickly be put out of business. FREE MARKET!

Who do you think wrote it?

Are you of the opinion that the health insurance industry would write legislation that lessens their grip on health care in America?
It was written at a time when it looked like the Clintons might actually get universal care done.

They KNEW it would NOT be law.

Now they got out played by the people.

Its a step and not backwards.
Who do you think wrote it?

Are you of the opinion that the health insurance industry would write legislation that lessens their grip on health care in America?

I believe it is a first step toward limiting Insurance power. They spent a LOT of money trying to prevent its passage. I am sure they had input, but they preferred to keep it like it was. They successfully prevented a public option, which might kill this plan if they don't add one in the coming years. It depends on how well the insurance companies can work together to keep the prices up.

If one or two of the INs companies break ranks and start offering less expensive plans, competition will work its magic and we will get good coverage for less.
It was written at a time when it looked like the Clintons might actually get universal care done.

They KNEW it would NOT be law.

Now they got out played by the people.

Its a step and not backwards.

It's a side-step from enacting real health care reform .. where insurance companies are not in control.

It's a side-step away from single-payer, which Obama did not support.

Why is Obamacare not good enough?
Private insurance companies still control healthcare.

What’s better than Obamacare?

Why think about it now?
How does Single Payer work?
What’s in it for my family and me?
How can this come about?
What can I do to help?

These are DOCTORS talking .. not republicans, not Fox News.

This is where I and a mass of other people get our information about healthcare reform from.
I believe it is a first step toward limiting Insurance power. They spent a LOT of money trying to prevent its passage. I am sure they had input, but they preferred to keep it like it was. They successfully prevented a public option, which might kill this plan if they don't add one in the coming years. It depends on how well the insurance companies can work together to keep the prices up.

If one or two of the INs companies break ranks and start offering less expensive plans, competition will work its magic and we will get good coverage for less.

You're not listening brother. THEY WROTE IT.

The uber-conservative Heritage Foundation helped to design it.

It is not reform, the insurance companies are still in control and it doesn't address costs.

At some point you supporters should wake up to the reality that it isn't just republicans who don't like this bill.
and what would have happened to our economy if we would have dismantled the insurance industry right in the beginning of a HUGE economic freefall?

dude be reasonable
and what would have happened to our economy if we would have dismantled the insurance industry right in the beginning of a HUGE economic freefall?

dude be reasonable

Now you're defending the health insurance industry?

What would have happened is a health care economic boon in this country.

An explosion of new jobs, facilities, and students.

Single Payer / Medicare for All
An Economic Stimulus Plan for the Nation
No dude

Im defending rational decisions that actually make lives better instead of placing policy over real human lives
If this country had dismantled an entire industry right in the beginning of a massive down turn many many real human beings would have suffered than did.

This is NOT about policy.

its about real human suffering.

when you side with policy over real human pain then your fucked in the head
No dude

Im defending rational decisions that actually make lives better instead of placing policy over real human lives

No you're not. You're defending what was handed you, not what is best policy.

There is no way in hell you can defend Obamacare being superior to single payer for the American people .. but you're welcome to try.

Lots of people agree with you that Medicare for all is a better idea than Obamacare and we can argue back and forth henceforth anon about whether it could have passed Congress in 2010, but at this stage of the game it's not going to happen any time remotely soon. How about we agree that it'd be swell in an ideal world and move on?
If this country had dismantled an entire industry right in the beginning of a massive down turn many many real human beings would have suffered than did.

This is NOT about policy.

its about real human suffering.

when you side with policy over real human pain then your fucked in the head

Your argument is seriously flawed.

The dismantling of the entire health insurance industry was not necessary. Many of those who have Medicare, also have private insurance.
If you are doing a universal healthcare with a single payer?

dude it would have to restructure the entire health insurance industry.

we will get there but the timing would have made it disastorus