So looking foward to next Tuesday, I can go to the Exchange and get my new insurance.


Lots of people agree with you that Medicare for all is a better idea than Obamacare and we can argue back and forth henceforth anon about whether it could have passed Congress in 2010, but at this stage of the game it's not going to happen any time remotely soon. How about we agree that it'd be swell in an ideal world and move on?

That is a sound perspective, but it leaves out the continued fight for real healthcare reform. The status quo simply will not do, and the need to reform healthcare stands as great today as it was before Obama came to office. Obamacare does not address a myriad of problems that demanded reform in the first place .. such as costs.

The question is do I simply accept what democrats produced, or do I continue to fight for, and demand real healthcare reform.

I choose the latter. I have children and grandchildren.
If you are doing a universal healthcare with a single payer?

dude it would have to restructure the entire health insurance industry.

we will get there but the timing would have made it disastorus

You're not listening.

MILLIONS of people have Medicare today and MILLIONS of those people also have private insurance.
You're not listening brother. THEY WROTE IT.

The uber-conservative Heritage Foundation helped to design it.

It is not reform, the insurance companies are still in control and it doesn't address costs.

At some point you supporters should wake up to the reality that it isn't just republicans who don't like this bill.

Another incredibly dense and stupid claim based on Librul talking points.
That is a sound perspective, but it leaves out the continued fight for real healthcare reform. The status quo simply will not do, and the need to reform healthcare stands as great today as it was before Obama came to office. Obamacare does not address a myriad of problems that demanded reform in the first place .. such as costs.

The question is do I simply accept what democrats produced, or do I continue to fight for, and demand real healthcare reform.

I choose the latter. I have children and grandchildren.

Had to try.
You're not listening brother. THEY WROTE IT.

The uber-conservative Heritage Foundation helped to design it.

That's pretty silly.

Somebody, who no one seems to remember, who never amounted to much in the conservative movement, wrong an essay almost a quarter of century ago in Heritage magazine.

To imply Heritage was on board with this mess is a gross misrepresentation.
Single Payer health care; the next big moronic mistake and goal of the Liberal leftists.

Of course, the plan all along was to eventually supplant Obamascare with a Single Payer disaster much like Europe and Canada has.
That's pretty silly.

Somebody, who no one seems to remember, who never amounted to much in the conservative movement, wrong an essay almost a quarter of century ago in Heritage magazine.

To imply Heritage was on board with this mess is a gross misrepresentation.

You're dealing with someone who is partisan; when did she ever care about the truth or facts?
That's pretty silly.

Somebody, who no one seems to remember, who never amounted to much in the conservative movement, wrong an essay almost a quarter of century ago in Heritage magazine.

To imply Heritage was on board with this mess is a gross misrepresentation.

Oh really?

DESIGNING .. Romneycare .. which is Obamacare .. the Heritage Foundation .. not a fucking essay.

Do you need to see NRA input .. given that you don't seem to know much.
That's pretty silly.

Somebody, who no one seems to remember, who never amounted to much in the conservative movement, wrong an essay almost a quarter of century ago in Heritage magazine.

To imply Heritage was on board with this mess is a gross misrepresentation.

Well, as far as the individual mandate is concerned, it appeared in the Republican alternative to Clinton's health care reform bill, which was co-sponsored by Bob Dole, then Senate Minority Leader. So the idea that it was just some nameless guy at Hertiage writing an essay is really silly.
It would really help if some of you actually knew politics before you jump on a political message board and claim that you do.
He's too fucking dumb to realize that a linked story written in the first person isn't purporting to be a personal anecdote, so who knows?

First of all, I'm female. Second, is that how you cover your lying ass? You posted a thread, with no quotes, or link to the motley fool, with an 'editorial' image, pretending that it was YOUR insurance statement. THAT is how dishonest the whole right wing is. If you can get away with lying, you do.

As for Mr. Communist (Truth Detector..hahaa..) ....did you or didn't you say your wrote a WHOLE term paper on communism? Thereby making you the world's foremost expert?
First of all, I'm female. Second, is that how you cover your lying ass? You posted a thread, with no quotes, or link to the motley fool, with an 'editorial' image, pretending that it was YOUR insurance statement. THAT is how dishonest the whole right wing is. If you can get away with lying, you do. As for Mr. Communist (Truth Detector..hahaa..) ....did you or didn't you say your wrote a WHOLE term paper on communism? Thereby making you the world's foremost expert?

LOL, I posted the article verbatim and provided the link, sugar tits. No attempt to claim anything was "mine".

P.S. I fucked your Madre, Sierra. She says you're no treasure.
They're conditioned by a lifetime of pats on the head and "Smart Boy!" comments whenever they mindlessly mouth talking points.

They're really no different than lab rats who run through a maze, push a button at the end, and get rewarded with a food pellet.

*They* would of course be most people. Right wing nuts jobs exist in large numbers 1) on the internet 2) in pockets of rural communities (like the one where I live) and 3) US House of Reps.

You uneducated, disingenuous (motley fool graphic!) right wingers are very much in the minority. Looks like Texas is going blue...isn't it?
Oh really?

DESIGNING .. Romneycare .. which is Obamacare .. the Heritage Foundation .. not a fucking essay.

Do you need to see NRA input .. given that you don't seem to know much.

Dumbass; Romney care is not even close to Obamascare and claiming that the Heritage Foundation designed it is the epitome of incredible ignorance and stupidity. Are you really that dense thinking that this legislation was designed by the Heritage Foundation and that this video proves it? Really? Dumbass.

But then, when have you ever been accused of being honest, intelligent or having a clue.

The Massachusetts healthcare bill was written by a Democrat controlled legislature and signed into law with multiple line item vetoes.

The major difference with Obamascare is that Obamascare is an unconstitutional Big Government Federal power grab (I don’t care what the Supreme Court mistakenly asserted) that was passed unilaterally without any opposition input for the express tactic of passing anything knowing that the eventual goal was single payer; another abomination.
Well, as far as the individual mandate is concerned, it appeared in the Republican alternative to Clinton's health care reform bill, which was co-sponsored by Bob Dole, then Senate Minority Leader. So the idea that it was just some nameless guy at Hertiage writing an essay is really silly.

Republican legislators had nothing to do with Obamascare or Romneycare. Both are huge legislative mistakes passed by brain dead Liberal Democrats with the historical knowledge and memory of a lemming.
Single Payer health care; the next big moronic mistake and goal of the Liberal leftists.

Of course, the plan all along was to eventually supplant Obamascare with a Single Payer disaster much like Europe and Canada has.

and your proof they are a disaster is what?